Zolita January 19, 2020 1:46 pm

2 rape stories like whatever i don't know what i expected of omegaverse short stories but im out

    Kookies and Milk January 19, 2020 3:51 pm

    How is it rape? I'm genuinely asking btw

    blueninja89 January 19, 2020 4:42 pm
    How is it rape? I'm genuinely asking btw Kookies and Milk

    The alpha is drunk and the omega isn’t. The omega planed on taking advantage of the situation the whole time. And then of course the alpha will be black out drunk so he’ll only remember bits and pieces but will have never have actually consented to being the bottom. It’s literally rape by this alone. Alcohol is the NUMBER ONE date rape drug.

    Kookies and Milk January 19, 2020 4:48 pm
    The alpha is drunk and the omega isn’t. The omega planed on taking advantage of the situation the whole time. And then of course the alpha will be black out drunk so he’ll only remember bits and pieces but ... blueninja89

    OH GOD, I really haven't finished the second story so I didn't know that THAT happens. I- wow,

    But how is the first story rape? I mean the two parties agreed, kei (i think that was his name) is technically working as a prostitute but still gave his consent.

    blueninja89 January 19, 2020 5:16 pm
    OH GOD, I really haven't finished the second story so I didn't know that THAT happens. I- wow,But how is the first story rape? I mean the two parties agreed, kei (i think that was his name) is technically worki... Kookies and Milk

    If someone kidnaps your and is holding you against your will. If you say yes to sex it’s coercion because it’s quid pro quo meaning you’re being forced to do something in exchange for something else. Sex consented under conditions like this mean rape or dubious consent at the bare minimum. As the omega actually can’t say no can he when he’s under the impression he’s being blackmailed to pay off his debt or be violently raped by the first group of alpha’s who threatened him more upfront about what they would do to him. What’s insulting is the main alpha had witnessed the omega be raped before in highschool, acts as if he’s better than the omega’s previous abusers, but is in fact worse than all of them giving the omega the fake impression of freedom which is crueler

    Kookies and Milk January 19, 2020 5:26 pm
    If someone kidnaps your and is holding you against your will. If you say yes to sex it’s coercion because it’s quid pro quo meaning you’re being forced to do something in exchange for something else. Sex ... blueninja89

    :O I really didn't of that, thank you for explaining it to me. I'm honestly pretty dumb when it comes to this unless it's really obvious (like having sex with a drunk person)

    Kookies and Milk January 19, 2020 5:26 pm

    Don't think of that*

    blueninja89 January 19, 2020 5:30 pm
    :O I really didn't of that, thank you for explaining it to me. I'm honestly pretty dumb when it comes to this unless it's really obvious (like having sex with a drunk person) Kookies and Milk

    my issue with it, people praising things when they're literally the same situation just reverse. It's such a double standard you can't complain about rape in the first story but then love the second story. It's all the same sexual violence.

    Xiaobun January 20, 2020 12:58 am
    The alpha is drunk and the omega isn’t. The omega planed on taking advantage of the situation the whole time. And then of course the alpha will be black out drunk so he’ll only remember bits and pieces but ... blueninja89


    In case u didn't know, nothing happens u dumbass. Stop jumping to conclusions smh.
    The omega doesn't force the alpha to do anything.

    blueninja89 January 20, 2020 1:40 am
    SPOILER(?)In case u didn't know, nothing happens u dumbass. Stop jumping to conclusions smh.The omega doesn't force the alpha to do anything. Xiaobun

    And you’re the dumbass who didn’t learn sex Ed. You can’t consent to sex if you’re drunk. Just because you want to excuse this shit doesn’t meant it’s rape in actuality.

    blueninja89 January 20, 2020 1:40 am
    SPOILER(?)In case u didn't know, nothing happens u dumbass. Stop jumping to conclusions smh.The omega doesn't force the alpha to do anything. Xiaobun


    blueninja89 January 20, 2020 1:42 am
    SPOILER(?)In case u didn't know, nothing happens u dumbass. Stop jumping to conclusions smh.The omega doesn't force the alpha to do anything. Xiaobun

    You like this shit no problem I don’t give a fuck. I’m educating someone who clearly wanted to know what’s wrong with this plot otherwise.

