2024-01-27 01:22 marked
2019-04-04 01:06 marked

BDSM subreddit FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/bdsmfaq/
This is a post about abuse and BDSM: https://www.reddit.com/r/bdsmfaq/comments/33bie1/abuse_and_bdsm/
Article: https://www.verywell.com/difference-between-bdsm-and-abuse-4065395
The best BDSM comic I've found (lesbian romance): https://shiniez.deviantart.com/gallery/35675685/sunstone-chapter1
2018-01-02 11:18 marked
2017-11-12 22:12 marked
2017-10-05 16:34 marked
2017-08-08 04:24 marked

2017-08-04 07:58 marked
2016-10-07 16:00 marked

For instance, Saki-chan IS dating him, but only a few of him. She doesn't like the ones that turn out to be gay, so she dumps the version of him we see (the "normal" Kashima) once she realizes he's yet another one that's having sex with Yukitaka. That's why when she sees Yukitaka at Kashima's house, they greet each other cheerfully--they're both dating the same person and have no problems with each other as long as they're dating different personalities.
Yukitaka was originally dating either the masochistic Kashima or one of the normal personalities. Then when one of the Kashimas tried to break up with him Yukitaka didn't want to, so no matter what version of Kashima it is he stays with him. That's why he's okay with getting injured by the S Kashima, and eventually becomes an M himself when he realizes he likes it. (That's why there's a note at the end saying he went from S to M.)
At the very end Kashima remembers all the different sides of him, in the middle of one of his personalities making everyone food (the same personality that's been "levelling up" his cooking skills). He thinks it's kind of annoying that the personalities use his body however they want, but also knows that they're taking care of him. The same goes for everyone else in his life (the guys at the club, Yukitaka, Saki-chan, the therapist, all of them are both using him for sex and protecting him together). Finally, he thanks Yukitaka for being patient and always accepting him even when he was a personality that didn't remember Yukitaka. His university personality and Yukitaka are now officially boyfriends! (Which is why Saki-chan leaves, 'cause she doesn't like the gay personalities.)"
2016-06-26 04:32 marked
Wow after omegaverse it's the guides. Fanfic creations are really becoming...