I need a good BL/yaoi rapist in a mangahwa. Can you please not give me lists? Unless it's a short list? I just need one.

I kinda like this story, don't know if it's what you are looking for...

hi i have some rape yaois, is that ok? they short tho

I'm not saying that there's a problem with you reading it because it's fiction at the end of the day, I read it too since it's in a lot of yaoi. But my definition of rape definitely is NOT broadened. A lot of yaoi romanticize rape, so that's probably why you may think the rape scenes are not as bad as they seem.

Romance and rape - two mutually exclusive words. If the sexual part of two people's relationship includes romantic feelings, that seriously modifies the importance of your accusations of rape. Since there's not one single word or thought in your reply that you haven't borrowed from someone else, then how bout if you give me some original words of your own. Explain your endgame. What exactly do you want done about stories that we're all here to read as entertainment, as a delightful escape into a world full of gorgeous men doing sexual, flirtatious, and romantic acts with one another. you seem to want to sanitize the entire genre to your own rules. Meanwhile, thousands of us disagree with you and this rhetoric of condemnation against the men in our stories and the work of artists who create them and who we've always loved.

I mean yes. If you're looking to be offended, this will do it for you. I lke the story, I love the artist and her art so much. It's long so there's a story that develops. It's complete. The characters are sweet. The seme is.... I'd be spoiling so nevermind. 5 stars from me. The SJW's went into a state of hysterical outrage, bouncing off the walls, ceiling, flying around corners and out the window into traffic over it. For me that gave it more status points. haha I don't think these works deserve or warrant the level of hate these people express. It's inappropriate, and worse, it's insulting to the artists.

I like seduction, semes who get a bit pushy. semes who keep making out with the uke, up in the bedroom, hands under the pants and over the underwear. under the pants and under the underwear... talking that sweet dirty talk till the uke is so aroused that they say yes. Sjw's call that rape. fuk that, trying to abolish everything I find erotic. I'm getting to where I hate their guts for it.

okay. hold on. might be Renai Fuyuki Todoki. sorry. http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/renai_fuyuki_todoki/

Here maybe? http://www.mangago.zone/home/album/170832/
There are some rape story:)

I'm literally not saying there's anything wrong with reading it. If one party doesn't consent to it, then it's rape - I'm just stating facts. I read it too and am not telling the authors to abolish it or whatever. I'm just telling the truth that rape is used as a stepping stool towards their romance in yaoi, but I don't really see it as a problem because if that's what the authors want to do, then they can do it. All I said was that most yaoi have rape in them, because it's true, for example: Love is an Illusion, Kiss me Liar, If You Hate Me So and so on. If you want to read it, then go on because I'm not stopping you. I'm not a snowflake who would throw a tantrum at the sight of a rape scene and this argument literally happened because I said there was rape in practically 90% of yaoi on this website. I'm really sorry if I offended you because I was trying to make a joke then, but I guess it was my mistake.

Are you absolutely certain those facts are facts? first I want to say that maybe you didn't see my post where I said I know I said things too harshly. you don't need to say anything regarding sorry if you offended me when it's me being too harsh. About rape and consent... I'm pretty sure I'm older than most here, but only by a few years, and I wasn't taught any "woke" stuff. I believe that when new ideas that are different than the ideas held by previous generations going back at least a hundred years, those new ideas should be be closely scrutinized, not adopted without question. Why were you told that consent is unquestionably a law of life? It sounds good. It appears to make sense unless you look at it under a microscope. Then it falls apart imo. nothing is as black and white as that, especially when it comes to sex. There are plenty of times when consent is inappropriate, morally wrong even, and I say that the newspeak consent is as dangerous as no consent because it can obviously be used to victimize as well as protect ppl from being victimized. I could elaborate tremendously, but this post would bee too long.
I'm also saying that rape is way too strong a term for a lot of the sex in these stories. Rape is a criminal, violent act that has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with causing its victim injury and mental trauma. That just can't be said about much of the "rape" on this site. I think that stuffing everything into a general category called "rape," trivializes the suffering of the real life victims of a heinous crime.
Everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and I don't agree with a system that indoctrinated an entire generation into an ideology that has never been tested on a real population.
I don't accept any societal stricture when my own deep scrutiny tells me it's wrong.

