take responsibility. it ended abruptly because of all the hate everyone was blasting at the author. maybe you should have backed off and given her a little room to work out her story in peace. I have zero respect for any of you

I can't stop you from taking images from my webtoon and using them to make insulting albums here, but don't think I'm going to look at look at them, or let you use my own work as a weapon to disturb and discourage me., if you want to talk to me, fine, but you're going to have to tell me how you manage to do that in the war zone of the forum or wherever.

YaoiIsLife . There are some of us who are level-headed and quite neutral about rape. You seem to think everyone falls into your two categories. like it or don't like it. they don't. The opinions of the people who are too young to be here reading adult only stories - their opinions are of less value. The ones who are so pinged at the very thought of rape, who aren't any help to anyone in an emergency situation - because the victim will probably be the one having to calm them down instead of the other way around - those people's opinions don't have the mature responses required to make an intelligent assessment. so no, some opinions are of more value than others. Also, you can stop saying things that are pointed at me. how bout you back off? I've asked you three times now.

I don't care if min raped soo, or which one is the best partner for soo, or if soo should walk away or stay, or if min is good or bad.
I care if the rape scene is visually interesting, if the story has an engaging blend of characters, if there's interesting pieces to consider or not, if the art is good, if the facial features and expressions are well done, and a lot of other things. but mostly I just want to go where the author takes me instead of consulting my morals with each episode. morals are rl, and frankly i don't worry about right or wrong in rl either. i don't have any interest in doing anything immoral in rl. here I'm leaving behind the incumbrance of rl and submitting to the author's world.

What a bunck of fickle witches. Suddenly you hate Minnie when you were all squealing for him a week ago.

I like the rapist. duh. He's still a good character in an interesting story. I'm not reading this stuff for its Aesop's fable value. lol I'm not looking for the "moral of the story" so I can learn "a valuable lesson." lmao. I read it for pleasure. Thanks but I don't give a shlt about hating an appealing character in a story I'm reading for fun. I like them all.

"He's still a good character"
He's the most plain and boring character in the story so far. His pretty is all what's going for him.
"Thanks but I don't give a shlt about hating an appealing character in a story I'm reading for fun"
And yet here you are getting so pressed about people disliking him, lol.

OH. lol yeah, I see. and thank you so much. first for being someone who recognized that jiwon did rape dg. when I read those chapters no one even seemed to notice that. but more than that, for being observant and stuff. I don't know if you were helping me out, maybe not, but I appreciated it no matter what.

Hmm perhaps.
But I would like to turn your attention to the original comment tho. They are "upset" because poeple stopped liking "Minnie" because of a certain event. Sure, there may have have been some hypocricy in the other party but the original commentor has a glaring problematic issue that needs to be addressed. Hypocritical, yes, but the other party did point out this particular issue.
As for Jiwon's case, it's been so long since I've read it so I don't really remember much from it. But overall, wasn't the issue more or less resolved between the two of them? In Minhyuk's case, it hasn't. The victim due to his condition is not fully aware of what's being done to him. Hence why I said Jiwon and Minhyuk can't really be put on the same level. Same group perhaps but on level of severity? I don't really think so.

Uh, I have something to show you. Context first, Sooyung was assaulted by Minhyuk. It was pretty clear. When I pointed/mentioned it out, this was that person's response:
Me: I said something about Minhyuk assaulting Sooyung.
Quicksilver: "he didn't assault him. He was unable to stop himself from masturbating by rubbing it on soo's thighs, but that doesn't make him guilty of assault. It makes him guilty of making a widdle mess. LOL He has to pay for his crime by using a warm wash cloth and cleaning off a bit of goo. That ain't assault. No damage was done to soo mentally or physically."
Sure the other party may be hypocritical but it's not like the other party is doesn't have an issue of their own. Soooo yeah.

In defense of one of the great authors of yaoi. You should stop commenting in bad faith, stop author bashing, and disqualify yourself from posting an opinion on this when your sole intent is to lower this manga's rating for your own biased reasons. People like sticky socks & co. who have bad intentions toward authors. It's wrong to deliberately downrate a manga not by its contents but by your own bias.

