Let's gooo hsl update I've been starving
The twin sisters r so hot tf
Why is neuta so fkn dense it's driving me insane
Tryhard to become trash
Bye yall maybe see you in ch71 cuz
is this when they get back together!!
Idk!! I'm hoping they wrap up the angst in 10chapters
"Stop trying to calm the storm, calm yourself and the storm will pass" -some kind of monk idk I'm feeling very emotional guys
Literally just kys retarded ass fucking mentaly challenged bitch Mr can't keep my dick in my pants ahh hoe
Damn chill it's never that deep
Such godly art and for what wasted asf
I love revenge
I hate jinyeong with a passion I'm literally gonna put a curse on him
Let's gooo hsl update I've been starving