The older brother got what he wanted, he manipulated the younger one so much that he depends on him so much and thinks that he is the only person who got his back...just like how the older brother was in the past
Just kill me why don't you??? First of all I'm still in shock that this "confession" happened. I totally didn't expect it at all. And second even tho Dohwa means the most to me in this Manhwa Soae doesn't own him anything!! It's totally fine for her to be friendly with him and for her to be visiting him because guess what u can be friends. U can have a good, wholesome realtionship without that romantic stuff but most guys don't get it and think there will be some kind of development when they wait with that expectation - No
Oh I see now I'm starting to understand the older brothers behaviour..and it was ao short noo uh
To me it seems like that the message is that this timeline is different from the first somehow ? Cesear seems different too
The new cover is so beautiful tho - I was like "what is thisss"
His AD playing on the readio vs what he was saying was so creeppyyy. Short reminder to not put celebrities etc. too much on the pedestal or idolize them endlessly. We don't know shit about them
I love him so much.....why did the author have to create two perfect Male Leads?!