I'm just here to tell you that rape isn't inherently violent. That's just not true at all. It can violent but it isn't always. People who are passed out drunk can't consent, even if the sex isn't violent, it's still rape because they never consented to have sex and were not in a position to consent either. Rape is sexual intercourse when there'd lack of consent. The moment the othet partie says no and the person keeps going then yes it is rape. Coersing someone into saying yes to sex isn't consent either. I don't know why you're so uncomfortable with the notion of CONSENTUAL SEX

There are people who want to have sex very badly but can't consent. I wish you and your little friends who are so damned sure you have the right checklist to tick off so you know when it's rape would listen to reason for once in your lives. Some sex is not on your checklist because the people who rammed that checkist up your asses were idiots. I can see you swallowing that bs as a child, but to keep on having blind faith in it as absolute truth - wtf is wrong with you?
I wish all of you would stop talking down to me like I haven't heard your used-car-rape hard-sell a million times. Do you realize how mechanical you think of the act of sex? Like it's a machine that has to run on one kind of fuel only. The people who taught you children about sex were puppets who had no choice but to teach the sex curriculum to you as if there was only way. It's a load of horseshit.
And don't fuck sleeping or passed out drunk people, okay?. But if two people have a few drinks and go home and have sex. YES the hell they can consent. What a bunch of idiots you people are. Mostly for never questioning what you were taught as a kid. You're supposed to question that shit. grow the hell up

Why are you so agressive lmao. I feel like the idea of someone not actually consenting makes you upset because you don't actually understand the concept of consent. I just corrected you when you said rapes were always violent crimes when they are in fact, not violent alot of the times. If both parties were drunk I won't view it the same way as someone sober taking advantage of someone intoxicated, especially if they are not in a relationship where they have the possibility to talk about their sexual boundaries.

If you can apply a "If this, then that" format to your knowledge of sex, you're going off a list. Yes, I am uncomfortable with "consenting," because of people like you preach it like gospel, meanwhile you've never stopped to think about all the ways a bastard like me can turn it around on your naive ass to trick you into having sex; or all of the people who cannot consent - how come none of you ever inquire as to what I mean by this? That alone tells me you think you know everything about sex. Those who think they know everything about sex don't know one essential thing: that you will still be learning new things about sex for the rest of your life. Also: that there are people out there who know more than you however otherwise your eqo tells you.

Again, rape is inherently violent because rapists are all about doing violence to their victims. You think that some rape is not like that. I disagree. You cannot stuff everything into one category labeled "Rape" You can't accidentally rape someone. You can't get a little pushy with someone and call it rape. If you can call it seduction, it ain't rape. You think talking someone into it is coersion. Who added that to the curriculum? Couching sex in terms of "in a relationship where they have the possibility to talk about their sexual boundaries" makes me laugh my ass off. Sex isn't like that, dummy

So if a child has sex with an adult and it isn't violent at all, that means that it isn't rape, by your logic right? Yes, sex works like that, forcing a yes out of someone isn't ok. That's why I call it coersing and not full on rape. I've been in many relationship and I know how to put boundaries with my partners because I don't want to feel forced to have sex with my partner because THEY want it. Rape is all about power control, not about violence. They want to control their victims and that can be anyone and by any means whether it's by drugging someone, choosing someone that is intoxicated, grooming a child into having sex or FORCEFULLY raping someone, all of those are still rape.

this is a series and a huge favorite of mine:
part 2 http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/messiah_no_kyojitsu/
part 3 http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/messiah_no_sentaku/
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/uchuu_no_mozuku/ this one tentacle rape counts. pretty damn hot. I cleaned and decensored this one
Here's a couple I haven't looked at for a while so I hope they're not off the mark:
Gintama dj http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/gintama_dj_ukatsuna_yakusoku_wa_suru_na/
I know of a few more.....

