I'm just gonna come out and say it... I don't think anyone deserves to die like that :(

Yeah I agree, but I do not see how people can be so heartless as to rejoice on this person's horrible death... they were a terrible person, but having your bones broken and your heart ripped out of your chest. That's just so inhumane and crazy. Maybe I'm not enough of a barbarian to enjoy stuff like that but it still made me uncomfortable. So many things could've happened instead, a restraining order, suing him, exposing him to his girlfriend which would get around to the press since she's famous, and the mc could all the while be staying in the seme's care during all that.

I agree but I also disagree. There as so many things wrong with the justice system and there are so many disgusting people who are able to take advantage of the loopholes in the law and be free citizens. I also believe there is a moral way for someone to pay consequences for their actions depending on what it is. But in the perspective of a victim I don’t think I would be able to respond to morals. This person did horrible things to them and they show no remorse. I can’t imagine how painful that would be. Although no one deserves to die in such a inhuman manner. It scares me that the justice system can decide who deserves to die (death penalty). As this is a fictional story, the line of reality is either blurry or nonexistent, especially when it comes to moral views.

I completely agree with you! the justice system is very flawed and it is not as easy to fix, so it won't even be changed anytime soon sadly. I also agree that the victim was not in the right mental space so I do not blame him, that is why I never commented on his morals being wrong or right. I only commented on the fact that the people reading it from a viewer standpoint, are rejoicing in the best friend's death who is ironically at that point a victim because of his torture and murder. It just makes my stomach turn seeing people saying things like he deserved it, or giving their thoughts on how else they should have tortured that man before he died. That is irony in itself because they felt bad about the original victim being abused but when the best friend was being tortured and became a victim too, all of a sudden that doesn't count because he did bad things. I'm not saying they need to feel bad for him or defend him, but at least understand that it is immoral for anyone to die like that :(

Spoiler for those who have not watched the anime yet
I was watching the anime, and I really disliked Rachel. I didn't say anything much to anyone at first because I thought everyone would disagree but others seemed annoyed at her too. She abandoned the only person she knew and loved (Main character) in the beginning, then she hid from him in embarrassment which I understood, but then she got jealous/sad that he has new friends from the tower. I was so confused why she thought she deserved to feel jealous that he had other people that care about him when SHE was the one who abandoned him, knowing that she was all he had. She kept telling him to stay away and leave her alone, but I guess she secretly liked that he was pursuing her and only cared about her?? Not only that but when she got crippled, couldn't walk anymore, and had to be disqualified, at that point she had given zero reasons as to why she abandoned him, and there was no hardcore apology or anything, so it was really annoying when the Main Character risked his life and chances for her so she could continue when she didn't deserve it. Her character is very confusing and underdeveloped, and I would much rather anyone else be more focused on than her because at that point everyone else's story and character is so much more interesting than hers. That's just my opinion though...

Nothing makes sense, and nothing connects. Not only is this the biggest cliche, but the story is half assed, the connection between the brothers is half assed, and who the hell wears knee high socks with a suit to work?? was that just for the sex scene at the school?? IM CONFUSED!
Lol ya'll are acting up, it's my opinion. It's bad and im not scared to all it shit.

Oh my god that was the funniest garbage I've ever read lmao. Everything in that manga happens for literally no reason. It's so bad it's good, like no matter how rich of a family you are born in, actual children cannot forge classified documents on other children, like how did nobody know about that? HOW DID THE CHILDREN GET THE RESULTS BEFORE THE PARENTS DID? and when kou asked yuu what happened to his pants, yuu could have said ANYTHING normal such as, they're in the wash, or he's changing to go to the store, BUT NOPE! he was cooking and they caught on fire. The crazy part is how kou just accepts it and stares like "hmm yes, more eye candy for me". I laughed so hard at that and many other things. I feel like the mangaka had so much fun with this one lol, so I will atleast give it 2 stars for making me laugh.

I'm sorry, but everything that happened after Jungsoo lost his memory was just a mess. The pyramid scheme bit felt dragged out and useless, and minhyul suffered for no reason. Jungsoo isolated himself from everyone because he couldn't handle the hardships that came with relationships and in the end he's able to accept the feelings of his best friend but never minhyul? I understood that he felt insecure at times with mihnyul, but they talked about this and minhyul gave Jungoo SO MUCH closure! mihnyul ALWAYS told jungsoo he was cute and beautiful, he ALWAYS told jungsoo he loved him for HIM and nobody else, but for some reason that explanation was never good enough for Jungsoo. Minhyul was done so dirty I can't-

Like I said, Minhyul apologized and reassured Jungsoo SOOOO many times that as he got to know Jungsoo more, he liked him for him and not his face! It is not uncommon for people to have crushes on people at first because they like how they look for specific reasons. Their relationship was 95% broken because of Jungsoo being standoffish, isolating himself for no reason, and ignoring Minhyul's feelings. Not only that but before Jungsoo lost his memories he left Hyun in the dark for Mihnyul, but when Jungsoo felt awkward around Mihnyul, he went running back Hyun and started acting like Hyun was the only one that was ever there for him when he knows DAMN WELL that Mihnyul was ALWAYS there for him. After Jungsoo lost his memories, Jungsoo treated Mihnyul like he was clingy and weird, and made him feel like he wasn't trying hard enough. All Jungsoo had to do was open up and accept Minhyul's feelings but he never did, he pretended he did, ran away, tried to cover up his feelings and accepted a confession from his best friend without talking about if they could work out or not and then it just ended. I see how it was TRYING to be poetic, but when you break it down, nothing makes any sense, and at the end of the day, Minhyul is the victim that never got any closure or help.

I don't hate this manga for the sole reason that all those thoughts and scenarios are (believe it or not) actually realistic to an extent. I give it props for delving into the not so perfect sides of relationships. It a cool perspective that that relationships can be just as depressing as it is happy. People aren't perfect so relationships aren't as well and some crazy stuff can happen if there's major disconnect. These things happen in a lot of relationships, but man, relationships can really drain you and also make you feel on top of the world.
Am I the only one that's kinda lost? like am I dumb or am I DUMB because Ik stuff is happening, im just hella confused about anything that doesn't have to do with kister and Johnathon April lol