I get that technically if you're not in a relationship you don't have to be loyal to someone, but I've been in Hwi's position before and when you really like someone and you're 'dating', knowing that they've slept with someone else who they have/had a lot of feelings for is so soul destroying. It definitely makes you feel inadequate and like you're kinda second best.
BUT I've seen the raws and I see how much Param appears to like Hwi. I just hope he properly sorts his feelings out and is 100% sure he wants Hwi, and then apologises for hurting him. Then they can properly talk about what their expectations are for the relationship and go from there

If anyone knows the direction this is heading in can you please spoil me?? Do they actually continue a polyamorous relationship? I've never read a manga like this but it'd be such a wonderful thing if they actually have a consensual poly relationship!

also I'm just pretending that his body isn't that of a child lmao in my mind he's a 40+ year old man mentally in a 20+ year old body. I don't understand why people want to draw such child-like characters with old men but each to their own. I suppose fiction is fiction and I'm just going to pretend he's not physically so young

As an actual University student this makes me cringe if I think about it too hard (I can't imagine going up to my middle-aged lecturers asking for love advice ) but the characters are cute as hell and I hope they have a long happy relationship

I have a professor or two I wouldn't mind asking for this kind of advice lol They are in their early thirties, and act just like any of us outside of uni and sometimes they also join in a round when we're drinking ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Although I couldn't even consider going out with them, that's a bit too far (• ▽ •;)

I've always wondered why in manga/manhwa the characters get drunk off like 1 can. Is beer ridiculously high in alcoholic content in Asia?

Asian people have low alcohol tolerance because they have deficiency in aldehyde dehydrogenase - an enzyme that breaks down the toxic aldehyde -a byproduct from breaking down of alcohol. The high aldehyde concentration in the blood is toxic, makes them get drunk much easier and therefore get "flush" syndrome.

idk what the other comments are saying, I'm East Asian, I don't get drunk with 1 can of beer and I've NEVER seen anyone get drunk with 1 can of beer either. Not to mention I don't usually drink and I'm quite small in build so my tolerance shouldnt be high supposedly.
Getting drunk is really just a plot device for characters to do stuff OOC, have sex, and/or conveniently forget things for drama LMAO

yes this person is right BUT this reaction doesn't necessarily mean "drunk" in the average sense strictly speaking. The symptoms usually just end up being the same as being "drunk" because you feel so lightheaded, nauseous and hot because of the reaction to the aldehyde. So unlike what another person above said (they said they don't usually drink so maybe they haven't seen it yet), there are asians who do get drunk from one drink, clearly they must fall in the percentage that don't. I've also seen very petite white friends who have eaten very little get drunk from one beer so it's not impossible at all.
But there are different levels of low tolerance in East Asians due to genetics. Typical Asian flush is very common but doesn't necessarily mean low tolerance as it may take a lot of alcohol to get flushed or the person might get flushed quickly but break down the alcohol afterwards hence not getting as drunk as quickly. These people may have a deficiency of enzyme but not completely lack it. There are also two genes responsible for this reaction so it's very complex. However, some Asians completely lack the enzyme that breaks down acetaldehyde such as my dad so he goes completely red and is drunk after only a few sips of red wine or half a beer and has to go lie down. Keep in mind he is 5'11 with a fairly muscular build so his tolerance shouldn't be that low but due to his race-related genetics, it is. I am half east asian (Chinese) and I still get flushed and will easily get drunk on one can of beer eg. Cass (Korean sized cus they pretty big lol) if I down it in 10-20mins without eating right beforehand (and I'm 5'9 and not skinny lmao). It really depends, which is why in webtoons there's always a bunch of characters who drink heaps and are fine and one of the characters who get drunk super quickly.
To put it in context, out of all my asian friends, probably half suffer from Asian flush and the other half are totally fine. I believe the proper statistic is 40% of east asians get it.
So no, Asian beers are average alcohol content (though they do come in big sizes) but it is certainly realistic for someone of east-asian heritage to be flushed and "drunk" after only one beer.

The author has ruined Seungho at this point. I could've maybe of sympathised with him awhile ago and been okay with a redemption arc, but the author just keeps reminding us of what a narcissistic, psychopathic abuser he is. He rapes and abuses when he doesn't get his own way, and I truly see no way in which he can become tolerable, let alone likeable. The author should have quit whilst they were ahead if they wanted to turn this into a romance. It's a disservice to Nakyum to force him into a romantic relationship with Seungho. I hope he can escape and find a truly loving partner that doesn't continue adding to his trauma.

Well, the author is hugely popular for this story so your opinion is clearly not the majority, Victoria. & as for Seungho being ‘rUiNEd’ is purely subjective . There are a few million books out there so find another that is nice and vanilla, like “The Baby Club” to read. This is a dark and twisted story for fans of that seek that. You should have realized that by the 3rd ch and moved on.

I don’t know why everyone gets so defensive over an opinion. The story is not perfect, if you like it or not that’s fine. Not everyone will agree with you, there’s no point in arguing over something that’s very subjective, but it’s basic to be respectful when someone has a different opinion. It doesn’t hurt you, does it?

This story is popular because of porn and pretty characters, and nothing else. If seungho looked ugly and nakyum was a realistic depiction of a lowborn and not a 2020 kpop idol after a makeup session no one would care about them and this shitty plot. I've read more fucked up stories, this is not a twisted psychological thriller or a tragedy, at this point it's ridiculous rape porn and you'll know it
God I love how whipped Felix is for Isaac He's got nothing but praise for *his* Isaac. All brawn and heart with little brain when it comes to him, it's so cute