normal gun go pew want to do ( All 1 )

falling inlove

normal gun go pew's experience ( All 0 )

normal gun go pew's answer ( All 25 )

about question
Honestly. Isn't this basically the truth?   reply
24 02,2021
Honestly, don't stress yourself out on having no boyfriend. Being in a relationship is stressful as time passes by, it's unpredictable on how the outcome goes but the ending is always the same. Also, men are not worth your time, queen/king. Treat yourself. Life sucks without a boyfriend? Nah, you don't need a man to make life better. You can mak......   1 reply
12 02,2021
Cringe, mate. Cringe.   reply
28 12,2020
Pretty boy.   reply
28 12,2020

normal gun go pew's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did become gay

not quite gay. half gay? I'm bi

4 hours
did disturbing thing you saw

Ronnie McNutt. Forgot abt it till I saw this question and his name appeared in my head. I'll never forget. I was so young when I watched it

4 hours
did go to college

Attended 3. Graduated from 2. I’m done

8 hours