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Basically the beginning of the manga is all "fake" aka Law put Jesse under Moritat so he could fake a scenario where Jesse is the rich heir to Brown Company but was tortured and then traumatized by his parents' deaths and loved only Law blah blah blah.
So what was the point of Law doing so?
The flashbacks (which is the TRUE reality of Jesse and Law's pasts) basically tells us.
Since childhood, Law has suffered tremendous anxiety and pressure from his "friendship" with Jesse. Not only were there romantic feelings involved, but Law also felt low-key hatred towards Jesse for being so controlling, oppressive and perfect.
Law puts Jesse on a pedestal for his entire life and their relationship in the TRUE reality reaches the breaking point when Jesse tells Law that he wants Law to go to school and leave him. [This is where people get confused in the flashbacks; basically Law pretends that he wants to leave to go study so he can see Jesse panic over losing him - but Jesse wants to finally be selfless & have a healthier relationship with Law so he tells him to go ahead and do so.]
Law freaks the fuck out and thinks this means Jesse never loved/needed him. So he then puts Jesse under Moritat, and then reenacts that entire scenario that is like the first 20 chapters of the manga.
Their experience in Moritat ends because this time (Law apparently has done this scenario multiple times with Jesse but each time, Jesse refuses to "choose" him aka Jesse doesn't trust Law even in this new fake world Law created Moritat), Jesse FINALLy ends up trusting in Law and "chooses him" when he says that he wants to die with Law rather than live without him.
This is all Law ever wanted - but he gets scared of commitment and ends Moritat. In the present, he tells Jesse it was all about control, not love, for him. In reality, he does (obsessively & unhealthily) love Jesse but is too afraid to finally be in a relationship with this person he's revered as a God for so long.
That's what the last chapter of Moritat is all about. Jesse believed Law when Law said he only put Jesse in Moritat to mess with him/control him/finally beat him. So he leaves and goes back to school. But then he runs into that maid and realizes that Law is still head over heels obsessed/in love with him and still watching that simulation of child Jesse. So he runs back and tells Law to man the fuck up and be with him in the REAL world, even if it's hard and unhealthy and complicated.
In case you couldn't tell, I fuckin loved this manga. Brilliant and deep as shit and I don't even mind that they don't kiss at the end lmao.
2017-04-05 08:49 marked
I don't hate this manhwa but isn't 9.5 a bit too much for a cliche story wi...