Byul wag masyado papa cute mahina puso ng mga lola mo
Oppss another red flag with innocent face
Feeling frustrated right now'coz I can't read in this site anymore..... I'm getting depressed.... This is the only site that I can read for free.. but now there's issues..always loading (but no images shown) even it's high in internet connection
i used vpn proton, and it worked to me, i recommend to avoid connecting to Japan (idk the reason)
thank you so much you gorgeous being
When using vpn proton, are there any problems? Coz I installed it rn and I'm using it, then voila! The images are back,
u're welcome >_<
yuhh it's pretty good, i haven't had any issues at all
Byul wag masyado papa cute mahina puso ng mga lola mo