why are they k*ssing with a baby on the premises!??

I posted with my other account your IP addresses (don't wanna get banned lol) on the main board for people to crosscheck, y'all can go see for yourself if y'all wanna pretend so much. People even pointing out how you "two" have the exact same typing style. Anyway xiaosdickpiercing, online arguments really shouldn't be taken that seriously.

As a black person (African to be more specific) this shit is so.... GROSS. The way they said nigga like 4-5 times when I didn't even get that far??? That's more than I would in a single day. Like I really loved this manhwa with the way it has very serious topics and I love the whole revenge genre. But this bs??? Idk what compelled the author to make this cuz in what world are black/african people the majority and have more power in an ASIAN COUNTRY???? This shit is just an excuse to be racist n colorist

the mischaracterization of alphonso is INCREDIBLY disappointing. how are y'all accusing him of cheating when it's LITERALLY an arranged marriage where only ONE party is in love with the other (hint: IT'S NOT HIM)??? And calling him indecisive is so ridiculous. He's literally a PRINCE. Alphonso has no choice but to be with this girl but is clearly incredibly in love with Ariadne. the only piece of criticism I understand is him kissing her while she's mourning. I didn't find it terrible but it's definitely weird. other than that y'all are DRAGGING it cuz her other option is literal trash
I randomly found this through my bookmarks and HOLY SHIT this is so good the art is really nice and I like its slight humor