This was good, I genuinely love the concept although I think there were some potentially more ways to go around the plot idk...like I wanted something more but still felt satisfied with this. I feel empty and full at the same time. But I won't lie this was amazing to me because I genuinely couldn't hate any of the characters they felt charming to me in their own ways which is rare.
Also it seems that people are having arguments in the comments about how people should feel about this manhwa but I think we shouldn't really get to decide since this is a unique case some people might find this dull and underdeveloped meanwhile others might find it to be one of their most amazing read of the month. We just shouldn't be judging after all anyone is aloud to criticize/ rate.
I don't like Ryan one bit glad he wasn't Important.
But this is just a masterpiece. Rare gem where they don't drag off the misunderstandings and have a kind of hilarious discussion about their feelings .
Also the scene at the bar with the song was hilarious I couldn't stay serious but still very sentimental. I love the couple so much finished reading this feeling sad leaving the when they're not even real