The level of blue balls this manhwa is giving me, the sexual tension is so soo good. The characters and the way they interact is so intriguing. I’m in love with MC’s dgaf personality. He’s not perfect but he was never pretentious especially to Taeshin. He only acts with easy men when he needs something. He’s smart and the way he keeps being suspicious of ML, even as a reader you just know you can’t trust ML despite having no proof on what he’s done to poor Taeshin yet. He’s just so creepy showing up out of nowhere all the time, so pushy even when MC says no, and almost destroyed his family just to get MC to date him, you don’t know whats going to happen but you can just smell the stench of ML’s plans. Like he’s definitely going to do something with MC once he thinks he’s got MC in the palm of his hands. How this has an 8 pointer rating is beyond me.

Etienne really deserves to be the emperor. Other than the fact that he’s so capable, confident and brave, because this story was set up in a way that omegas cannot be emperors, it will be much more satisfying to see etienne rise up and make way for more omega rulers and leaders rather than just be “an alpha’s omega” cant wait to see that outcome TwT
He just went straight for it he was gonna dive and smother in them tiddies if not for the cockblocks
Lmao "smother in them tiddies"