Jung doesn't even love our main character (yet) does he? Haiz...:( he is quite evil and broken (or should I say twisted) somehow. Scared of him. Though I wanna see how he'll change for Seol. He's such a complicated character, outside looks like the "mister nice guy/mister perfect " but he's muchhhh more complex than that. Tard evil, quite childish, selfish, very intelligent blah blah blah. Really like our main female character, and all other ones as well. All seem to be very interesting. Anyway, after realising how evil Jung is I'm kinda wish that Hong Seol and Inho will be together (somehow) lol.

I'm scared of him too. ...I don't understand why he all of a sudden, after that 1st year of meeting, became ...interested... in her. (not that she's a bad girl or one of those undateable types). it was really confusing that they started the manga in the 2nd year and did flash back so we could understand from a characters perspective. I understand he at 1st thought she was a loser, but what made him change his mind?
I don't know if he's just interested in her or if he does 'love' her though it maybe he's just interested. w/ ch.80 he smiles (looked sinister to me) at silence and the empty hospital and he 'smiles' saying that she's his girlfriend ...<ugh>. He may like her in the essence that she doesn't try to cling to him or try to get him to buy her stuff (those people seem to hang around him). though he may very well like her, he still has that photo they took together (he kind of had 2 convince her) and he didn't want that other guy to see it ( the one who wanted to look in his phone but it was locked)
I know she's questioning if she likes him, can't blame her after what happened around her. though it was interesting that she wanted 2 quit school for a while but he kept her in the game by purposely losing his test so she got the scholarship and then showing up in her classes.
At times he seems to care and other times he defiantly doesn't care, though he seemed to, in the 1st year, not be able to leave her alone (but maybe that was coincidence since they're in the same school {but there's no such thing as coincidence }) whether it was looking down at her or just meeting up...
>< Oh well

Arghhhh just let him jump you already! I'm and all these fan gals are getting realllll thirsty for it. Right now right there!

well if we r rly in the past and only see what happend before they meet again. we wont see anything hot happen . so we need to wait for the timejump to present college days of xixi.
So many H scenes from this webtoon were cut! That’s why I’ve been thinking hmmm...how come it feels quite mild compare to what I’ve read from the raws.