Finally some plot going off after those 60ch of pure grape bruh..
Honestly one thing that I’m not liking in this whole almuten last crusade is, that WHY THE FK THEY BROUGHT YUGEON THERE IF HE CANT DO ANYTHIINGG.
I know that prob as a bait, but still bro, like what the fk… is so frustrating..
Wants to shoot the enemies -don’t shoot-, wants to guide them -don’t GuidE Me IM fiNE-, Run blah blah blAHH
I really hope in this next chapters yugeon finally starts to MCING and being a “liability” or amma start throwing hands (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
Like I want him to fuking show his true gOd tier lvl of guiding or Im going to lose my shit.
If after this crusade he’s not the MPV IM-
Idk why the fk are people hating on this. I love it, might not be perfectly accurate about DID, or stuff. But I think it’s was a very different and interesting BL.
I was so tired already of the same grape bs in all this recent bls that got out. But this one is so refreshing and quite different!
Art style 10/10
Characters 9/10
Story 8/10 (solid)
Length Ended up on the short side spectrum, I really wished to have more chapters, but guess grape always sells the most…
Anyways overall 9/10 for a quick read is good! Recommended!