So,one point has been confusing me from the start.Are sangwoo and yoonbum supposed to be sexy/hot?One of them?Which?I personally don't think they're sexy,that's why the sex scenes always were gross to me.Is that normal?What do you think? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Just like you said yourself; we all have different tastes and preferences. What one person might find aesthetically pleasing might seem bland or even ugly to another person. Killing Stalking is first and foremost a horror/psychological manhwa - you're supposed to feel repulsed by the characters. I don't enjoy reading the "steamy scenes" either - honestly, I feel quite drained and depressed when reading KS.
In regards to their looks, I think Yoonbum looks very unattractive; especially, because he looks emaciated, unhealthy and insecure. On the other hand, I think Sangwoo is attractive in a sick way - his body is drawn beautifully but his eyes look so hollow and "sick" that I kind of feel a little repulsed by him at the same time. The fact that he's a complete psychopath only amplifies the effect of his scary eyes... I'd say I'm quite conflicted and ambivalent about him; if he weren't a psychopath and if his eyes weren't as lifeless as they are, well, I'll admit that I'd find him 10000000% attractive. I have a preference for muscular guys and his proportions are stunning to me. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Yes,I noticed later that the person said ks and not kys,but I just overread that because I was angry about the first comment.I really apologise!
And I didn't mean ur comment,mostly the "are you 12" one.But I think you got my question wrong.I asked if others find them attractive,bc I was interested if I have a normal opinion.Of course everyone has the right to like them or not!I was curious bc I didn't know if the manhwaka wanted sangwoo to be sexy or not,that's the only reason.
IKR. thank you :)
anyways back to ur question...i dont think they are a super hot couple ...Sangwoo and Yoobum just love each other....and their way of expressing love is different. Just think like that...they are a special couple..but i do think Yoobum is cute at times and Sangwoo's smile nice sometimes xD
Hello,this is a very weird question,I know.But did you notice once or twice that manga changed your life in a positive way?Like,a character is your Idol and you gain so much strength from just looking at them?I have this thing right now and I am confused idk xD I am not in love and I know it's just from a manga,but just looking at him makes me feel strong and comfortable...and happier with my own life OwO (again,I don't feel any sexual attraction and I don't want to imagine a relationship with him)
Thanks for answers my fellows
One thing that really bothers me about this manga is that it will end soon I believe.Like,all of the last chapters were so sentimental they could be the last chapter we'll ever see.I'm so afraid that there will be an update with the final "completed" mark :/
Yeah, But considering how long it takes to update, it'll take a million years for people that aren't in Japan.
https://youtu.be/WlU9khadYTQ dont be indoctrinated
Free urself