Orangatanganlamabama June 2, 2021 7:34 am

I like how no one is really a bad guy in this. Haru's feelings are understandable- jealousy isn't a pretty thing, and it was cruel what she said but again, understandable. I think with time she probably would have changed her mind, but this was a time when those emotions were raw and new. I like to think Haru, if there is an afterlife, is supportive of her sister and ex-fiance. Togou never really held feelings for her, if we're being honest. He would have married her out of convenience. And Natsumi is happy with him- she's learning to not be so dependent on another person for her own happiness and moving on from her sister. She obviously cared for her sister a lot, but to the extent where she never even considered romantic relationships because her sister took up her entire life. (I dont think that her feelings were incestuous or anything, but i do think she had an incredibly unhealthy dependency on her sister, and let it consume her life). Honestly, people are saying their relationship is a betrayal to Haru, but I don't think Haru would have been any happier had she lived. Togou didn't love her, and whilst he would have treated her well, it's clear she wanted romance and she would tell his feelings were ingenuine. I'm honestly happy for these characters, and I hope their lives go well!

Orangatanganlamabama September 12, 2020 4:17 pm

Ahhhhsjdjsjdj. I'm so sad about Minoru dying at the end like noooo it's not fair ;-; And like my homie MAD smart cause it took him like??? A few hours at most to come up with the plan. My man had the rules explained to him and literally already figured out how to get FILTHY FUCKING RICH BABEY in less then like... a day. I dont /think/ he spent the 2 years planning bc he had no knowledge/memory of the death note??? He probably left himself a memo to make sure he got the yotsuba account but other then that? Nothing! This dude is crazy smart, I almost daresay the smartest out of everyone so far? I can't stop gawking he came up with this plan in LESS THEN A DAY. (I think i might have to reread tho ack-).
It's sad that he couldn't get more time to develop but A) this oneshot is wonderful enough as it is and B) the fact that he doesn't have any motivation to kill makes it hard to continue his story since he got everything he wanted (except...yknow...the dying young part-)
This guy would have absolutely wiped the floor with them all in the main series, thank goodness he's a zoomer, doesn't want to kill anyone, and lives in an age where technology makes almost everything impossible to hide. Even Near, supposedly the "smartest" (or, ok, second smartest if L hadn't died) said it was the first time he'd been beaten since becoming L (maybe the first time ever-!). I like how amused and even impressed Near was at this, I'd have loved to see him and Minoru interact. They both have different motivations, sure, but actually... they're really similar. They're kinda selfish, smart, sly, playful, and willing to trick others or make sacrifices for the sake of getting their own way- and I love it! They both don't want to kill either, recognising it as pointless and wasteful. Also... their methods are a lot more fun ;) (I really really wanted to see them meet- how entertaining would it be if they somehow became friends? I doubt they'd be enemies.)
Speaking of Near I'm really out here becoming a full on SIMP for this boy like (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ he's so pretty and the long hair akdjsjdkssj I'm... im w e a k-
I'm not a fan of the eyebags though! Look after yourself child! Get that sleep! The last L died young, and I don't want to see this one follow in his footsteps (granted... L's premature death was uh- special circumstances, but my point still stands!)

    stan bts September 14, 2020 12:48 am

    he did say dont appear, but didnt specify that he will live a normal life span

Orangatanganlamabama August 31, 2020 3:13 am

I personally really like hansoo and this new guy lmao. One thing i adore about this author is their work is filled with humour (and like- actually funny stuff too?). I don't think (for the time being, anyway) they're meant to be taken all that seriously? They're there for a bit of a laugh and reliability for the audience. There's no real "genre" for this, so I suppose 'slice of life' works? Yes, I love seeing the relationship between the two vampires, and the drama and horror aspects are nice too, but it wouldn't be as entertaining if you didn't have these breathers in between. Pacing! People think "fillers" are annoying, and I suppose they can be, but not if they're used to develop or help you think about characters more. Hansoo in particular exists as a contrast to these non-human characters, and she provides a way to see how these characters interact with humans they're familiar with (in particular Big Master, who never leaves his house unless it's necessary, and even then appears to put on a mask of welcome). Hansoo only appears 'useless' or 'annoying' cause she's up next to pretty much gods. What do you expect from her- she's a college-kid part timer! She adds a (literal) human touch to the story.

(Also on the note of if this is or isn't BL- i think it's a shame that any story with a mlm relationship always gets put as 'bl'. I think for that reason the author wants to avoid anything explicit about their relationship (in the story), because she wants to keep it from being labelled that. I mean, most people on here won't mind, but there's an unfortunate association quite a few people have with BL that makes them think the story will be boring or predictable, or ALL about their relationship. (When again, it's not. It's about them, their lives, and how they impact the people around them. It's drama, horror, slice of life, etc. And maybe a bit of romance too-) In a way it's like killing stalking- I can't even consider that a "BL", but it still gets labelled that because the main relationship is between two males (imagine calling any other psychological thriller a "romance"?)