Deadlock is the greatest. It has prison rape and it's not pleasant, but just in case:
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/kisu_ariki/- super hot sex scenes, and the whole thing has this dirty smutty heat to it. I would never recommend reading from sex scene to sex scene, but in this rather disjointed work, the sex scenes tell their own story. The chapters are crazy mixed up, some raws, some English. Incomplete, too. Mangapark has ch 1-9 in English: http://mangapark.me/manga/kiss-ariki. .raws through ch 17 here: https://www.177mh.net/colist_194321.html
I hope you've seen this already but just in case: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/kuroneko_kareshi_no_amaekata/
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/synchronize_free_dj/ effin amazing
weird: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/yokubou_no_shizuku/
It's stupid but woke-soaked call this rape: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/yours_to_claim/?A3lt

Don't be stupid. Children can't consent. - Force, Coerce, not good words to be always working into conversations about sex. You'd think there were rapists around every corner.
-Rape is about violence. Again, don't be stupid. You'd think all rapists were identical the way you talk. You don't think wanting power and control to the point of rape is violent? Come on.
It's sounds to me like you've put laser focus on a set of rules and requirements for rape. -I don't think thats a healthy emphasis in terms of priority.
-When you talk about putting limits - kind of sounds like power and control. haha

You're the one that keeps the emphasis on rape being VIOLENT all the time. I never said that rape was NEVER violent. Other synonyms to violent are brutal and agressive. A rapist isn't necessarily going to be agressive. When you talk about violence, i think of hits, bruises, scratches. It doesn't always have that outcome. Get that through your nasty ass skull. In my psychology class we talked about rapists and what rapists often seek is a power dynamic where their victims are HELPLESS. Do you know what violent even means??? You say that word as if you don't know the meaning of the word. If you don't understand the concept of coersing someone into having sex just say that. Because yes, alot of people do that and no it isn't ok because alot of people feel like shit afterwards :D

You act as if victims paralyzed by fear don't exist. They won't necessarily put up a fight. And so often if the victim doesn't respond with resistance, the rapist may or may not use violence as mean to get what they want. The act can be limited to being forcefull without inherently being violent per say.

Here's the definition of rape since you think you're too smart for your own good:
Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person without that person's consent. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority, or against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, has an intellectual disability, or is below the legal age of consent.[1][2][3] The term rape is sometimes used interchangeably with the term sexual assault.[4]

who are we talking about though? two young people out on a date, say. He makes a joke that she takes the wrong way. Even after he says he was kidding, she's paralyzed with fear. He thinks all is well and goes back to what they were doing, having sex. The girl normally just lies there like a dead fish anyway, lol, so he thinks things are normal and nothing is wrong and continues the sex act.. If you call this guy a rapist, I'm gonna beat you over the head. jk. Look, I'll play nice if you will, how bout it? What concerns me is sending young men to ail for this sort of thing. It's far from the only thing of course. I'm also concerned about young people in our horrendous justice system.

I'm not goiing to read this right now cuz I know it will probably make me mad. Maybe not for the reasons you think. People put up definitions and talk to me as if I'm an idiot. They just won't be convinced that very close scrutiny should be applied to absolutely everything teachers taught them about sex. What I hear coming from younger people, and I hope I'm not talking to someone younger than age 20, is extremely suspect. Even if all that rhetoric is perfect, it's still very concerning that all these kids are swallowing it whole without question. When it so closely resembles the gender studies curriculum, I think it could be headed in a very bad direction. I mostly don't give a shit about the kiddie definition of rape except that they are pushing something tantamount to a book burning, advocating censorship as something normal, desired even. Sanitize this genre of all rape. Intimidate the artists into drawing only what they want.

