OH OUR CHINESE BITCH WERE LONELY HOW CRUEL AND SAD BC IT IS OBVIOUSLY NOT HIS FAULT :((( *wipes fake tears away* no seriously,wtf.I am really glad that siwon pushed him away.But the end with kang jinha confused me...is the manhwaga going for a threesome,which is not what i expected from a cute manga (ignoring the last chapters)?or is she going to ship these two(chinese bitch x kang)?If that happens, I'm rellay out.She would destroy her whole plot with this.Before siwon became a dumb nasty bitch,everyone wanted siwon and kang to have a happy relationship.Now this is still wtf.

I don't know if I hate Siwon or the chinese dude more now...The only thing the protagonist can is making empty speeches,and when brown-hair says something like "I like you" siwon gets unsure about everything he said.We all want a strong uke that can stand up for himself,and not this whiny bitch.Buttt the chinese dude lies so much,I am not able to sympathize with him either...

finally something is happening in the right way!The author must've heard our prayers xD I have to admit that this chapter was ok, even for a chinese-dude hater like me,but I still don't like this compulsion. Hope Siwon gets outta da island next chapter(even tho I come to dislike him,he's such a dumb piece of shit wtf)
One thing that really bothers me about this manga is that it will end soon I believe.Like,all of the last chapters were so sentimental they could be the last chapter we'll ever see.I'm so afraid that there will be an update with the final "completed" mark :/
Yeah, But considering how long it takes to update, it'll take a million years for people that aren't in Japan.
https://youtu.be/WlU9khadYTQ dont be indoctrinated
Free urself