Stop bashing Kamon Saeko. He's one of the best. He's a great artist and storyteller, he's sensual and creative, and I can defend him to the philistines if I feel so moved. I think you are way out of line. He's a favorite, been with us forever. so yes, I think it's wrong of you to vent your spleen on him.

here's the deal, blind hater: I check your stupid profile to see if you and the others are starting anything again. I check all of you. so stop bitching at me as if I'm harassing you. You people had and effect on my webcomic. I have every right to see if you've involved me in any more of your bullying projects and cancel parties, so sit down and shut up, stickfigure. You brought this on, not me

and you're a liar. no one on earth is ever going to see it your way. except maybe the bad people you associate with. you deny, rationalize, but in the end you're still guilty and wrong, and you know it, so why don't you shut up about it instead of bringing attention. No matter how many people you rally, which I know is why you do everything, you're never going to be right. To you it's just a popularity contest. that's childish and means nothing.

If you care that much about popularity and validation on MANGAGO of all places, I'm doubting you're 29, and not some 16 yo living with his parents. Idgaf about what people think of me on here, but hey if you want to cry everytime someone doesn't agree with you, go on, it's not like you haven't been doing that for years... Stop projecting, the child here is you.

Oh and btw people are obligated to have an opinion on something that can be criticized that's how society works, criticism makes the artists/aware of the issues revolving their work, speaking as an artist myself i love it when people criticized my works cus honestly i agree to them and it helps me improved them, yes criticism might be harsh but in all honesty that's their view on something and people have different views

I never admitted a single damned thing. This is you lying again. You do it compulsively. You act like you were some kind of threat to me who demanded proof. I've never ever been worried about your stupid demands. You would like for people to run away in fear of you and cower in a corner. It's all your delusional personality disorder and adhd.

called out for making a joke? the story I was reading was almost finished I had been defending the artist in that cs for quite a while, plus I had friends there who would think it was funny. We had been making a stand in that cs about the enormous difference between rl rape and fantasy rape. The joke was because I wasn't actually looking for a rapist, but I was no longer in that cs because the story was finished. Isn't it obviously a joke? Who in their right mind is looking for a rapist to defend? it's silly. also, if someone takes something out of context that someone said as a joke and posts it to make it seem like they were serious, that's lying.
If I deleted the topic it was to take away someone's lie. It was not because "Oh no I was caught trying to find rapists, child molesters, and littler bugs!" LOL Doesn't that sound pretty silly? There are people here trying to "cancel me" They have been going through every comment I ever made and pulling quotes out, trying to make me out to be a rapist or some kind of criminal. I'm not. I'm just a normal guy who sometimes likes to fight people when he hates what they're saying, usually about authors/artists.

Nothing justifies doxxing. If you don't know why, you should really check it out. It's high on the list of worst internet crimes. If you post personal details of someone's life, you might cause them serious harm offline, their parents, children, too. It's like shooting into a crowd. You don't know who you're going to hit.

TF? No one is obligated to have an opinion, and that's not how society works. Criticism doesn't always "make the artist aware." what a load. A bunch of know-nothings and idiots telling an artist what's wrong is worth less than zero and usually will do FAR more harm than good. Most of the time an artist knows how to do their own work. duh. That's why they're the artist, not you. Next time don't think for one minute that you represent artists. Also, if you've put your whole self into your work, criticism will hurt even if it's helpful. No one "loves criticism," but it can be invaluable. Quality criticism is worthwhile. You're so full of it. Most of what happens here is not constructive at all. Also, don't presume to tell me what's what about art. I'm pretty sure I know who you are, and there's no way you can tell me anything because you're full of hate.

if you're not an alt, then you were already filled with prejudice against me. You spoke down to me, then when I returned it, you said this stupid insulting shlt. I'm right in everything I said to you, and if you weren't so prone to sheepdom, you might have fairly listened. You are very rude, and that stupid "get a life" cliche is so ten years ago. I still think you're an alt. the "stepped on a land mine" stupidity is from quite a while ago in the hate campaign. If you aren't an alt, you certainly have a lot of word for word hate from the street gang. a lot

I'm not a girl, by the way. People can romanticize rape all they want. It's none of your damned business what people do in the privacy of their own imagination in their own homes. What the hell is an idiot like you going to do about it if readers romanticize the rape scenes they read? Nothing. That's what. These stories with or without rape are meant to be highly idealized romantic fantasies far removed from real life for adults to read and enjoy. Your silly scruples don't apply.

Even though I don't see how it could be an argument, if want me to talk about your art I will: it looks like someone either starting to draw or someone who is really young. I can't infer an age, but just know I drew similarly when I was 16. I've seen 16 yos draw better than me today, so... No I can't tell you your age based on your drawings.

