Most likely that blonde was tortured and raped over and over when he was a kid and now he's become a sociopath and odes whatever he want..
I feel pity for him
The Stereotype that an abused person always becomes an abuser it's not entirely right, while yes, some abused people become abusers, the majority actually become propense to always end being the victim, because that was what they learned they deserved and that's also what they grow used to, It becomes a vicious circle difficult to break.
Nooo you got it wrong.
I'm not justifying him with an assumption, I don't think that would ever be possible. What he did is smth he cannot simply just apologize for. As much as someone is commiting himself to heinous acts, it gets harder for them to fix themselves as they sink deeper into it.
I feel pity for those people which would most likely stay caged in their dark fantasies. On the latter part of this manhwa, I presume this blonde would have a very hard time to claim his sanity back.
You have a point but I also have my facts in check. It is not in the majority that people would much likely be inclined to playing the victim when they are being abused and the realization for such is being shared inside a family.
Same thing how bullies tend to relay violence to someone weaker than them, or even how the seme in this manhwa would have violent tendencies to other people as he himself experienced being the punching bag in their family as what's stated in this manhwa.
If I am going to use that information to relate the conflicts in this manhwa, it is more likely that the blonde experienced the same thing in his family (also remember the probability that his dad or other family member is in a gang, is high since he is one)
I love the uke in so many ways such that he exists in reality.
The manga is so good, I can pinpoint a lot of things; it's very deep and meaningful.
The manga in itself doesn't only define surface level of what it can speak for, it's very real and it applies on almost every experience life might have.
It puts you in a trance you never wanted to be and still gets you attracted. This feeling of reading it and wanting it all the while hurting my conservative side would most likely how it is when someone gets high onl drugs.
The MC is so well depicted, aside from the two past hacker lovers, the MC's character is so full, if not vibrant and very rambunctious. I feel so bad some people feels like he is a side character, I hope you understand how he made the story entirely interesting.
Maybe this is why the title is my little inferno, not only how the MC, being so weak was able to crush the still, void and empty world ma-kun wants to get out of, but the story is like a nightmaric piece that chips you out of your ideals and makes you feel even fuller than what selfish dreams can offer you.
The last part just, hits every soft spot you've built reading through the entire story. It draws the fine line a person can withstand when arching towards someone's expectation and all the appreciation will all be selfishly thrown away after everything that's been made.
I love the story. So much that this will go up to my best manga list. The story is well written, the characters are portrayed with passion, the plot and everything that made these characters change through the course is so well created. I am so thankful for the existence of the author and their work.
When I get some of my money, I'll work hard to find a physical copy of this manga, translated or not, just to show love and appreciation to this masterpiece *insert tears*
So freaking prettie and hot