This story really surprised me. I love the pacing and I even loved the angsty moments that come before the tension release. Third couple left me really sad, by the end of the extras I was feeling very low myself :(
I know that Yul is the kind of character that SHOULD BE with the mc because he’s not the bad guy and looks like an honest boy, but it feels that the story itself is asking for the boxing yakuza look alike man to be the real partner instead of Yul…
Can’t be the only one who really don’t care that much about this young lady since that “incident”. I’m glad she’s fine and reconnecting with life and her grandma, but I want to see ma babies and I want to read more content about ma babies.
I’m begging, if someone has read the raws and knows more than what it is published here tell me cause I’m about to drop it like, I did not like this chapter aT ALL, I do not want to see them suffer and specially I don't wanna see Leto suffer like that, Imma ‘bout to break things.
That chapter where Ein is looking at Leto with flowers in his braided hair while he goes in the lake… Guys I swear I could cry. I will RIOT if something bad happens to them, my heart can’t take ir.
Their story lives rent free in my head since I read all the 67 chapters in one afternoon like four days ago. I simply can’t stop thinking about them.