Maggre December 30, 2019 6:21 am

In one of the earlier chapters, the friend with long white hair says he wishes the ML could go back to the way there’s were previously, and the ML was shown with a woman similar to Chloe’s “Beatrice look” I wonder if he had a previous lover or if maybe he also reincarnated into the same life maybe? Did anyone else notice this?

Maggre November 22, 2019 6:12 am

Try haru wo daiteita, it’s the OG “two actors fall in love.” And it’s very similar except they’re two porn stars trying to go legit and everything is very consensual

Maggre July 5, 2019 11:39 pm


Maggre January 31, 2019 1:19 am

Okay so, obviously, this manga is a hot topic for picking at Jiwon being abusive, but having reread the entire thing so far [subjected to the translation] I can definitely agree with people that Jiwon has sexually abused DG. Although DG had on almost every occasion forgiven him, it doesn't make it right. As for the Mental abuse however, I STRONGLY disagree looking back through the chapters. On multiple occasions, Jiwon asked DG how he felt about the status of their relationship, reafirming that they were just fuck buddies turned friends with benefits [which is definitely step up in the context of this manhwa]. DG isn't honest with Jiwon about how he feels until he blows up, and that's how things get out of hand. In fact, their relationship was getting pretty close until Jiwon started to suspect DG was lying about his feelings.

DG never deserved/s violence in sex. AND. DG's lying straight to Jiwon's face about his hopes/expectations about their relationship was definitely a setup for disaster. DG finally realized he needed to be honest overall which is great. Jiwon was always willing to take advantage of DG's forgivness, but if DG had a serious talk after, that poses an ultimatum to Jiwon: Either listen to me, or officially become a rapist, and I really think that Jiwon was just being selfish and pushy and needed a wake-up call. DG not bringing it up doesn't make Jiwon "safe" or right, and it doesn't make DG wrong. DG never told anyone about it and I GUARENTEE Chanwoo would've told him to break it off. EVEN CHANWOO'S BDSM IS CONSENSUAL!!! But the point is, this is all a fake story where things are being left grey for drama, but THANKFULLY, I think now DG has the confidence/strength to take things out of the grey area both PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY.

so.... sorry to people who have been uncomfortable about the greyness of their relationship, BUT this is a great cautionary story about why grey relationships are not okay and the beauty and freedom of things being black and white!

    iwanttocryandtry January 31, 2019 1:38 am

    the thing about jiwons reaffirming isnt quite right. jiwon knew that DG loved him and he even confirmed it in his head before he asked dg. he only asked to remind and manipulate dg into keeping things sex friends only. its fine if he just reminded him, but then he also said if you love me, then we better find other partners. that is very manipulative as itll tell dg to stay in the relationship even as just fuck buddies so that jiwon cant fuck someone else. dg was totally wrong of course for lying about loving him, but that question wasnt about asking dg about their relationship, it was jiwon keeping dg in line while limiting the risk of losing his fuck buddy. also, when else did jiwon reaffirm to dg that this is a sex buddies only relationship? i thought he only did it at the beginning and then that one time when he asked dg if he loves him plus at the broadcast incident. maybe im missing something. other than that, jiwon acted too often in confusing ways, including the rape (i dont know why the author thought this was good, she is even posting on twitter about demanding more info on Seungri's club rape so she knows rape is wrong), that dg must've been holding onto those hopes that the rape was romantic jealousy. so i do think that dg was both sexually and mentally abused by jiwon. also, how many times did jiwon refer to the fact the dg is less than him? that really irked me and i dont know how the author is going to resolve that, if she even is.

    fujosheep January 31, 2019 9:09 am
    the thing about jiwons reaffirming isnt quite right. jiwon knew that DG loved him and he even confirmed it in his head before he asked dg. he only asked to remind and manipulate dg into keeping things sex frien... iwanttocryandtry

    I can only scroll down ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    iwanttocryandtry January 31, 2019 11:27 am
    I can only scroll down ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ fujosheep


    fujosheep January 31, 2019 4:10 pm

    because I'm too lazy to those ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    fujosheep January 31, 2019 4:10 pm
    because I'm too lazy to those ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ fujosheep

    to read those

    iwanttocryandtry January 31, 2019 5:30 pm
    because I'm too lazy to those ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ fujosheep

    good for you

    iwanttocryandtry January 31, 2019 5:33 pm
    to read those fujosheep

    idk, ive always liked reading long analyses of things and responding if i can

    Anonymous February 1, 2019 12:08 am
    to read those fujosheep

    Of course you don't like reading bj alex fans have no brain and like rape

    Anonymous February 1, 2019 2:26 am
    Of course you don't like reading bj alex fans have no brain and like rape @Anonymous

    Wow, you're here too. Are you getting off to making comments like this?