LOL I'm not that insecure about my work. I know it doesn't look like a beginner's work, and young people don't draw that way. Let's see some of your art, how bout? If you think you have a right to piss on mine. No, you didn't draw jack shit similar. You actually expect me to take this shit personally? or seriously? or like you're telling the truth? I didn't ask you for your opinion on my work, nor did I want it. Like, duh, as if you were going to see anything in any way but through eyes glazed over with hatred for me

nah, it's not with the apology. It was probably deleted. it's not a big deal, si it? He said something about doxxing me. It could be considered doxxing, but I didn't see it that way. No personal info was posted. I don't recall what I said in response, but I don't think I said anything that was any big deal

you said you were 19 and "ace" partly. you're not a lesbian. you're stubborn, prideful. You're a flirt. I don't see all that much bad stuff unless it's with your hate for me. What I do see is that you could relent. It seems only logical that you would give an inch on something even if it's only once. I think you hide a lot of fear and sensitivity behind that mean facade. I can't tell if you're actually ever nice to anyone.

I don't have a transcript of it, but I found this, which is me talking, "You toss this word at me as if it's an okay word to even admit to in public." That's something I said in response to what he said. but, look, I don't even know if I posted that for real or if it was just something I wrote down and didn't end up posting it. so, for what it's worth........

and nothing to do with my fewwings. You are a flirt. Take my advice here. If you don't want someone to think you like them, don't call them things like sweetheart, daddy, baby. I should go back and get a few more of your terms of endearment, so don't blame it on me or my feelings. Next, What I said about relenting. I think you should relent on something. If for no other reason than to prove you're human. I have my doubts.
Everyone on the entire internet is ace, by the way. LOL what a joke. Human beings are sexual creatures. I never believe any of you saying you're asexual. The human race doesn't just suddenly turn into mushrooms or something. lol amoeba maybe. ;'/You do have a sex drive, so do all the rest of you phony "aces" You don't deserve the title, ace, either. it's reserved for accomplished people. mainly in sports. A baseball pitcher is factually called the team's ace. That's not just something nice to say as a compliment. It's a baseball term. You don't get to share the podium with kazuya or his battery mate whose name escapes me. so, you know, suck me off. If you think anything I said had to do with fewwings, lol. I don't come right out and say it too often cuz it's no one's business, but I'm GAY. LOL Didn't Miki mention that? I thought he made it all too obvious. haa

here. this is the whole paragraph about doxxing that I said in response to sunflower_load's saying he doxxed me: "a message was left for him in care of 키 아나-chan up above from Miki, who you were so utterly rude as to block after insulting and challenging him. If I had been toxic to ten million users, it would still be NOTHING compared to doxxing, which is like shooting into a crowd. You don't know who you're going to hit. Doxxing is the worst internet crime. It never fails to endanger. It's a crime, an invasion of privacy, a personal violation and there is no excuse for it. You toss this word at me as if it's an okay word to even admit to in public.
Notice how I did not accuse you people of doxxing. I gave him shit for talking about doxxing like it was nothing.

You fail at understanding context and nuance. So you remember terms of endearment I use three or four times, but you can't seem to remember the eight or nine time I asked you to stop mentionning my name or interracting with me. Very selective are you? Also feel free to headcanon me as non human anytime, I don't mind getting called a god or a furry :)
I do not give a fuck about what you can say about my sexuality, I don't need constant validation in my identity to feel valid, contrary to you. I am ace, suck it up, I am an acomplished person so I deserve that name. You? Eh. Just stick to pitcher for now.
Do you want a cookie? Cool, you're GAY, what does that have to do with anything?
Also I haven't blocked so you can stop acting like I did.

I said that a personal email was posted. That was me. It was not connected to the doxxing thing. I was just mad that someone would post an email. those are supposed to be private. It wasn't even my email. It was Miki's, and it was between him and someone involved in all this shit, but not a major player at all. hardly involved at all.

Ah, the collective We, the hivemind. We do not share a mental connection so I wouldn't know what they did all the time. Now; I don't care if they're my "friend" or not (we've only talked like twice), if they tried to doxx you or asked someone to do so it's shitty. I'm sorry you can't be able to see that people are not black and white, that's a you problem, but I can be able to not associate with them if you provide proof of ANYTHING, which--

that's weird. I don't get why you said that about blocking. I didn't say or think you blocked me.
LOOK YOU!!!! You talk to ME, too. If you talk to me, then it means I can say something back. You pay lip service to this harrassment idea, but the truth is you've talked to me plenty of times, you've started it before. I don't give a fuck if you said to stop interracting. I know it was bullshit because you talk to me all the fucking time.
You're so damned weird! You accused me of having feelings. I replied that I don't and as proof I mentioned that I'm gay, so, no, the kind of feelings you inferred don't exist.