    Xiaobun January 20, 2020 2:42 am
    And you’re the dumbass who didn’t learn sex Ed. You can’t consent to sex if you’re drunk. Just because you want to excuse this shit doesn’t meant it’s rape in actuality. blueninja89

    First of all, you jumped to a conclusion just like OP did by saying that this will be another rape manhwa,,, it is NOT. Obviously, anyone with a brain would think that someone intoxicated to the max who doesn't have a conscious mind, and having sex with someone else (who is totally conscious and not having consent from the other party) is rape. There's no need for sex ed to know that.

    blueninja89 January 20, 2020 2:54 am
    First of all, you jumped to a conclusion just like OP did by saying that this will be another rape manhwa,,, it is NOT. Obviously, anyone with a brain would think that someone intoxicated to the max who doesn't... Xiaobun

    If the relationship starts off with rape it’s doesn’t detract from you or anyone else enjoying it if that’s blatantly stated. This isn’t some jumping conclusion. We just saw and read the sober party wait till their “prey” was drunk to pull a move. What did Op say that’s was wrong then? If there’s no other rape besides this drunken encounter that is to happen fully next chapter that doesn’t change that it still happened. That the characters will fall for each other, be tricked, or even be forced or if none of that happens at all is besides the point. Rape still happened. That sets the tone for the rest the plot. The fact that it’s played out for laughs is whatever I’m not even mad more do I care it is what it is. It comes with the territory of omegaverse. It’s rather a double standard that an alpha raping an omega is an issue but an omega tricking an alpha into sex specifically into a sexual position the alpha doesn’t verbally consent to in their first encounter is apparently no issue to the same crowd.

    blueninja89 January 20, 2020 2:58 am
    First of all, you jumped to a conclusion just like OP did by saying that this will be another rape manhwa,,, it is NOT. Obviously, anyone with a brain would think that someone intoxicated to the max who doesn't... Xiaobun

    And being conscious while having sex has nothing to do with having still not been raped under the influence of alcohol. I can literally give you police reports, academic articles, and court cases if you don’t understand why this is rape or more importantly alcohol being a factor. If both of them were drunk this would be an entirely different story and be simple drunk hookup. We don’t have that here and you know that.

    Xiaobun January 20, 2020 3:40 am
    And being conscious while having sex has nothing to do with having still not been raped under the influence of alcohol. I can literally give you police reports, academic articles, and court cases if you don’t... blueninja89

    ????? What are you talking about??? You ain't making sense in that first sentence lmao,, BECAUSE,,, I stated that if the party that is being raped not aware of what's HAPPENING bc of the alcohol (meaning they're not conscious of their own surroundings cuz they drunk af) while the other party is totally conscious (knowing what they're doing while not having consent), then it is rape.
    So, yes, it does have to do with this bc that's what we're talking about??? About how alpha boy is totally drunk off his ass while the omega is sober. Therefore, as stated before, NO rape HAPPENS in this scene. He gets SOBER and LEAVES. Get that through your head lmao. And what OP said IS wrong bc they said "this is gonna be another rape story" when it is NOT.

    blueninja89 January 20, 2020 4:02 am
    ????? What are you talking about??? You ain't making sense in that first sentence lmao,, BECAUSE,,, I stated that if the party that is being raped not aware of what's HAPPENING bc of the alcohol (meaning they'r... Xiaobun

    And that’s what I’m saying but also not what I’m saying. I fully understand what you’re saying, as for the next chapter it’s played off for laughs. My commentary on what omega attempts to do and the lack of consent still stands. I understand he doesn’t rape him but the scene is rape intended. The omega has every intention of raping him using the conditions I’ve mentioned multiple times. That he doesn’t get to follow through so the gag can happen doesn’t change the point. I’ll concede that he doesn’t follow through only because it’s more “funny” more than anything else. But this sets the tone as I’m pointing out as then after pressures the alpha routinely and then becomes their dynamic there after. The whole rape, co out rape what ever you want to call it is my frustration. I think what’s happening is miscommunication then of you’re seeing it as inconsequential because it’s for jokes, and I’m annoyed at that very point of the authors handling the situation.

