I almost didn’t read this because of the comments about Aachan. But it turned out he was a really sweet guy. In their first time he talked with Yuu-kun to make sure he wanted to try things and if he was ok with him leading. And after that, yeah he was clingy and possessive but he never really stopped Yuu-kun from doing anything. Although he wrote a lot of text messages and wanted him not to work and all that, Yuu-kun went and did all that and Aachan tried to deal with it. Before he snapped, although he acted possessive he never did anything to Yuu-kun, he said all those things, but Yuu-kun talked with him and Achan went along. Of course it wasn’t right to be like that (but it didn’t cause any harm in the moment) and then he snapped, but he quickly realized what he had done, felt bad and went to reflect on it (showing that he isn’t a psycho). When Yuu-kun went after him, he understood why it happened and Achan apologized. After he even said “is it okay for you to forgive me so quickly?”. It’s Yuu-kun’s choice if he decides to forgive him or not. And Yuu-kun stood his ground: “I’m not your mother”, “apologize to me”, even in the moment “I was busy”, “I need and want to work”.
So I don’t think he’s toxic, I think he needs help to deal with his abandonment problems and Yuu-kun was understanding but not compliant. He called it out when he felt something wasn’t right.
Sorry for the long post xD
TL/DR: this wasn’t as bad as some comments made it look.
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