Anyway yeah this is great I love this author, the art (as always) is ♡♡♡ and I cant wait to see how things develop! I'd love to see an update soon, but that depends on when anyone would be willing to upload on here jsjsjsjs-

    BeatrixDimelex September 1, 2020 3:07 am

    I absolutely love your take on this.. some of these comments make me worried that people are missing the entire point of the story, so this warms my heart so much that someone understands the story.
    And btw I love Hansoo too and always will. Not really sure what made me love her, but she's just a very likable character to me.

    The.M. September 2, 2020 12:23 pm

    I just finished Save me and although I came in here hoping for some good (new) bl, I love how you've explained the book. I was going to read it anyway but now, I don't feel that much of a need for it to be bl/a set genre.
    I love what the author is doing and I'd say that if I ever do make a manga or something, I'd like it to be this styleヾ(☆▽☆)

    Orangatanganlamabama September 22, 2020 8:45 am
    I absolutely love your take on this.. some of these comments make me worried that people are missing the entire point of the story, so this warms my heart so much that someone understands the story.And btw I lo... BeatrixDimelex

    Ah thanks! I was worried my ramblings would be annoying, so that's a relief to hear, haha. And yes! Hansoo is a sweetie, I'd die for her ok. Big and Little Master are great, but like... they both kinda suck (no pun intended). I know which character I'd probably actually want to befriend irl!

    Orangatanganlamabama September 22, 2020 8:51 am
    I just finished Save me and although I came in here hoping for some good (new) bl, I love how you've explained the book. I was going to read it anyway but now, I don't feel that much of a need for it to be bl/a... The.M.

    Yeah I agree. I was almost disappointed when I realised this probably wasnt going to be a BL, but the author writes so wonderfully, and creates such interesting characters, I don't mind! Honestly a lot of BL relies on the romance appeal instead of actually developing its characters and concept, so this is a breath of fresh air. There's enough subtext to /maybe/ hint at a more "intimate" relationship, but also vague enough that you could read them as platonic/siblings if you want. I personally like the idea of them being somewhat like partners, but not quite realising it yet, since they dont exactly conform to usual human norms on relationships.

Orangatanganlamabama August 25, 2020 4:46 am

A lot of people are saying the ending was rushed but personally? I don't really think so. Well- ok a little, but not nearly as badly as some of these comments are making out. Yeah, I'd have liked to see certain things explored more, and sure, I think there was a lot more potential for at least another 2 or 3 volumes. However, once Enigma's reveal, I do think it's only fair to expect the story to start towards its end. The ending was pretty satisfying imo, and wrapped things up neatly. Maybe I'm just used to reading more condensed stories (they're normally like 30 chapters rip), but it actually didn't feel TOO rushed to me. I felt like each character definitely got their time to shine, and I really liked them all! Even ones who appeared for like- 2 or 3 chapters at most. The ending was really sweet, and ok maybe I'm a sap but i dont care if it was "cliche", everything really came full circle and highlighted how they'd all grown by the end of it. Ah- someone commented it was shounen ai (if you really squint) and i agree! Regardless of platonic or not, it's super refreshing to see a male character have such friendly and lowkey intimate relationships with other male characters in a way that doesn't feel... yknow forced. Maybe because the creator is female or smth idk. It was nice to see that although Sumio makes it adamant he likes girls, he doesn't shy away from forming and seeking out meaningful relationships with other guys. It feels like he genuinely wants to be friends with them and ajdbjsjs it's so sweet. Honestly sumio gives me Very Big Bi vibes (i see you subtle bl fanservice moments hehehe-) and i love that! He feels really relatable to me, as, underneath the heroism, he's just a goofy teen boy. (Also i wanted to mention- if you've been obsessed with danganronpa recently like I have, you should def give this a go. They're very similar but I'd argue I actually like this more! I think I'm so sweet on Sumio cause he reminds me of another favourite protag, Makoto Naegi lmao).

Orangatanganlamabama August 1, 2020 12:19 am

I'm so annoyed I stayed up just to read this (im tired man-) and it turned out to be... so.... so bad lmaooo. Was there potential? Yes. Did it live up to said potential? Definitely not- I don't think of myself as TOO picky (i like to think I'm pretty moderate with my standards lmao) but... man... that was one massive crapfest from (let's be honest) start to finish, and just got so much worse as it went on. The scene where the kidnapper and the older bro were just stabbing each other... like... what kind of classic bollywood drama bullshit IS this- HOW ARE EITHER OF THEM STILL ALIVE? AND MOVING-? a stab to the abdomen IS a pretty big deal believe it or not- also how the fuck did they not notice stalker coming up the stairs behind them??? You'd think he'd have some trouble being quiet since he was...yknow... dying. Anyway this was definitely not worth the binge read- trust me. It's not. There were a few moments i enjoyed/thought were kinda hot but overall i just... would not want to experience that again. Ever. (The art aint even that nice too so dont bother for that either jshshshs-)

