so i’m on chapter 12 and i’m confused on the whole reincarnation thing. carnes and ines met when they were children and that was when ines chose to marry carnes?? did she start over 3 times or what bc she was previously married to the other red haired dude ( don’t rmb his name) and she was 16 at the time so what i’m guessing is that she’s been reincarnated again?? idk this shit is confusing!!

Here are the facts because manhwa is not good with details:
1st life: born from a baby and committed suicide at the age of 26 when she was crown princess and married to redhead, as you put it. :)
2nd life: repeat of 1st life until age 16. Regressed mentality wakes up at 16. She became a fugitive with artist guy and then committed suicide at age 20.
3rd life: repeat of 1st life until age 6. Regressed mentality wakes up at age 6. She decides to choose 6 year old Carcel to marry. All of her knowledge of Carcel is based SOLELY on rumors she heard as a crown princess. She did not actually know him well.
Suicide regresses a person 10 years with their memories of the previous life. Hope that helps.
is it THAT hard to make them BOTH want it