Everytime I tell you I'm done you go check my wall to rile me up somewhere else. You fished up subjects I wrote from MAY to continue. You still use my name on unrelated topics that have nothing to do with me. So, by your own words...
"You talk to ME, too. If you talk to me, then it means I can say something back. You pay lip service to this harrassment idea, but the truth is you've talked to me plenty of times, you've started it before."
Also I won't just shut up about what you continue to do to me, cry about it.
Continue that tamper tantrum and I drop everywhere you ever mentionned my name after I told you to stop or you had seemingly stopped elsewhere.
Again, don't care about your orientation or that I somehow implied that you had feelings from me (which I didn't, for the record), it's out of the current topic.

I thought that what dopey and ottak/ nicto said was proof of dopey posting the link, them talking about it, cutting up my art and laughing about it, and talking about downrating it. Those two guys had a lot of people paying attention to what they were saying, and both of them KNOW that they're not having a private conversation when talking under those things or whatever, topics. They posted the link, talked about downrating, and they had other people right there commenting with them, talking about reporting me etc etc. they were interacting, having a big conversation among about nine people.
However you believe me or not. What happened was a huge shock. That they had my art and were insulting it only because they hate me. I thought that hating me is fine. I wish they hadn't dragged my webcomic into it.

no. everything you say is a lie. There is no way on earth I owe you an apology. You owe me. Nothing I could ever say would come close to equaling your abuse and lies. I lied to you twice. both times I said, "I lied. haha." Other than that, I don't lie. I don't need to lie or rationalize. I don't victimize people the way you and your friends do. You must be out of your mind to think I'd apologize to you. You have other victims. I wouldn't apologize to you for their sake if nothing else.