    Xiaobun January 20, 2020 4:20 am
    And that’s what I’m saying but also not what I’m saying. I fully understand what you’re saying, as for the next chapter it’s played off for laughs. My commentary on what omega attempts to do and the l... blueninja89

    Aight, now you making sense. Yes, sadly that does happen in a lot of manga and such. Probably making young people think that it's fine, when it's not. And, this scene, the omega did have such an intention, but thankfully, he doesn't force the alpha to do anything (the alpha only left bc he wasn't ready to bottom lmao, otherwise he would've stayed).
    Heads up, the rest of this manhwa is all consent and one scene with enduced horny-ness by pheromones. But, all smut scenes are with them sober.

    blueninja89 January 20, 2020 4:35 am
    Aight, now you making sense. Yes, sadly that does happen in a lot of manga and such. Probably making young people think that it's fine, when it's not. And, this scene, the omega did have such an intention, but ... Xiaobun

    Wasn't my intention to have an argument but glad we cleared the confusion. Thanks i've seen the raws. I'm sure others will enjoy it. I personally intend to skip this 2nd story entirely. I'm not a fan of the manipulative /pushover dynamic trope as it stands regardless of the 'rape' mockery. It's too cliche for my taste. I'll just wait for the 3rd couple as they actual are an equally dynamic and versatile relationship. An actual breath of fresh air.

    Xiaobun January 20, 2020 4:43 am
    Wasn't my intention to have an argument but glad we cleared the confusion. Thanks i've seen the raws. I'm sure others will enjoy it. I personally intend to skip this 2nd story entirely. I'm not a fan of the man... blueninja89

    Yeah, that's fine. Glad we cleared it up too.
    I personally haven't read the 3rd one only bc the art style really wasn't my taste. But, I might read it once they upload it on here in english.

Zolita January 10, 2020 2:36 am

I mean???? Bitch the fuck

Zolita December 25, 2019 2:04 pm

Thanks for the upload but wasn't the previous one just waiting for Henry to choose one?

Zolita December 14, 2019 7:19 pm

I hate so much second leads that make me fall in love with them my heart is aching

Zolita December 12, 2019 7:27 pm

i really wanted them to be vers.

Zolita November 8, 2019 9:21 pm

If he leaves then the demon lord could just go back to the human realm and kill everyone??

    Mi_lana November 9, 2019 10:06 pm

    kinda spoiler:

    I don't understand Chinese (except for few words) but after seeing raws I believe demon lord threatened to do exactly that, because Ye Li didn't try to run away anymore

Zolita October 10, 2019 1:31 am

Act the fool girl, act the fool.

Zolita October 4, 2019 6:33 pm

It's actually funny how y'all are like omg Seth deserves better omg poor him. He knows all too well about what's happening and WANTS to stay and try. Get over it he knows Henry was interested bc he looks like Sam, he knows everything, he's not fucking dumb

    Nitrogenix October 4, 2019 6:45 pm

    I’ve spent all of the love I saved
    We were always a losing game
    Small town boy in a big arcade
    I got addicted to a losing game

    Nitrogenix October 4, 2019 6:46 pm

    All I know, all I know
    Loving you is a losing game

Zolita October 2, 2019 1:48 pm

The big one will probably be the bottom again, love this author but it's boring how every couple is the same.

    MissRada October 2, 2019 2:02 pm

    I actually like it because it's always the girly one who bottoms and I too am tired of it.

    Azalago October 2, 2019 3:43 pm
    I actually like it because it's always the girly one who bottoms and I too am tired of it. MissRada

    Exactly, it's almost ALWAYS the smaller man on the bottom!

    Jazz October 2, 2019 3:57 pm

    Noooooo... it is hot seeing a big dude panting... tmi... sorry

    Yu101 October 2, 2019 4:21 pm

    Well to me it’s kind of refreshing as in 90% of the mangas the small pretty one is the uke

    Starsandmetaphors October 2, 2019 4:30 pm
    I actually like it because it's always the girly one who bottoms and I too am tired of it. MissRada

    Yesss! That's why I welcome authors who draw (only) buff guys as bottom, we don't have nearly enough of them compared to the 'girly bottoms'.

    MissRada October 2, 2019 5:08 pm
    Well to me it’s kind of refreshing as in 90% of the mangas the small pretty one is the uke Yu101

    Then i would rather read some straight smut manga since the girly one always bottoms. And moans like a girl.

    BTSEXORV October 2, 2019 5:21 pm

    That is the author style. And that is what he/she will be known for.

    Dih October 2, 2019 8:08 pm

    custava nada o grandão ser quem come :S

    Nxyeria October 2, 2019 8:39 pm

    damn guess i'll drop this one

    Jazz October 2, 2019 10:45 pm

    Let me just state for the fujoshi record, I am willing and able to read any and all smutty ass hot, don’t care what they look like, yaoi manga.....

Zolita October 2, 2019 1:14 am

It's a bit funny since I understood the whole chapter since english is not my mother language either. I think i can help if you want to upload more chapters. It takes a lot of effort to do it alone so I'm thankful for your try. Fighting.

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