I just wanna say... for a villain, Edwin's f*cking hot. The author should have made the villain more ugly . What am I supposed to do if I couldn't bear seeing Edwin die? I mean he's like top 3 most handsome guy in this manhwa, the other two are of course Lucaon and Sihan.
My rank:
1. Edwin and Lucaon (I can't choose )
3. Sihan
Poor Kyon got squeezed out of top 3 after I immediately saw Edwin. I don't like Karis, Ryan and Christoph's hairstyle and the carefree servant guy should be in atleast top 10 before the former three. Fifth place and sixth place goes to Edwin's hot servants lmao.
So I guess like this~
1.Edwin and Lucaon (I really can't choose (╯°Д °)╯╧╧)
3. Sihan
4. Kyon
5. Edwin's servant that brought Ryan to Edwin
6. Edwin's another servant that happens to stand beside fifth place servant
7. Carefree servant guy who quit the Selvior job and went to Sihan's mansion
8. Ryan
9. Karis
10. Christoph
I can't help myself from ranking them lol (=・ω・=)

As much as some people think that Yona should become the ruler of Kouka, I still feel that it's better for Soowon to be the king rather than Yona. It's mainly bcuz Soowon has a great thinking of a ruler while Yona is sometimes too impulsive and I'm pretty sure Yona wouldn't sacrifice everything (friends, family) for the kingdom but Soowon seems like he will do that, no... I'm highly sure that he will sacrifice everything for the kingdom. So Soowon is no doubt the ideal king for sure.

Soowon is a great king...
when he's stable. But I still feel like he's gonna start making more over-aggressive calls like he did when he was facing Xing. He said that he needed them as a vassal state in preparation for Kai invasion, but had he gone to war with them like he planned, their military would be decimated and they would be useless to him right now. but if he had gone for the treaty when Yona offered it, they would have been able to negotiate terms sooner.
His call would have been costly and it was far too similar to his father for my comfort. I'm afraid that he'll start making more and more calls like that. so I'm not too comfortable with him on the throne long-term.
That said, I don't think Yona is ready either. If she were queen, she wouldn't be able to move around the country so easily for her vigilante work. And at this point, I'm pretty sure she would hate being bound to the castle. In any case, she's still only 16 years old. And her skills at this moment serve the country better off the throne.
I don't think I really want either of them ruling right now. But Soowon is the better option for the time being.

Soowon can't predict that the Kai invasion would happen after warring with Xing. And do u think without Yona's VERY SERIOUS persuasion ever happening that Kouren would agree in becoming Kouka's vassal state? If Soowon hadn't start the war first and Xing decides to attack first, Kouka would have faced much more trouble. It's either kill or be killed. Kouren has a warrior spirit so she won't give up easily. Soowon is being cautious bcuz if Kouren decided to pretend to cooperate then harm him, that will definitely cause trouble.
And u shouldn't really underestimate the military much less calling them useless even if they're injured. Soldiers should have great spirit after all. And besides, I'm pretty sure Kouka's soldiers are better than Xing. There are five tribes, Wind, Sky, Fire, Water and Earth. Soowon used the Sky, Wind and Water tribe to attack Xing if I remember correctly. The Wind tribe decided not to attack bcuz of Hak but if their country was really in trouble, there's a high chance they will attack as well. This goes the same with the Water tribe.
There's still the Earth and Fire tribe. And I'm pretty sure Soowon wouldn't take every single soldier out to battle. He would have left enough to guard the kingdom. I wouldn't call it over aggressive calls, it's about being rational. And it might be costly but risks have to be taken to make Kouka a better kingdom or the best kingdom. A person who doesn't take risks can't achieve a higher place. I don't really know enough about military and this is only based on my assumption but I'm quite sure that I'm right. And I also do think ur opinion is right but I could only agree half of it.

In reality, a true Queen needs a throne which is like a symbol of recognition and her people's trust and I'm sure dragons aren't a necessity. And Soowon has both.
Bcuz of Yona's father, half of the people doesn't trust Yona to take the throne. And they are more delighted when Soowon takes the throne. Of course the people who sided with Yona would think that Yona would make a capable Queen but they can't deny the fact that Soowon also makes a capable King.