Sooo... Let me open my wall... This is just what you said to me and what I was sure was directed at me.
Quicksilver June 8, 2021 3:43 pm
do your own research, ignorant slut
Quicksilver June 8, 2021 6:35 am
no, it's because I'm not making any headway with my work. wonder why. because I hate you people. conclusion: why shouldn't I fck around on your dime. it's playtime for me. it's all about me. no matter neg or pos, that's good for my ego. lol
Quicksilver June 9, 2021 9:33 am
congratulations shithead! you're the 100th person to send me that link like i don't know what it is. the question was about it in fiction, delusional freak
Because of the sheer number of messages some ended up getting deleted, too bad they're all listed here ( https://www.mangago.zone/thing/about/556692/)
This what you said about other people on my wall.
(to lotus)
Quicksilver June 9, 2021 4:11 pm
no, it's because I hate you
Quicksilver June 9, 2021 10:17 am
what i want to do is sweep your ass right into hell, and you are self centered, never even considering me for one second. no, it'a ll about you. I will NEVER acknowledge someone who wiped her feet on my work and expects me to say i was wrong for insulting you? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Do you even realize that you "sharing" MY stuff - fuck you - I didn't even know it was going on. I stumbled onto this scene seeing you saying how you think I'm shit but here goes with criticism (blood bashing) shit. So how was that supposed to benefit me when I might not have ever found out you did it? answer that one. You were in the middle of it when I discovered your party with all of your buddies laughing and hashing over MY work, not yours, mine, without asking me first if it was okay, not the slightest consideration for how i might feel about it, no courtesy. just me arriving and getting a huge punch to the gut. but i'm not human, right? so that's okay to do
For the rest that got deleted, here are all of my screenshots ( https://www.mangago.zone/thing/about/556692/)
And here are all the time I told you to stop interracting with me, in chronological order. Older ones are again listed here ( https://www.mangago.zone/thing/about/556692/).
Sticky Socks June 8, 2021 6:38 am
you keeping saying lol, when can you lol your way outta my page? Thanks, weird guy who thinks he can predict my sign or whatever you keep talking about because you're too scared.
Sticky Socks June 9, 2021 8:18 am
You left almost 50 messages on my wall, who do you think's bullying who? And guess what, I'm not deleting any of this. It'll start up so people can realise how much of a bad person you are. You say that we're bullying and harassing you even though you decided to go to 3 different user's mangago boards just to leave stupid or nasty comments, and when we defend ourselves you start crying about how we're bullying you. Show it? Show proof? I have some and it's called my wall, black lotus' and bald sangwoo's that you can't delete. You can put ls 0s in the middle of your cuss words, but it doesn't stop the fact that you can me a bitch, a slut and you called others whore. You called people rapists because they used pictures of your webtoon, in a use that falls under fair use (critics are fair use, no matter how fragile your ego). You called someone a dirty pedo whore because they pointed out shit you've done. You like to say "I never said that" to everything that we say even though you can easily find it in your homepage or in a comment or reply that you made. Actually, it's pretty funny you call people all of that, because you THINK that's what we accuse you of being. Well, you're wrong! We just want explanations, apologies, and silence from you. We're grown up enough to realise name calling is stupid, so I'm surprised you, Mr mature adult, still does that (I suppose I'll let you think we're children, does it make you feel better?). You can call people swear words or drag your webtoon that has nothing to do with what we're accusing you of, but alas you're just too butt hurt to stop digging your own grave. You're an imbecile, about time you learned that.
Sticky Socks June 9, 2021 9:56 am
Keep running your mouth, see what happens. I'm telling you to zip it for your own good, I don't know what sense are malfunctionning on your end for you to not understand that.
Sticky Socks June 9, 2021 4:13 pm
Show proof or go. Am I clear now? You ain't got shit, I asked you multiple times to prove your claims and you evaded my points to spam my messages again. Now, I don't care about your precious feelings, show me facts or shut up.
Sticky Socks June 9, 2021 10:00 pm
Take yourself out until you find evidence to back your claims. Also remember that I have proof of you admitting you know this is harassment, continue tickling me the wrong way and I might have to give you an apetizer of what I have planned for you. It might be slightly undercooked but you'll have asked for it so don't come crying after.
Sticky Socks June 19, 2021 6:53 am
Okay. If I'm honnest with you I don't believe a word you say is honnest. If you want to really apologize, take your sorry ass out of here forever, don't ever interract with me again, and hope I don't decide to take this evidence to the right people. Goodbye.
Sticky Socks June 20, 2021 8:49 pm
I told you to never fucking talk to me again, are you slow or are you that dedicated to continue harassing me? Stop spreading lies about me or my diagnosis and stop interracting with me entirely. Am I clear? I still hope we can keep this between us, so don't make me do things that would involve the admins.
Sticky Socks June 21, 2021 3:40 pm
I told you to not INTERRACT with me anymore, do you know what that word means? No messages ANYWHERE. Last warning, don't interract with me anymore, or it's with the admins you'll have to deal with. Am I clear now?
Sticky Socks June 26, 2021 7:42 am
where you keep bringing up my name over and over even though it brings nothing new to the table except you continuing to fixate over me, all of all people? Or on your page where you delete your topics when someone proves you wrong?
I never posted any fucking links, the one in my bio is Ani chan's, click it before making dumb accusations. I'm not inviting anything, and I want you gone off my page and for you to stop ever mentionning my name, for the fifth time, stop mentioning my name when I never did anything to you and you can't even show proof I did. But I get it, you know. It's fine... Just keep harassing me, you know, it's not like I wasn't planning to mail all of that shit to the admins anyways.
Sticky Socks June 26, 2021 7:57 pm
Oh so it's saying you harassed me that's the problem? Kay, cry about it?
Show your screens then, funny how in every one you posted I'm not there! If you don't it's called slander, warning you for the second time.
Keep deluding yourself into thinking you're the adult here, I don't give a shit.
I will bring everything to the admins, cry about it, I don't give a shit.
Your apology was bullshit, as you immeditely went to find a post I made in May to whine and moan about me bullying you thinking I wouldn't see it, too bad I did, and when I wanted to confront you about it, I discovered that you blocked me so I couldn't. Then you unblocked me thinking I'd let you bitch about me supposedly blocking you, when you said in the same comment section you had blocked me. I didn't start shit, but you sure did like to keep fanning the flames huh?
Conclusion: shut the fuck up, pussy. You know, it wasn't fun the first time you harassed me and I had panick attacks for a few days, but now idgaf. Keep doing it, and I'm gonna speedrun banning your account.

You have quite a bit to apologize for. And I only talked about my wall here. But I could've listed those places too.

