You don't even deserve to remember his face you piece of
I hope Kim Dan doesn't even give you an inch when you come begging, you don't deserve his kindness anymore let alone his forgiveness. You must think so little of him trying to repay his debt to you. Not even respecting his effort even now? You deserve to die alone and regretting every little abuse and demeaning act you did.
I hope Kim Dan comes to hate you, I hope he doesn't even want to forgive you ever again. I hope you mess up even more.
Kim Dan deserves better than you.
I wish a new male lead would be introduced. Just to drive the knife deeper. One that would love Kim Dan and one that Kim Dan would turn to. That is the beat ending I think could happen.
I agree 100%
Kim Dan suffered to buy him that gift and he tossed it away like it was garbage. That was Kim Dan's emotions and feelings poured into that gift. I don't understand why writers do this, this is very unhealthy if the writer decides to still make this two end up together. Like what kind of atonement can be written to justify these piece of shits behavior??
The MC has a personality fr
"he's not even that old, but... he's behaving like an old fart trying to impress a young mistress"
The wheeze I gave
But in all seriousness, I dropped it right after. I don't want no rape scene and dumbification of our MC.