Hello,this is a very weird question,I know.But did you notice once or twice that manga changed your life in a positive way?Like,a character is your Idol and you gain so much strength from just looking at them?I have this thing right now and I am confused idk xD I am not in love and I know it's just from a manga,but just looking at him makes me feel strong and comfortable...and happier with my own life OwO (again,I don't feel any sexual attraction and I don't want to imagine a relationship with him)
Thanks for answers my fellows

I dunno how to describe it but when you put some letters in this Manga/Author thing up there,there usually comes a preview of manga you could mean.But lately,this just doesn't appear?My internet connection is good or is this something mangago changed?I'm really missing it idk

It happens to me sometimes, and also it won't direct the title when I click on it. I assume it's just a glitch? You can just google " 'Title' Mangago "

Hello first (⌒▽⌒)
I know that this a more like a personal problem but it would be great if I could get some advice.Let me explain the situation:
My class is doing an exchange with a french school.The French dudes came here to Germany in November.My exchange student(let's name him...Romeo x'D) doesn't like me.We didn't talk much,not only because of the language barricade.We just spent the evenings sitting in my room and looking at our phones.Often for like 5 hours or somethin'.I tried to be nice to Romeo and wanted to make his stay as easy as possible for him(and me),so I only spoke french.But still,I soon got the feeling that he dislikes me.Often he ignored me or didn't listen properly to what I said and asked.And there are some things I didn't learn yet so I HAD to say it in english, but that pissed him off.And now,after spring break,it's my turn to visit him.It would be really great if we'd get along better idk.I don't want to spend the whole week looking at my phone and waiting for the time to go faster.I am actually a little angry that he didn't even try to speak a little german and I had to do everything for this spoiled kid.Do you think there is anything I can do about the situation/anything I could've done better?
And,are there things in france I have to keep in mind?I don't want to make any mistakes that could make him or his family angry/annoyed.I think u know what I mean.
Thanks for reading this long text!And thanks for answers ;3
Sincerely, Spezyra (≧∀≦)

I love the fact that u named him romeo. Which reminded me of their story and the misundrestanding between them. Lol I used to be a shy girl and everyone thought i hated them, but in reality i was just shy and had hard time communicating or didn´t know what to sa. So my point is maye he is shy and doesnt know how to be social and talk to u. Bwt, how come u didn´t take him out? Or maybe he was reading yaoi lol

I don't think so;I showed him a pic of Shirotani and Kurose from Ten count doing..erotic things... and he was disgusted xD Probably that's the reason why he hates me lol.A little group of german and french dudes (us included) went to eat something one day,but after that,everybody wanted to spend time alone with their partner,so there was nothng I could do .-.

Would love to change with ya,I REALLY don't want to go there in two weeks >.< But despite that,your idea is really good.I meanI will never see him again after that if I don't want to.The only thing is that he probaby won't understand what I say or won't know how to respond so that I'll understand .-.
So,one point has been confusing me from the start.Are sangwoo and yoonbum supposed to be sexy/hot?One of them?Which?I personally don't think they're sexy,that's why the sex scenes always were gross to me.Is that normal?What do you think? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Are you 12
Im wheezing
Ashash don't worry....it's normal . It just means that you dont like it ....that's all
Go and reply in the manga page, not here
Isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder? It's subjective. Just because you don't find them attractive, doesn't mean that others won't.
Just like you said yourself; we all have different tastes and preferences. What one person might find aesthetically pleasing might seem bland or even ugly to another person. Killing Stalking is first and foremost a horror/psychological manhwa - you're supposed to feel repulsed by the characters. I don't enjoy reading the "steamy scenes" either - honestly, I feel quite drained and depressed when reading KS.
In regards to their looks, I think Yoonbum looks very unattractive; especially, because he looks emaciated, unhealthy and insecure. On the other hand, I think Sangwoo is attractive in a sick way - his body is drawn beautifully but his eyes look so hollow and "sick" that I kind of feel a little repulsed by him at the same time. The fact that he's a complete psychopath only amplifies the effect of his scary eyes... I'd say I'm quite conflicted and ambivalent about him; if he weren't a psychopath and if his eyes weren't as lifeless as they are, well, I'll admit that I'd find him 10000000% attractive. I have a preference for muscular guys and his proportions are stunning to me. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
fuck ks
Guys wtf,I were just asking for your opinion.Didn't mean to offend anyone here,why are you freaking out so much?Only because I shared my opinion doesn't mean I am 12,or should kill myself.Just politely asking!I think most of YOU are being inmature here
well excuse me,next time I will remember that.
I don't think anyone freaked out or told you to kill yourself. I dont believe anyone was offended either. I gave my opinion, that beauty is subjective, i dropped that comic after the first season. Dragomira gave their well thought out opinion. A gender said fuck ks (killing stalking).
Yes,I noticed later that the person said ks and not kys,but I just overread that because I was angry about the first comment.I really apologise!
And I didn't mean ur comment,mostly the "are you 12" one.But I think you got my question wrong.I asked if others find them attractive,bc I was interested if I have a normal opinion.Of course everyone has the right to like them or not!I was curious bc I didn't know if the manhwaka wanted sangwoo to be sexy or not,that's the only reason.
you must be a toddler
u dont be here sheesh
Its a way of expressing love for each other :) ..thats all
Lmao weakest comeback I’ve seen
i do not want to hurt little children like you. You already replied which means u r offended by even a little comeback :O
Pretty sensitive for a big mouth
What is that person supposed to answer if you give such a weak template?
IKR. thank you :)
anyways back to ur question...i dont think they are a super hot couple ...Sangwoo and Yoobum just love each other....and their way of expressing love is different. Just think like that...they are a special couple..but i do think Yoobum is cute at times and Sangwoo's smile nice sometimes xD
thank you,haha ^^