Ughhhhh this is so cute TwT
I was really worried, I thought Hiyori san would act like a complete dick after he confessed, not believing him truly but getting in bed and then whipping out the “wELL, byeeee ‘cause you aRen’T aCtUaLLy GAYyy, We wOuLdn’t LaSttt, yOu’Re NAiiivE”
Actually meaning it when he says, “I’ve never met anyone like you”??? Ugh! That’s too good for my heart

AHHHHHHHHHHH *punching air* THAT right there. THAT’S WHAT I STAYED AROUND FOR UGHHHH. I feel like I can tango with the wind, with our own music playing. I feel like the rain wants to be one with me on this day and the birds are listening to my heartbeat. I feel like the dog’s shit on the pavement was meant to be in my way… a sign of nature, a gift of the stars. Its smell so strong conveys life’s intensity towards me.
Thanks for I was alive to see this.
Why’s there so much drama in this xD