⁺✧Ridora✧⁺'s experience ( All 15 )

about friends
I've been eyeing this guy for quite a while, a huge friend crush but never really had the courage to actually talk to him for some reason but it's always been easier to talk to girls rather than guys in my case. Today in class he seemed like he needed huge help with his answers, he's looking all around the place and kept looking at me but didn't sa......   3 reply
26 11,2024
about question
Idc if i'm being a whiny bitch, this doesn't deserve an anime adaptation, out of everything it HAD to be this? Atp wake me up when an animation studio actually adapts peak and I mean almost all the yuri's out there that needs more appreciation   10 reply
23 10,2024
about question
Can someone tell me why this shotabait cover is the one choice of replacement when a manhwa/ga/hua doesn't have an official cover yet??? Like I get jumpscared every single time it's insane and "cover is't here"?? Seriously...   10 reply
21 10,2024
19 10,2024

⁺✧Ridora✧⁺'s answer ( All 594 )

about question
Ngl any yamamoto kotetsuko manga deserves an anime adaptation but these 2 especially, they have so much potential   reply
2 days
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From where I'm from, they don't really bully you as hard as they do in those shoujo mangas but they do show hard signs of jealousy, they will make up rumors about you and the relationship and if y'all ever break up they'll definitely make it seem like it was entirely your fault, they'll act as if they experienced the entire relationship journey the......   reply
3 days
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Why don't you start making the plans yourself then   1 reply
3 days
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No like gen I'm tired of hiding this fact because men act like its so disgusting when its literally so healthy, open the schools or sum we need more people to have knowledge about this   reply
6 days
If some action manhwa author actually out in the effort in making some valuable romance maybe but we know the possibility of pigs flying and unicorns existing r much more believable so I say no romance   reply
6 days

⁺✧Ridora✧⁺'s question ( All 26 )

about question
She keep fucking and fucking, messing with men 24/7 and i'm not gon lie i'm tired of her ass getting in trouble because of that, found out yesterday that she fucked around with a guy who already got a gf, should I drop her? Or just seriously talk to her cause we've known each other since forever, I find it super hard to just leave her.
26 10,2024
about question
A little rant on here and maybe in need of advice

So how long have I known my mom for? Since I was born prob and one thing that has never changed between me nd her are the constant arguings, one minute she would shower me with love and suddenly not even a day later like 4 minutes she would be detailing on how much she wished I wasn't born.

I won't lie and say that I love her cause I have huge mixed feelings and nobody wants to help me with this issue cause I feel like all their advices resumes to "she's just your mother, she birthed you suck it up" like that's what it sounds to me.

It's like she's just bipolar (and fucking crazy too) she abuses me mentally ong and for once in my life I don't wanna keep acting all innocent and swear she will pay for the shit she's made me experience.

She's always in a competition with me and acts like i'm the one initiating it everytime (once accused me of sleeping with MY BIOLOGICAL DAD!?!??) She curses me everyday, rambling about how I ruined her life and all, she then kicked out my dad of the house after HE found out that SHE cheated on him and left me (abandoned me for 4 yrs) my dad did all he could to help me/us to finally live on comfortably but she returned again after she lost it all ( her house, money and all other shit she gives more importance than us)

My dad the sweetheart that he is ( a pushover) accepts this mistreatment everytime and lets her crash at our place ( she said she would only live there for few weeks but after 2 yrs she's still in the motherfucking house!?) And tell me after all those things we do for you/let you do, crash out free, u don't have no job, you don't pay for nun, your only use is being on your phone dirty texting all day, then she would turn around and call us ungrateful, that we don't respect her, that we hate her ( I do!!!) She keeps trying to ruin the peace in the family ( calls us fakes ).

She keeps on rambling and rambling about how we ruined her life and most of the time i'm like what's stopping you from leaving us like you did before?( because she's just a piece of shit that likes to take advantage of the people willing to help her and when they have nothing left for her to suck the soul outta them she leaves) I hate her, I hate her, I hate her, I wish she wasn't my mother and I hope to never ever have kids either cause what if I end up like her? She's my mother nonetheless.

P.s sorry for bad English :(
17 10,2024
about question
it's 2086 and you used a cloning service to create a clone of your bf that died in a car accident but his recovered neuralink's
memory files were corrupted so the at home cloning kit created an abomination with the body of your bf but the mind of a newborn and he takes his first steps towards you thinking you're
his mother.

I'm bored tbh. What happens next? What do u do?
12 10,2024
about question
This can apply to almost anything, but this is mainly about the different genre in manhwa/hua/ga's including gl/yuri, bl/shounan ai, shounen....and so goes on.

Why are people so triggered when it comes to someone's personal interest in any of these genres if it includes them not getting involved with any of the other ones?

When it comes to bl, the amount of slander i've seen thrown at people who only read them, but people go around and worship the ground that people who only read gl walk on, why is that? One of the only main reasons I know is definitely because of fetishizing which gets ridiculous when you think about how people who only read gl fetishizes it too, they can not be excluded but they still are.

I don't defend those who fetishizes the trope, but i'm just confused on how it could be such a problem? I also used to be one of the people who only read bl ( I started reading more other genres) I can say i've been one of the people getting slander because of that but is only reading bl proof of being a fetishizer Really? Because of a genre you just like?

It reminds me of the logic some people throw that shounen only readers are boring and insensitive, and question, what actual right do y'all have to throw hate on someone's preference?

I just don't think it gets fair at some points, it gets exaggerating and unlogical. Only reading and adoring one genre is not criminal is my thinking, I hate people that criticize other genre based on one only genre they like ( saying it's better than the other which can be proved otherwise ) but I also hate people criticizing someone's personal interest and assuming such ridiculous accusations all around tbh.

This can be discussed however, I don't mind people detailing and explaining their point of view, also as I said this can be applied to anything so it can include y'all's own observation of this same situation but a different topic.

P.s sorry for bad english.
11 10,2024
about question
I don't care but i just wanna talk about this here, don't really need it to be taken too seriously.

So there's this boy in my neighborhood, and i'm talking about those ghetto loud ass neighborhoods where young ngga's parade the streets, guns/drugs doing, waste of oxygen, good for nothing bitches, and yeah this boy has been following on my way home from school for so long and i've rejected him already like weeks ago so I thought that I've finally chased freedom...but no, found out this ngga's apart of a "brigade" or sum, like some gang (keep in mind gangsters are VERY usual where i'm at so i wasn't dumbfounded ig)

late night today saw him and his bitchass friends (maybe partners idc)NEXT TO MY HOUSE, I was scared shitless but I got nowhere to go so I passed by them and he was like " wssup? Haven't heard of you in a while, changed shortcut from your way home huh?" (I did, I didn't wanna see his gorilla looking ass anymore) and then I just got in my house closed my door so damn fast but damn bro I could feel the murderous, demonic energy from these yn's behind him all in the streets so late at night, they look so young too, smoking doing nothing and everything than go to school.

So yeah i'm fucked fr, bet if I reject him one more time i'm seeing God in 4k soon, peace out
07 10,2024