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Long haired guys(2) 2018-09-27 0
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むっくん August 2, 2020 1:13 am

Hihi this looks promising

むっくん's questions ( All 10 )

むっくん October 15, 2024 10:33 pm

Hey so any recs for stuff that contains switch x switch dynamic? Preferably where they actually switch around instead of it being stated and never put to use.

Preferably uncensored and full color - but fine if not :)

むっくん November 20, 2017 6:39 pm

Anyone knows any yaoi mangas (preferably one shot) with very thorough and hot foreplay scenes? Not rushed, slow paced and passionate sex

    Hawt♛Pisces November 20, 2017 8:19 pm

    Not one shot but the only one that comes to mind is the sex scene in Saezuru Tori wa habatakanai where Doumeki licked clean every single body part of Yashiro before having sex lol

    むっくん November 20, 2017 9:09 pm
    Not one shot but the only one that comes to mind is the sex scene in Saezuru Tori wa habatakanai where Doumeki licked clean every single body part of Yashiro before having sex lol Hawt♛Pisces

    It is fine if it's not a one shot. Thanks I will check it out

むっくん's favorite ( All 2 )

Great looking long-haired bishies (BL) 11-23 21:13
Do you post your drawings online? 11-15 06:45

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I am too lazy to actually mark all the stuff i have read. I think that says a lot about me.

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