Bringing my webtoon to mangago in pieces and having people who are hostile toward me talk about it and cut it up and laugh at it out of hatred and spite when it wasn't ready. It should have been mine to bring here when it was ready.
Your group took your dislike of me all the way to another site where my comic was located. You participated in a whole event that lasted about 5 days, you guys made discussion things with titles like "shut the fuck up quicksilver" and Quicksilver Pussy, @fuck, Quicksilvers Webtoon. It went on and one. You attracted tons of people into those "cancel" parties. Your collective went through tons of my comments and pulled them out of context to make me look bad. You hated me before I ever met you, and you said right at the beginning, "cry, baby. It's only just begun." That wasn't funny. The shock of seeing my art out of where it belonged made me sick at me stomach. Even now I get I feel sick when I'm reminded of it. I now get mean remarks and criticisms on my art from people who already hated me before my webtoon got dragged into it. Now you've said things to me that no one should ever have to hear when you had a part in what happened. Even saying I owe anyone an apology is beyond unjust. As it is, I have to listen to things like that horrible stuff you said to me about my art yesterday. Getting criticized cruelly, viciously is a reminder of what happened over those days. If you think it doesn't hurt, you're wrong. I don't understand how you as an artist can just excuse that and say it's all my fault. If it happened to you, I think you'd be able to empathize at least a little.
I promise you, nothing I could do would go deeper than the hurt that you and your friends caused me. You participated. I have every right in the world to be upset and angry about what you did. You acted like it was nothing. You even said that I brought it on myself. well no I didn't.
The webtoon wasn't on public display and the link was never in that album.
I lost a month of being extremely upset, lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, lost sleep, lost work time. If nothing else, I hope you can at least relate to someone having pain over something deeply traumatic.
It was painful and infuriating for Miki, too.
That any of you would refuse to take the slightest responsibility, no apology, not even a kind word about it. No one. For you to say I owe anyone an apology goes right through me. I feel so much hate I want to kill you

this??? "people with ADHD don't celebrate stuff like Hyperfocus. None of it's an advantage. People who really have this, know that." This is what you've been pissed about all this time???????? This says that hyperfocus is not a talent that you can use to threaten people. You deserved some shit thrown back in your smug face for saying you're going to use it to prove that I'm a dishonest thief. Maybe you owe me the apology cuz that was rude as hell. ADHD is not a party. There aren't any advantages, and trivializing it like it's not something to take seriously is not appreciated by me. If you have it, don't fuck around putting it on display. That's how people who don't really have it behave. I wasn't questioning you having adhd. If you tell me you have adhd, I'm going to believe you. I was telling you not to abuse other people around you who have it by behaving like it's a your special advantage instead of a real diagnosis.

oh, and this. back then I glanced at something and caught site of you at a kamon saeko manga that I know and had some of your stupid church lady moral issues involved. I've liked and respected kamon saeko forever. I knew you had to be doing something evil in that manga cs. so yeah, I came here and you were trying to influence people to downrate this manga. No way was I going to stay quiet about you trying to pull off a dishonest, weasely, shitty underhanded thing like that. You constantly harp on me deserving bad things, which I do not. Well you deserved what I said and more.

So much words for so little sense... It's funny how every time you do this it's to repeat the same non arguments that we already debunked...
Yeah I didn't like you, you know, maybe I don't like a guy that hides behind the cover of fiction to be transphobic, sexist and victim blaming. Maybe, just maybe that's why.
Idfc about your webtoon, I get that you need that sweet sweet long ass paragraph but if you want to argue with me at least pick the correct arguments.
I am not the mastermind of this whole shaboom, so stop acting like it was I who posted your webtoon here (that you had posted the name of, your line account name and art of it here first so yes by definition it is your fault). I am not hiveminded with my friends, I can't control what they do, if you have a problem with them then you know who to go see, hint, it's not me.
And now you have the fucking AUDACITY to ask ME to apologise? When you harassed and stalked me for two months over shit I didn't do? I don't care you lost sleep or whatever, what do you think your constant bickering did to my life as well? Do you think I feel even the slightest pity for you after that?
I deserve an apology but your ego is so big it'll kill you to swallow it. So now either you stop acting like I am somehow Satan or I'll just keep warning people about you.

Yeah, I've been pissed off about that, can you guess why?
Because you literally implied I didn't. "People who actually have ADHD don't do that', does it have any other meaning than "you don't actually have ADHD"?
And as someone with ADHD, I express in how I see it fit and your pissy ass has no say in it. Now you're accusing me of faking it again! " If you have it, don't fuck around putting it on display. That's how people who don't really have it behave". "I was telling you not to abuse other people around you who have it by behaving like it's a your special advantage instead of a real diagnosis."
I would've explained to you why that's a stupid statement but I don't have to justify anything to the likes of you. So you don't ever bring to the table my diagnosis again. Or else I might have to make this public into another topic. I'm sure this whole website loves you already so much they'd love to see that you're even worse than what they think.