What I meant tho that even though she's not in the throne, even she doesn't have a crown, there's something in her that wills people to obey her. She can gain the trust and love of people as you can see in the manga. I know you adored Soowon, I agree he's the one fit to rule because he always put the kingdom before anyone else. I don't care about the reality. Youre completely missing the point here. Being a true royalty resides in one's heart. Will. Determination. Love for People. The throne can be easily stolen but yes necessary. Soowon and Yona are similar in some aspects.
And I'm stopping here now because you seem to be an aggressive Soowon fan hahaha. Your loyaly to him reminds me of his generals (excluding the wind tribe OFC)

. A true Queen doesn't need a throne when in heart resides the will to protect her people. Throne can be taken away but never the royalty that can be found in one's blood. I'm not even against Soowon but I feel like you're making be that way. I agree Soowon is the one fit to rule. I don't want Yona to take the throne, I still would love for her to wander around with the dragons. It's like she's a shadow queen. And it's not only dragons she has under her thumb, she also has many alliances with people.
And I'm stopping here because you seem to be aggressive when you're making your point across people hahaha. Your loyalty to Soowon rivals the other generals (excluding the one of wind tribe ofc)

I was never a Soowon fan tho??? I'm more like Hak's fan. I just admire Soowon's attitude so u shouldn't judge me without knowing anything first. And I also admire Yona but the feelings I have for both Soowon and Yona are only that, my feelings of like belongs to Hak. If this conversation is not about Yona and Soowon but Soowon and Hak, I could be that type of fan for Hak but not an aggressive one tho, I like to be seen as rational.
And what ur talking about is right but that answer is for the fantasy world. In reality, the people obeys the one with throne. Sure rebellions happen but that's usually only a portion of the people anyway and sometimes rebellions happen bcuz of such ridiculous reasons I don't even know if I should laugh or cry.

I see your point about Kouren. She probably wouldn't agree to the treaty. But there would definitely be a better chance for peace talks and an alliance if Soowon offered it in the first place.
As for the military being useless, (I was talking about Xing by the way, Kouka would be fine.) I didn't mean they wouldn't be able to fight injured, I was going more along the lines of them being dead. Sure, they might not ALL be dead, but MOST probably would be. And if there was a state of emergency in the near future, like the one with the Kai, (which, you're right could not be predicted, but as a leader, you should plan for both the best and worst case scenario,) then the Xing military would be nearly decimated and of no help to Kouka.
And you are absolutely right; in leading a country, you must take risks in order to improve and expand. But We forget that Soowon, a genius though he may be, is still only 19 years old. He is young, immature, and idolizes his cruel, unjust, war-mongering father. While he is inherently a kind person, (Disregarding how he came to the throne) the pressures that power brings may be getting to him, and he may be consulting how his father may have handled certain situations when he's stuck. He has nobody else that he knew personally to model his rule after. He was too young for Junam's rein, (not that it would be much better) and he knew that Il's method didn't work. so he only has his father as a real reference.
That's why I'm so concerned.

That stupid blondie doesn't even know anything and he's blaming soohyun for everything. It's not like gangyoo's the only one who's hurting so he really shouldn't just directly say shitty stuff to soohyun that way (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸.

Yeah but he DOESN'T KNOW ANYTHING and still wanted to judge the situation and blame soohyun for it. You shouldn't get involve or meddle with someone's affairs without knowing the real situation. This is why misunderstandings always happen bcuz they don't bother to know the truth and instead wanted to believe in what they saw in front but not behind.

Just give Karasuma and Takaba a baby, geez... No need for drama and angst for those two cuz Sumito and Utou are handling that part. Anyway I could imagine after getting a baby, it's gonna be straight up porno for those two. After all, Karasuma and Takaba never really have emotional moment without ending it with sex. Oh hell, their daily life is a porn. Correct me if I'm wrong tho.

Lmao kanou, at least you have some conscience

I know the author loves our previous couple but can u at least focus more on our main couple for kurui naku no wa boku no ban BETA. This is not kurui naku no wa boku no ban. Of course author-san can dedicate a side chapter for keisuke and miyabi but for now, my heart is hurting for utou and sumito. The recent chapters rarely even shows Utou who's the main character now. Please let Utou be the MAIN FOCUS of his own story.#-.-)
Keisuke and miyabi already have their lovey dovey life together but both Utou and sumito are hurting right now. I love keisuke and miyabi but I also love utou and sumito so please be fair to our main couple. And this is what I'm trying to vent. It's not that I have anything against keisuke and miyabi tho but they already have their own story for goodness sake let Utou shine too. Like that alpha guy, Shiratori(?) even gets memorable parts in this story. While I could barely thought of Utou these recent chapters. Let Utou and Sumito be the focus of their story (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Yup, like wtf?! I don't care about keisuke and karasuma (╯°Д °)╯╧╧. I didn't read this to see those two again #-.-). I was like "Isn't utou the main character?" And the comments were only filled with Keisuke and miyabi and sumito, I've been straining my eyes watching if there's even an entity who actually cares about our beta kun who's being ignored in his own story. Like where the f*cking shit is utou?! While everyone is busy criticizing sumito and miyabi. Like I don't give a damn bout that.

