Damn this chapter really captured Dan’s despair. His fatigue over being alone has just built up so much. He was “thrown away” by JK extremely harshly, causing his guilt ridden nightmares. His friends visited, but soon had to leave him all alone in this village yet again. His one and only family is about to go soon as well, which would truly make him all alone in this world with no real connections with anyone. And now, the poor puppy just pulled the trigger. Everyone just leaves him in the end.

You forgot his job, that now he's struggling to keep bc he's absented-mind. The peak of his unluckyness would be for him to lose everything even his work as physical therapist. Poor baby, my heart breaks n breaks again for him, when will Dan ever find love, family and peace. He's suffering since his very childhood :'(

I actually like mc, other than his handsome design, his personality is so straightforward. Wdym he’s garbage? He’s direct in his wants and needs from the get go, was never rude to anyone, and was respectful when rejected. Plot-wise, I agree it’s meh, but yall expect every character to be an angel in every story that exist, the hell…
His moles are hand placed by god himself. Aaron isnt the only one sculpted perfectly