I can't read this with straight face what's wrong with them all of them are f up.
The lines, some bg story, and truthfully the plot itself is childish... It's resembles the story I wrote when I was elementary the only difference is of course,(mine was more childish which is excused...I was a child ) BUT THIS?? GOD If you have that loving family and power why would you even think you're "powerless" against a "protagonist" who's obviously an airhead( EVERYTHING SHE SPITS CAN LITERALLY BACKFIRE TO HER IF I WAS THE MC I WOULD HUMILIATE HE ETO DEATH)
btw the artstyle is kinda weird... ? The side profile obviously looks okay but some panels their face looks pointy and too symmetrical(eyes are sometimes too close) but sometimes the art improves?? (Only the fl tho) LIKE THAT BLACK FITTED DRESS WITH A MASK WAS FIRE She was gorgeous. Anyways that's all.

I'M ROOTING FOR U UNVEIL THAT PATERNITY TEST! btw I felt like I read this novel in my lib but didn't finished cuz i remember the fl run away?? Of that's a different story? Cuz when the father found put she's his daughter he got too possessive(and the ml is frustrating too everyone is basically obsessed with her) so ?? Is it that story?

The illustrations of poison's scene THAT WAS BREATHTAKING GOD I LOVE THIS ART !!
btw I still feel sorry about people who dropped this because the empress is a "bad mother" I mean come on are we reading the same story? If we are going to the past YES YES SHE IS A BAD MOTHER. but now? In the current timeline where she's trying to solidify her position and working hard to be a good mother now? No, she's not a bad mother, A flawed one to be exact . When she did something wrong she tries to correct and understand why she's wrong and that's the perfect representation of a mother reflecting about her past mistakes because she did it thinking " I did this for yo! " " it's for your own sake!" Come on she's not that bad because she's actually has a redeeming points.

They are the same person, but the current one is better she learned some lessons and learning more about her mistakes. THEY PERFECTLY PORTRAY LYDIA'S COMPLEXITY ILOVE THIS SM HUHU
I mean it's more realistic cuz u can't expect someone's mannerism and behavior changed drastically we saw that when she wanted to replace lily's knight. It made more sense cuz she was portrayed as hard headed,proud, and selfish. The parallel was so good i teared up.
So ummm i found this too early.. DOE SIT HAVE A NOVELLL??? CAN I GET A LINK???
The novel to translation is good so you can pick up where you left off on chapter 20
If you don’t have an account on novelupdates and can’t get the link, this link here can take you to directly to the website the translation is on (same chapter 20)
Free up to 128 chapters.
I’m not 100% certain since I haven’t read the translations on this website yet. But on a previous sight I’ve read on, the remaining paid chapters are normally slowly released. The payments tend to be there for the people who want to read the updates earlier.
Thank you!!!