Someone finally said it, as much as I love Keisuke and Miyabi it's about damn time that Utou and Sasabe had some developement in their relationship. 7 chapters in we are still knowhere in their story and whereas Kurui Naku Ban was completed and wrapped up really well in 8 chapters. If the author loved them this much she should have just focused this sequel on them then the secondary character, because technically they are still secondary ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

but im loving the after-math(?) of the mating. like im so happy shes showing them working through their troubles together cuz its obvious that not everything is solved by mating. however, i do think she couldve just put that in the main story for a vol. 2 maybe and not in another couple's story. it woulve been hard to make the storyline cross over but it wouldve been so worth it to see this as their own story. on the other hand im not too much of a fan of this new uke guy. that being said, no one deserves to be raped and that last page just killed me. those scumbags need to die horrible deaths. how can they do that to him? its awful and i hope he wont be too traumatized and be able to overcome it.

So u mean u just wanna see utou and sumito not having any development while their own story is snatched away from them?
Yeah, the author should have put keisuke and miyabi's story in a volume 2 of kurui naku no wa boku no ban. Of course the conflict doesn't stop after mating but we, readers know what to imagine after the supposed ending of their story that it'd be like the end of their own beginning.
And if u didn't like sumito, like I just said, u only wanna see him suffer then? Without any development? Keisuke and miyabi already have a happy life, love quarrels are occurring too so let utou and sumito have a happy life too. Ur not being fair to them.
And it's very cruel and sad that the main character, Utou rarely ever appeared in the recent chapters while the currently supporting characters, Keisuke and miyabi have dominated the story. And if the author wants some sexy scene, she could have made it for Utou and sumito.
U do know that utou was heartbroken bcuz of his so-called love towards miyabi so u just wanna see him live with that feelings or move on with another person?
It just seems like the author is depending on keisuke and miyabi to lengthen this story and planning to just abruptly ends the story with a reconciliation and confession between utou and sumito and then move on to keisuke and miyabi.

THANK YOU! when I came on to the comments yesterday it seemed like nobody cared about this or rather preferred this! I love Uto and Sasabi and honestly I kind of find them more interesting than the other couple. I kept clicking on the pages and I was surprised to see them take such a huge chunk of the chapter. This isn't like a multi volume story where the other couple can take over a few chapters here and then, I like Karasuma a lot but he's not my sassy Sasabi and it's nice to see his couples development but not here! And certainly not when the main couple of this story are not even close to resolving their predicament!!!

I skipped most of this chapter, never really cared for Karasuma and Tabaka. I only forced myself to read their story to undetstand this one better. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if the writting was more blanced, but we are 7 chapters in and Utou and Sumi are still were they started.

Before the release of chapter 7, sensei did say that it's a chapter that will provide more details for the last scene in chapter 2. It seems as if sensei initially wanted to create a story for utou, but somewhere along the progress of the spin-off making, she felt the need to write more about karasuma/keisuke. Sure there are many good series which involve two couples at the same time, but we're still far from seeing that to happen since utou and sasabe aren't even a couple yet.
If sensei is really prepared on writing a story for utou, she should've just made a story MAINLY about him and if she wants karasuma/keisuke to be involved, they should've just LITERALLY played the role as supporting characters.
However, if she wants to write more about karasuma/keisuke, then she should've just created a new volume for the sequel which focuses on them alone. It's impossible to write about two couples at the same time when the other needs a lot of development. Maybe sensei just couldnt prioritize at this point.
This story is indeed pretty dark. Rest assured seme is blackmailer (so obvious)
Raws: https://infa.app/t/9362.htm
I was scanning through the raws and seems like when seme was young, seme was raped and sexually abused by a man (father??) and when the man wanted to harm a girl (seme's little sister??) then seme killed him with a knife. I guess he developed a mental problem cuz of that.