I was reading the novel and y’all

ok so gonna leave a bigggg gap here before the spoilers so it doesnt upset anyone
ok so from what i remember, that silver haired prince dude is still interested in bridy (blondina) and when he comes to visit where she is, there’s this big hunt thingy held where the dudes go hunt something and dedicate whatever animal they hunted to some lady they’re interested in and whoever catches the biggest animal wins the hunt. So obviously the silver haired dude wants to impress bridy so he hunts a big bear and dedicates it to bridy BUT THEN comes mister amon in his big panther form strolling out of the forest and comes up to bridy and goes “well, bridy caught the biggest prey, me” or something like that and the emperor is all impressed and stuff and declares bridy as the winner of the hunt since she “caught” amon who is the most dangerous creature present among them.
and also there’s lots of like incidents of amon getting jealous and like sleeping over at bridy’s place (in panther form mostly). there’s this one scene where bridy comes back after meeting with the silver haired dude and amon smells his scent over bridy and he gets all jealous and stuff AND ALSO AMON FINALLY GETTING INTO HIS HUMAN FORM AND DOING A SLEEPOVER WITH BRIDY KDBDKDBFK HE HORNY HORNY YALL bridy kept thinking to herself “omg I shouldn’t feel this way about amon. I shouldn’t have these inappropriate thoughts about him ” and amon’s out there like “GOOD LORD HELP ME STOP ME FROM JUMPING HER BONES”
but yes thats all i can remember
Fuck you. I was so excited thinking there are bulk chapter being uploaded for this manhwa only to see some moron has updated chapters from literally several different other series instead. Got my hopes up for nothing smh