when will I read good yaoi without rape or sexual abuse

There are a lot like that XD maybe don’t try to read ones about imprisonment and also has CW and TW lol. There’s also lists with healthy yaois. Anything with psycho involved in the title maybe isn’t the best choice lol. And this is also why you read the description and top 4 reviews before reading these stuff. Just saying.
If I didn’t like these genres or types of stories, I just wouldn’t read it lol
There’s a lot more fluffy and vanilla type stories without those things, but I don’t read them a lot, since personally I can get bored easily(unless I’m in the mood for brainrot happy sht cause I read too much angsty stuff lol)

At this point the default of a eastern BL is rape or romanticize it. I find it annoying people saying ohh there’s fluffy plots out there don’t complain. Why would someone complain if the fact was that was true? 80% of BL even featured in literally the very first page of the most updated works on his website include sexual violence of some kind. It’s literally the default of this genre.

Okay but not me writing basically an essay and mangago not sending it so I’m gonna have to recount everything while being dead tired—
Okay, general gist I guess of what I said before:
I still don’t know how you can click on a series titled like this, with the cover art like that, and even the description being very clear what the series is about, and be surprised it has rape and noncon. Like, I don’t read stuff I don’t think I’ll enjoy, and I check the description and reviews usually. Even if the art is super good, if I don’t think I’ll enjoy it, I don’t read it.
I’m just saying that if you actively choose to read something that clearly will have stuff you don’t like, you can’t act surprised that it has the stuff you don’t like in it.
Also, I think every story or at least almost every story will not be using the psychopathy mental illness for their stories when they mention psycho in the title or description. Psychopathy as a mental illness does not mean someone is crazy, as it only means they lack the ability to feel empathy(and some other stuff I don’t know enough about to say. I’m not a psychiatrist lol). However, a psycho can be used to describe someone crazy. Just because they use the term psycho, doesn’t mean they automatically refer to the mental illness. 9/10 they will mean to refer to the character as crazy, and not having possessed the mental illness of psychopathy. You would have to be reading a REALLY niche type of story for them to be referring to the mental illness.
Anyway, rape/noncon def a very common trope/crime(lol) in this genre, but they do have stories attached to them, while others have stories that don’t have that attached to them. And, just cause you don’t like them, doesn’t mean other people don’t. They sometimes like these stories cause of the angst attached to them, how the story progresses, the art, or maybe they just like the smut lol. Anyway, there’s a number of reasons. Honestly, this is better than some other stories that handle this topic. Like, it’s definitely still a bad thing, but they actually treat it as such lol. Like, they aren’t laughing it off like some bls would(but those are usually comedy genres and are meant to be more lighthearted than this so I get why they would), and are actively showing some of the trauma the mc is going through from it. Like, if you’re saying this about one that only has rape where they somehow end up together and there’s no aftereffects involve, I would get that lol(a lot of older bls had that honestly)
Anyway, rather than there not being a lot of bls without noncon and rape, hence why it’s not on yhe popular page, it’s more like that’s what majority of the site prefers reading. Again, some people just enjoy those stories. The popular page so created by user traffic, just like how other sites have a bunch of shounen harem sht on their popular page. While some sites have people who love unnecessary fanservice in harem mangas, most people on this site prefer not to have those scenes(which is why I like reading on here more, since the reviews match up with my tastes more)
This is probably one of the few sites that would even have BL on the popular page, so most of us will probably arrive here, and there’s def some people who like more extremes stories or at least more complex stories. (Again, people love angst too lol)
If you go to lists, someone will have most definitely created lists with bls that don’t have rape or noncon in them, since there are people who enjoy that. I recommend not just going solely on the popular page, and if you do, find ones that clearly have a more wholesome cover or title. Just like how I had to scrounge for idol manhwas to read, it will definitely be more easy to find then expected lol. This site has been curated by its users and its users also help spread whatever genre they prefer too.
Btw, if you read this cause you liked the art, the author of this series LITERALLY has only one other manhwa, and that manhwa has no rape or noncon in it. They legit get together first season, go to college and then start doing smutty stuff. Like they haven’t even gone all the way in the recent chapter lol(like total whiplash to this series lol but also why I started reading this series, since I liked the author lol)
So again, not that hard to find.
Anyway, that’s it. I’m tired and I have work tomorrow so rip my sleep schedule lol—
Happy reading and please make sure to check whether a story will have something you don’t like before reading it.
(I probably missed some stuff I wrote before but I’m dead tired and have the memory of a goldfish lol. Sorry for the long essay, just wanted to inform in some way! Bye!!)
I wish that mc was with natsume
i meant to like i accidentally disliked
dw it's okay