I need season 2 live action
Who is their right mind would take your sisters underwear and hide them in your backpack
He got molested as a child and he’s getting molested now
Omg the baby is so adorable
It was so forced and so unrealistic☠ (their relationship)
.. What’s the point of this story?
you could literally ask that for abt any other story
Yeah but I’m talking about this story
ya but most story theres no “point” porn is just quick money so????
There’s usually a point in most stories even the ones that are one shots, but this one.. this one doesn’t lmfao.
I’m just stating my.. opinion? About the story, no one was harmed.
So am i lmao im not attacking u ur statement was js weird asf
It is what it is
Lolm lmao
Bro the cut scenes of them fucking are keep scaring me
HELLL NAHHHHHH I literally shed vomit out of my eyes when he transformed into a bunny while they were fucking
I need season 2 live action