as much as i hate this manga, i love shiwoo. hating on him shows that you don't understand his past and how being hypersexual is how he copes (a lot of S.A survivors do feel this way irl too.) i still hate this. this is so mentally draining. but this is how it should make you feel.. it's all about his trauma and how he copes .it shouldn't make you feel happy. so hate this all you want because that's just how you should feel. that's normal

what chapter did firentia asked clerivan to stop working for lombardis and he misunderstood?

She did not say anything. The guy just assumed that since clerivan is the head of the pellet company to the public, he would not be working for the pellet company and the lombardis at the same time.
The guy probable doesn't know Tia is the real head of the pellet union or that he still works at the lombardi's house, and to a normal merchant the order of the empress should have enough power to make him obey.
Good shit good shit