Man, all the speculation and theories made just for it to be and accidental spill of tomato juice But I have to say that the themes present in this chapter really reflect the anime's opening pretty well; a happy end is gonna be hard to get because the reality of the situation can literally set in at any time. What's more terrifying is that Legosi wasn't exactly surprised that he might have eaten Haru. It was bound to happen (even though it didn't). He was so stressed and traumatized in that one moment that he got Marie Antoinette syndrome. Man, this chapter was a roller coaster ride...

I'm just afraid that if Doh is accused she'll pull up Taesoo's hacked design account and be like "Bish wym this shit is mine so BACK OFF" to Sooha and I really don't want that. Doh needs to get whatever punishment she deseres and I'll be damned if she pulls this shit.

Ok, so I was right that Doh would pull up the high jacked account but our MC really out here pulling out the new files that got Doh in trouble. Happy that she got revealed for the bitch she is but I feel REALLY bad for Joonhyuk now cuz he basically got engaged to a two faced bitch and has to fix his and her mistakes. I just wonder what will happen to Doh at the company now and how the plagiarism will be fixed. Nice update.
Of course it would come to this. That"uncensored" in the chapter name have it away. Jk you damn dog in heat this is not over...