i'm so close to combusting

i thot so too but in the first chapter where they are making out on the throne Shin isn’t wearing pants on Lezhin and chapter 4 on Lezhin is completely different from the one of Tappytoon bc on the Lezhin one they are having sex whereas on Tappytoon they are discussing matters and that’s when Shin leaves to Depennia :/ it’s only in korean tho here’s the link if u haven’t read it yet(it’s quite steamy)

I'm not a fan of Sylvia and Keil's relationship. Sylvia is weighed down with all this guilt as a result of her past abusive relationships, and Keil is unknowingly taking advantage of that. Sylvia is starting to fall in love with him only because he's not as abusive as the previous relationships she's been in. It's basically like that thing in real life where women go "well my husband doesn't help with the kids or cook or clean and he sits on the couch all day and watches TV but at least he doesn't beat me!" Except Keil is still worse than that guy. I mean, he kidnapped her, forced her into an engagement, and has been forcing kisses on her this whole time. She's only okay with it because she believes she doesn't deserve anything (you know bc of all the abuse she's gone through) and because he saved her from those travelers that took her captive. But in truth, is Keil better than those travelers? Keeping her against her will, touching her without her consent? No to mention Keil's hypocritical thought process. He did something that made her upset, promised himself he wouldn't do it again, and then did it again the next night! Keil is abusing Sylvia, and Sylvia's issues from her previous relationships is why she finds it romantic. Also, there's a possible Stockholm syndrome going on.
This isn't romantic. This is romanticizing abusive relationships.
Jinsu is never going to escape his fate of being cockblocked.