aint no way this is the same artist i refuse to believe it bruh it went from diverse to every single character looking the damn same the sharp line work was so good and chiseling features were dreamy but now its just bleh like a newbie artist's first historical childcare rofan work
im literally so sad i didn't wait all these months for this imma go refund my excitement and take back my depression

A none native english or korean translating this with that level is so good, its so smooth and comprehensible and not awkward at the same time or too polite like the way official translations get. The only thing else i can say is please dont stop translating i would appreciate your work anywhere.

but on a serious note- it confuses me so much tbh what people do with the food after they offer it cause like isnt it disrespectful to eat someone's food?? like i refuse to eat food that has been offered like it feels weird eating it

Its not rude even us living clean up after we eat a meal right? Its more rude to let the food rot there which result in the place being smelly and full of insect.
The idea is you are offering the spirit of the foods not the physical form. So cleaning the foods wont result in the deceased unable to finish the food
love how the mc is korean and gets excited over spicy and everyone forgets and scream drug in the comments like it the end of the world as people correct them and say that its literally just chile paste