Orangatanganlamabama July 31, 2020 2:33 am

Geez everyone but the kid here fucking sucks lmao (oh and the dad's biological kid-). I mean- i don't even need to explain the MC do I? Tae was very sweet and I do feel bad for him but like... my god... dude... the guy is literally pining after his dad like daddy issues are one thing but mAN- STEP AWAY! love can only turn you blind to so much lmfao. The dad? Also an ass! I love revenge stories (and i think we can all agree the mc deserved it) but bruh- taking in the kid and raising him as your own? NOT COOL! just kill him or smth geeeeez. Literally the poor black-haired kid (sunho?) is the only damn good character here, poor baby did literally nothing wrong. He even tried to reach out and got shit for it smfh. I'm so glad he survived bc him having even the slightest little shred of hope was literally the only thing keeping me going lmaooo. I like to imagine tae adopted him or smth (unlikely as it may be-) and they lived out the rest of their lives helping each other heal from dealing with all of father and son's buLLSHIT lmao

Orangatanganlamabama April 10, 2020 1:43 pm

Ahhh this was a very interesting read! I loved the concept and whilst I wasn't 100% on the execution (it got waaaay too philosophical for me at times, I'll admit- although maybe it's because the translation was a liiitle off at parts it made it somewhat difficult to take in) I still enjoyed it a lot. I think maybe partly an issue was how short it was- something like this really should have been way more fleshed out and really built upon in more then 15 chapters yknow? I'd have loved to see a lot more of the characters- especially Amazono! He seemed so interesting and we didn't even get a backstory or motivation or anything! I did like that we had a happy ending and I was surprised to see the MC so much more intelligent then I think anyone was expecting him to be (even if it did slightly put me off jsshsjs). Overall, I really enjoyed it! Would definitely reccomend giving it a try at least. (Especially if you like danganronpa- seriously, I knew something about it sounded familiar...)

Orangatanganlamabama April 6, 2020 1:05 pm

awww i was not expecting this story to be so sad and yet so wholesome too (hhh). If there's any complaints it has to be that A) it was a shame we kind of deviated from the school setting early on and B) that ending was so short sobs. Other then that i enjoyed it very much! The concept is amazing, I'm weak for family-centric fiction and love it when two polar opposites (in this case a ganster teacher and schoolchildren) interact, even moreso when there's a considerable age difference. Found families are ♡. Ah, the art was nice too! (Kwon is literally the definiton of eye candy ok-?)
Im not fond of kids (both irl and in fiction), they're way too easy to come across as annoying little brats who either whine constantly or are just bland characters put there for the cuteness factor. HOWEVER, maybe its because the children were the focus idk, but their personalities were so likeable and interactions with both each other and the teacher are just hilarious and heartwarming too. Again, really wish we could see more of the casual stuff instead of the gangster-drama which kept showing up. Not that I didn't find it interesting, it's just theres only SO many times san can get kidnapped before it gets repetitive, yknow?

Other then that, really enjoyed! Highly recommend giving it a read, I just binged the entirety of it lol ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Orangatanganlamabama April 2, 2020 4:18 am

*sobs* i knew it...and yet... i still had hope T^T (╯TД T)╯╧╧!!!
Ah well...it's still a BL in my dreams right? :")

(Also i just wanna say im seeing a lotta hansoo hate and whilst you're all free to your opinions please dont hate on her just cause she potentially gets in the way of the ship. Regardless of her being there or not the author still probably won't make it canon, they've made it pretty clear. Besides, Hansoo seems to not mind the idea of it herself~ Fellow fujo vibes anyone?)

    BeatrixDimelex April 2, 2020 4:30 am

    Okay, I'm not gonna lie, a while back before I even started reading this, I hated Hansoo because I thought she was gonna get in the way of possible relationships, but I've become reassured that she probably won't get in the way of anything.
    I've actually come to really like her just like the rest of the characters.

    Orangatanganlamabama April 9, 2020 6:40 am
    Okay, I'm not gonna lie, a while back before I even started reading this, I hated Hansoo because I thought she was gonna get in the way of possible relationships, but I've become reassured that she probably won... BeatrixDimelex

    Ah well i can understand that! Me too, I was kind of unsure because I didn't want yet ANOTHER bland female protagonist when the story could function fine without her. BUT I was proven wrong, and I do enjoy her presence in the story! It's frustrating that this (probably) wont be a BL but at the end of the day it is what is is. (We can still dream tho ;-;)

Orangatanganlamabama March 29, 2020 1:03 am

"Don't even think of coming in the room tonight"
LMAOOO i love their old couple dynamic he acts just like an irate wife!

Uh...older sibling?

(I don't know anymore at this point honestly-)

Lmaoo poor little master, looks like it's the sofa you'll be sleeping on lolololol (≧∀≦)

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