    Maggre February 5, 2019 8:24 pm
    the thing about jiwons reaffirming isnt quite right. jiwon knew that DG loved him and he even confirmed it in his head before he asked dg. he only asked to remind and manipulate dg into keeping things sex frien... iwanttocryandtry

    I think Jiwon SUSPECTED DG was getting feelings, but like, I think that's why he was asking. If you are right, then I still feel like his asking wasn't so much manipulation as much as a way to be like, "look I know you like me but I don't are you willing to keep going?" If you reread it, DG NEVER looks at their relationship as a freiends-w/-benefits stance, he is ALWAYS hoping or dreaming its something more. Jiwon develops over time from fuck buddies to friends with benefits, but never potentially lovers [pre "breakup"] I honestly, rereading it, feel like DG KNOWS that Jiwon likes him back enough to manipulate Jiwon back. Like, DG knows Jiwon only wants a physical relationship, and could have said, "I won't stand for your physical abuses anymore," but instead says, "I'll forgive your physical abuse if you take me on essentially a date." Like, that's pretty fucked up on both parts. So basically, THIS BEHAVIOR gives me the impression that there could be some unspoken understanding between them that some amount of "sexual aggression" is okay as long as DG gets to live in his fantasy world of them dating a little.

    Like, I think quite frankly they both probably knew a bit about how the other was feeling. Like, Jiwon could have stopped, but DG never really reprimanded Jiwon for it. DG could have asked for him to actually LISTEN to him [for the 50'th time] about stopping when he asked, but instead asked 1. to fuck at Jiwon's place next, and 2. to go on a date with him. Jiwon could have been like, "look, that sounds like a date and I need to draw the fucking line." but he didn't. Like they were both kind of playing with a fantasy I think and Jiwon just woke up out of it first. ike, when Jiwon was ignoring DG before their college event, he was doing it 100% , not asking for sex or anything. I think this shows that Jiwon finally recognized that he needed to make things clear [though in a really rude/ass hole way]

    I think overall this analysis is really into like, the characters as people when they're not. But thinking about the author, its clear she/he thinks that non verbal consent to aggressive sexual behavior is okay. If she/he didn't have this stance, there would have been some conversation about whether or not DG really meant it when he said stop, or DG would not have been saying stop if he didn't mean it. "slow down" is a reasonable complaint that does not rescind consent, but the author or translator always chose for DG to say STOP which Jiwon ignored.

    I'm not sure if this actually addressed your points or if I just ended up ranting again.. sorry.

    iwanttocryandtry February 5, 2019 9:15 pm
    I think Jiwon SUSPECTED DG was getting feelings, but like, I think that's why he was asking. If you are right, then I still feel like his asking wasn't so much manipulation as much as a way to be like, "look I ... Maggre

    overall i agree. i still think Jiwon was more manipulative and that he was being manipulative in that moment, but that doesnt absolve dg of all his faults. the authors position on rape is ambiguous, she paints it as wrong but then takes it back immediately, its like she thinks abusive relationships are still good relationships, which is understandable considering she is korean and they tend to have a fucked up view of relationships. the ghosting was rude, i get why he did it, but damn, i cant believe dg let that one pass. that was disrespect on a whole new level, and they just never addressed it. there are too many instances where jiwon treated dg like trash, which is why im a bit shocked at the way the story has progressed. its not that i want jiwon to suffer, its that i want dg to respect and value himself.

    Maggre February 6, 2019 11:32 pm
    overall i agree. i still think Jiwon was more manipulative and that he was being manipulative in that moment, but that doesnt absolve dg of all his faults. the authors position on rape is ambiguous, she paints ... iwanttocryandtry

    LOL yeah I think the entire fandom is a little sketched out on this author's stance on rape given how reasonable she/he makes the characters seem. Like in all comics, this is a really great example of one of the partners having the confidence to break up and I really love that, but the events leading UP to it were really fucked up on both ends for sure.

Maggre January 17, 2019 4:45 am

I'll like, come back and read the very sparse updates of this manga [knowing its a SEQUEL] and just be like, "wait what was going on again?" lol. I really like Daiki, hes pretty mature, but I think Shouta is just kinda dumb.... like, Daiki is so moron-sexual its hilarious.

Maggre April 11, 2018 4:17 am

What was the point of vampires in this book????

Maggre July 17, 2017 4:39 pm

at this point, everyone is a crazy mother fucker, and deserves everything that is happening. the chaotic spewing of dramatic irony on all characters' parts makes this really interesting because no matter how it turns out, it'll still be mostly fair imo

Maggre April 19, 2017 8:44 am

WHAT IF ITS JUST A DREAM!? I wouldn't put it past this manga = .=

    Trash May 9, 2017 2:43 am

    Honestly, same.I'm torn between hoping its a dream, and praying it isn't. Lol

Maggre March 9, 2017 4:07 am

Its been so long since we've had a plot bearing chapter that I barely remember whats going on ┗( T﹏T )┛

    shouichi March 10, 2017 1:04 pm

    How about....reread it? Someone kindly uploaded the extended scenes of chapter 18 (where Asami shoot Aaron) here ;)

Maggre February 1, 2016 4:40 am

I don't think what the wife is doing is right. I understand maybe the first time, but I don't think she should have kept going. I still feel bad for her though. Shes in a pitiful situation making terrible decisions.

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