Oh my God! I criticized ONE manga from that one magaka I never said the name of before! I must hate their guts so bad! I bet I write them hate mail every week! Bruh I just don't like this manga That's what I expressed. Your skin is thinner than paper. Your weird habit of taking the piss for authors that don't even know you exist and would probably not like you pirating their manga is pretty funny, if I had anything against them personally I would've said it to their face, but considering I don't and I just put an opinion on ONE MANGA out there, I think you can take a chill pill. I never said you deserved bad, you on the other hand literally told me to go to hell and that I deserved mud thrown on my face. Choose your arguments carefully now because there's not a lot you can accuse me off you haven't done yourself.

this: (that you had posted the name of, your line account name and art of it here first so yes by definition it is your fault). Is the same lie your droogs and thugs keep trying to sell like it's real. It's a lie. I didn't post any of that stuff, and Dopio didn't say he got the link out of my album. he implied it. He couldn't say it as truth because he didn't get it there and he knows it. The link was never in the album. Nope, your little clan had to do some stalking to get that link.

fair play. I answer your questions. You ignore mine. this was a valid question, and you should answer it instead of cherry picking the q's you believe are persecuting you, which they aren't. This shlt was disrespecful and rude. It devalued my adhd. I already asked you twice about it, you don't have a valid gripe when you disregard mine but feel entitled to rage about yours multiple times

It's funny how you deleted that album huh? because just making it public would prove there was no way it was there or any altenrative way to find your webtoon through it, and that, Doppio being the deadly hacker they are, chose to post a link of your webtoon, even though if they really hacked you and had as malevolent motivations as you think they have, they could've leaked your IP adress, your face, your adress, your real name, etc etc.

I was offline for two days because I had important life matters to deal with. Cry about the consequences of your own actions. For a 29 year old, you sound like someone who has never lived through any hardship and can't handle not being loved by absolutely everyone when you're nice to absolutely no one. That's sad. I would feel sad for you if you didn't harass me, you know?
Also I literally proved to you you had said you DIDN'T have ADHD not a month ago. Did you get miraculously diagnosed in the meanwhile?

--I have never said I don't have adhd, you self-deluded wiper of other people's bottoms. --I am especially loved by people I'm not nice to. --Go cry your red-faced, monkey eyes out, you big baby. --the person whose claim to having adhd is most dubious is you because you know almost nothing about it. maybe ask you doc to up your adderal dosage.

You literally said it... Here ( https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/13079787/?page=9). Admitting you're bullshitting hoping people will get confused is still an option :
"Quicksilver July 12, 2021 10:07 pm
I have adhd, which I told you. you weren't listening. I made a comment and said that you were also being a pain about it. I've been wondering if you were ever going to remember that in your rush to feel persecuted. I know plenty about adhd first hand. I've read several books on it. Again, I don't say stuff unless I know what I'm talking about"
Like come on... If you're gonna lie, lie better.

Sorry, wrong link. https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/12851277/
You know, where you expressely told that you had sensory processing disorder, which is different than ADHD, and excluded yourself from ADHD? My question still stands, did you get magically diagnosed in a month?

Well that's too bad I'm actually right innit? You did steal some of those "textures". You have a panel showing two roses drooping down and a butterfly in chapter 1.
Turns out you didn't draw it, you cropped it. And no source is listed.
Thankfully stopped hyperfixating after a while so I didn't dig deeper, but... Where source?

Was talking about your album. Now, I gave you the name of it, it's literally a Louvre painting, how did you accidentally put a painting that's in one of the biggest museums in the world in your webtoon? If it's not accidental then yes, you actually made a copyright infrigement. Better hope it gets replaced or referenced accordingly in the future. Funnily enough you only seem to want to fix it now that I called you out oublicly, you had two years. Call bullshit on your sincerity but hey, as long as you change them...

and with the albums I made couple of days ago "debunking" all of Sleepe's screen shots of quotes by me in her albums. She made two albums dedicated to showing quotes to prove me transphobic and other shit, the bitch. I told her that the only people who ever made albums about me were people who were in love with me.