I said you think you are, not that you are, read correctly. You're getting so off topic anyways because my main point was violence and that's the only that I talked about when I replied to youe comment and you started to go on and on about things that weren't even related to what I said. I'm not under the age of 20, I'n 21 and i'm very much capable to see things situatiob by situatiob and we weren't talking about a specific case or anything and you flew off the rails because you think i cannot have judgement based on the situation that I see. I said what I said and meant what I said abd i'll leave it at that

hey there. Have you read "Lost Virgin?" It's among my favorite mangas. It's sweet and sexy. The art is fabulous. http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/lost_virgin_nagi_wataru/ Yet it has all the elements the sjw's call rape, and not a single one of them has ever said it was rape. In fact they can't stop saying how cute and wonderful it is. The seme gets violent with the uke. The seme talks him into the sex. The uke says, "No, Stop, and Wait," several times. In the second sex scene the uke doesn't consent and protests having sex.
It's a sweet pleasurable read. Everyone loves it. No one disapproves, and it's highly rated. It's a perfect example of the hypocrisy of these rape-crazies. See what you think.

Since the beginning you've been talking down on me. Re-read carefully the way you speak to people. You act abovr everyone when you're in fact not above anyone at all. Every time i've had a discussion with you on this site, you were always nasty. I never said you were stupid or unintelligent. You think you're super smart. You act like a smartass when you're very much average. And I won't claim to be more intelligent then you but i'll never talk down on someone because they don't see things with the same eyes as me. Just giving you back the same energy you put out there luv. X

I wasn't even talking to you to begin with. I'm very nice with people who aren't spouting bs or being hateful to me to begin with. Whether you know it or not, you were nasty to me from the start. I'm opposed to every damn thing people like you stand for. Why should I be nice? I think your attitude is destructive, and that you're too entrenched, plus I don't care if you change your mind. I'm not here enlighten anyone. I never said I was super smart. You said that. At times I choose to try for a nice conversation if I think it might be worth it, but sometimes I'm wrong about that.

Gurl don’t even try to make her look bad you started this shit so end it ,don’t be dramatic and it doesn’t even fucking matter if she is intrested in rape and other jus mind your own business and ignore her like normal people do don’t make a big fuss and also speak for yourself this is in a freaking illegal website so if your looking for a fight this ain’t it leave while I’m being nice and I’m sorry if I am intruding in both your conversation it this jus dumb like it doesn’t matter what she likes jus respect it and let it go

It literally has nothing to do with them liking rape to begin with? Read the whole thread before saying things that aren't even related lol. I do not care if they like rape, that's their thing and I don't give a fuck because I know alot of people have a cnc kink and I never once said anything about them liking this or seeking this in BL lol.

You literally insulted me when I once said that I didn't like the dicks in a manga and you call yourself nice? Every time i've had a conversation with you, you were always having a nasty attitude towards me when I wasn't even talking about anyone in specific or said
anything that would remotely lead you to be nasty towards me and have an attitude. I'm not gonna have the same attitude towards someone that was always hostile towards me for no goddamn reason.
I wasn't hostile when I first started talking to you in this thread. Read the first thing i told you again. And look how you replied to me. Re-read carefully. I started matching the energy the moment you called me an idiot that has no judgement.

I think you're confusing me with someone that told you that they didn't mean to offend you. I never said they were terrible lmao. I literally commented that the dicks weren't it and that's it. Like you went overboard for no reasons lmao. I'm an artist too and if someone tell me that something I make is kind of wonky and it actually is wonky I'll be like yeh sucks cuz i put time into this but yes, it is wonky. That's it

I remember now. You and some fukn idiot who loves censorship (omg) with the world's ugliest pfp ganged up when I defended another artist's work. You call yourself an artist? Yet you would support someone who is putting down a fellow artist? You're scum. I'm sorry I wasted any time talking to you. it won't happen again

BAHAHAHHA we never ganged up in you, YOU went out of your way to come and insult us, I admitted to you that the way they said what they said wasn't very nice. I never said a single thing about loving censorship I don't even care about that but if the dicks are wonky well they are wonky and the comment section is there for a reason. I said I didn't like the dicks, I have every rights not to like them lmao. Anyways boo, you have problems and it's deeply rooted. Get some help, you need it.

OH! but since we're on the topic of art! Here's you insulting the author art and insulting the way they designed the baby in the story! Caught you in 4k http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/1468806/

this is and always was my point. I'm saying it now in case I wasn't clear before. I'm not trying to start in on this again. I'm not trying to have the last word. I ran across this discussion, and I didn't read all of it, but going back through my memory I was concerned that I hadn't clearly said what I meant. that's my only concern: to correct myself if I wasn't clear before. I don't want to fight with you.

I'm looking for any manga or manhwa where a turtle and a pony fall in love, and then a shoobok alien performs their marriage ceremony. preferably BL but any genre is okay.

How about this!! Lol

This relates to manga in that I'm reading manga when it happens. If that's not enough, fine. I want to know if anyone else experiences this: tonight there is a rumbling sound and vibration beneath my feet, like they are running a big engine underground below my house. I'm sitting on my bed and there were even several bumps that should my bed. Anyone else experience this sort of thing?

thank you for the It's a Sunny Day Again update. Also, someone named Meard spoke directly to me then blocked me so my reply didn't go through. This is wrong, rude, and not acceptable. I don't like the idea of reporting people, but this rude behavior needs to stop. If you talk to someone, you should leave the line of communication open . You didn't have to talk to them to begin with.

some yaoi with non-consent please?
You used to be able to talk about anything on the home page. Now it's like there's some kind of tight stricture against what? I don't know. I think the home page being reserved only for people who want recommendations seems like the party is over, and I hate negative signs and warnings being tacked up everywhere. Wasn't all this supposed to be pleasurable?
Anyway, I'm sincerely looking for some stuff with non-consent if anyone has a suggestion. appreciate it

Take a look at these 2 and let me know if this is what u wanted.

You talk big, but what's your definition of consent? In a LOT of stories here, there is non-verbal consent, and you nutjobs are screaming rape. I don't call it rape if no charges could possibly be brought. In those cases, the couple will work things out in the rest of the story and usually end up lovers. That ain't rape. It's fiction.
I know stories where the seme pushes the uke, seduces and charms him into it. The uke even says, wait, no, and stop. It's a sweet, popular story, and no one has ever cried rape for this story. You people who bltch non-stop, are a bunch of hypocrites. When you like the story, it's not rape.
Rape is serious, it's violent, it's a crime, it usually inflicts injury on the victim. Calling any old thing rape where, say, the couple had a couple of drinks and slept together, is stupid. It trivializes the suffering of real rape victims. I'm not a woman so "bitch" doesn't have any bothersome effects on me. You are one rude bltch, by the way

A new term has been coined, folks! Rape fetishism. All of you who got a fetish about rape during your childhood formative years should take note! lmao.
I didn't say anything about rapists not getting charged, dummy. WTH is up with you. How many times have you and your friends been raped? None? Not surprising.
n works like Put A Smile On and most works that use rape, authors will use rape, or a soft rape element, to consolidate a romantic plot. It's a device. It creates a problem for the two lovers to work out, and that quickly moves the story forward. Some readers are psychologically transferring their real life hang-ups onto fictional works. They can't be objective. By people I mean that 99% of those doing it are the newest, youngest readers who all seem to have this mass hysteria. I would like to call on those mature silent readers to stand up to them more. Their loud criticisms are eroding the yaoi genre, and they don't have the integrity or sophistication to notice how destructive they are.
Anyway, works of the kind I mentioned above, I wouldn't mind creating a list of them to make the point, so I welcome suggestions
I agree.
thanks, rare individual
(I said this mostly to fill the must-be-about-manga requirement.) it is about manga but I don't want to be misunderstood AGAIN lol) still making that list. I'm putting Lost Virgin on. someone called it rape. wtf is wrong with these people?
stfu you're literally a minor tf
I'm not a minor