That habbit of trying so hard to reach the text limit so no one can anwser anymore is getting annoying I'll anwser them all here :
"I thought you said you didn't give a shlt about my work."
"why are you even looking at it?"
You brought in the subject and called me a liar, so I proved you wrong. Simple as that, don't be mad I prove my point.
"fixate and focus are not interchangeable"
uh, why are there sources using them to describe the same phenomenon then?
(that last source funnily enough lists that hyperfocs/fixation can be a benefit, whoops, seems like that's a thing you were wrong about too)
"it's a paiinting, not a texture"
Does it change the fact that you stole it? No, no it doesn't.
Just like your whole point, so let's move on.
"you can believe me or not. I've already been working on the piece I'm using to replace it. Anyway, I did not infringe that artist's copyright"
You did. Not referencing the use of a piece you didn't paint and that is not copyright free in your own webtoon is copyright infringement.
"my album here on mgo? it's still here. not deleted"
Already corrected myself? If you're that desperate at least don't repeat yourself, your cover is slipping.
"and with the albums I made couple of days ago "debunking" all of Sleepe's screen shots of quotes by me in her albums. She made two albums dedicated to showing quotes to prove me transphobic and other shit, the bitch. I told her that the only people who ever made albums about me were people who were in love with me."
Funnily enough she made another one today... Also she asks that you unblock her as she unblocked you so you guys can argue. Also using 12 yo retorics and insults isn't helping your point or your already low credibility.
"I stole her albums and answered her stupid claims against me"
Kay? Do you want a cookie? Album or claim theft isn't even a thing you can gloat about because first it doesn't fucking exist, second it's screenshots so does anyone has copyright of that, third it just sounds like a pitiful attempt at being mean and/or intelligent, can't tell, doesn't matter, you're failing at both.

"screen shots would also be infringements of copyright"
Not when they don't show copyrighted content, and conversation aren't, so no they're not.
"sleepe is not blocked"
"user's settings". So yes you blocked them. And if they mysteriously can answer you after believe me it's gonna be hilarious.
Boo hoo bitch, don't care.
""You brought in the subject and called me a liar," what an idiot. why do you care if I call you a liar? It shouldn't matter one bit to you."
It matters because I can provide proof that you keep on lying. You have none, so that again looks bad on you, not on me.

His work never got doxxed tho, he has an album called "art from my webcomic" and it was public, a user pointed it out, then people asked for the link (lowkey all you had to do is google the title since it was in the album) he then proceeded to have it in his desc for a couple of weeks, then he removed it and made a whole sob story of us leaking it and doxxing him.

Sleepe and Nicto, same song, different verse. How many times are you fools going to explain, rationalize, and make excuses for all of your bad actions? You did terrible things. You're still trying to make excuses. You're guilty as sin.
Nictophile, you sound more like you than you. You two pretend to have a conversation but it's just a script.
dunno why you two keep bringing up doxxing recently. It was never part of the issue

@quicksilver here so you can properly flirt with ottoke https://www.wikihow.com/Flirt-Through-Text-Messages?amp=1
A person who loves me (hates my guts LOL) created an album of quotes of mine that she got from stalking the hell out of every damn thing I ever said on mangago. that's right. Not good. No one wants a crazy, nosy chick digging up dirt and making a list type of photo album of all the dumbass shlt you ever said!! Man! I clipped the images and created explanations for each quote in my own list: https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/1283236/
https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/1322031/ Yo, Sleepé not nice! Making a list of distorted, out of context quotes to make me look bad. I told this woman that the only people whoever created this sort of album for me were people who were in love with me. LOL. She deleted the comment. lmao Sleepé! Here's a link to her dry, blank, quotes-only list: https://www.mangago.zone/home/album/213616/
https://www.mangago.zone/home/album/219777/ she has all this stuff in question form, but she has me blocked so I can't answer. Kind of a duh if you ask me.
Anyway, Congratulations! Just by glancing at the icon, you looked at Shotacon! You are a now a pedo. LOL The judgemental prudes on this site who unfairly call anyone who ever glanced at a shotacon manga a pedo won't be able to keep track of us all if everyone on the site is a pedo, including them. Yay! LOL
I mean, you blocked her too....
Also about shotacon, in the U.S explicit shotacon is technically considered as CP since I'm pretty sure that it doesn't pass the Millier test.
damn, you seriously made a comment on an unrelated manga just to talk shit about me? just say that you want my attention and go.
i wonder why all of the comments you make have more dislikes than likes... proof most ppl in this site hates you ! ^_^