Keith was a saint. That's all I'm gonna say.

It depends on what you value or hate more.
If you hate violence more, you’ll probably hate Chase more than keith. If you hate rape more, you’ll hate Keith more than chase.
Cons: chase is violent and crazy (which is a norm in red flag stories lmao)
Pros: He’s very against rape.
Pros: not really violent or crazy
Cons: rapist, didn’t give basic respect
On a level, I would say he’s definitely less violent/crazy than MLs from Roses and champagne, code name Anastasia, non zero sum, sadistic beauty side story BL, etc.
Worse than any green flags, but tame if you’re judging on the red flag scale. If you’re used to the violent aspect, then this isn’t 100% one person beating on the other and the mc being weakly hit. The MC can also fight back and does so to the point they got in a fist fight lmao.

I appreciate the analysis, but you might want to revisit the novel because Chase does force himself on Josh. Of course, that doesn’t excuse Keith either. My first comment was meant to be for funsies, but there’s still some truth to it. Keith also forced himself on Yeonwoo at one point, which is absolutely unforgivable. On top of that, he cheated and tried to downplay what happened to Yeonwoo in the earlier chapters. Except he never hit him, which is something Chase does—along with everything else. Honestly, both of these Alphas are just toxic and completely unlovable.

Can I ask what the context of that part was in the novel?
Anyways I know chase isn’t a saint or a regular green flag. I’m mainly focusing on the comparison between the two specific characters and how depending on the reader’s preference one can have a totally different opinion on the other.
Personally, I don’t mind the violent aspect as long as the other party can fight back as well or doesn’t mind it, so it feels like it’s on similar strength levels or the actual enemies to lovers story where they try to kill each other lol. I wouldn’t recommend this story for those who only like pure green flags, but I would recommend it for those who have seen worse red flag stories or those who enjoy actual enemies to lovers including fighting

Rape, violence, cheating—none of that is okay. It doesn’t matter if the “other party” can fight back; it still doesn’t make it right. Personally, I prefer green flags. My standards are so high that even the typical green flags struggle to make the cut. That said, I’ve read plenty of dark and messed-up stories. I just read them. I don’t get super emotional about it. But that doesn’t mean I’m cool with what happens in them or excuse it by saying, “Oh, it’s just fiction.” No, fiction or not, that stuff shouldn’t be treated like it’s okay. It’s fine to read about it, but defending abusers? That’s where I draw the line.

That’s cool and all but are you just discussing your opinion now? I was mainly talking about the characters and their differences, then added some of my opinion at the very end, which was just a personal thing of my own view for what I read. I wasn’t judging your opinion nor defending and saying those other stuff were okay. I also am not planning to judge your own preferences for what you read lol. Dunno if you thought I was trying to defend anything or if you just are saying your own piece separate from my own reply

idk how I feel yet about this since the artstyle is different from "Kiss Me, Liar" and it kinda feels weird seeing a different artsyle in the same universe. Let's see where it goes. Hoping the best tho.

They are the manhwa adaptions of two different novels in the same universe which slightly overlap, which take place around the same time. So you could read it without reading the other, you just have some less information about the characters than readers who read both, but that should be ok if you don't want read the other.

If you can read this chapter and still think Kloff’s so-called change and him ending up with Aeroc is a true happy ending for Aeroc, you’re just a heartless person completely void of empathy—fiction doesn’t excuse that.
The only true happy ending for Aeroc would be finding love with someone who never abused him—a love that’s healthy and kind. It doesn’t even have to be romantic; it could simply be self-love. Honestly, I wish the story had continued with Aeroc learning to love himself, and finding that peace but as someone who’s read the novel, I know that’s not the case.

exactly its honestly so sad that aeroc is still unaware that it wasn’t his fault yet he continues to blame himself, the ml taking advantage of his vulnerability to violate him honestly makes me sick to my stomach reading the new season, and there’s barely any change from their first life he’s still as aggressive

Aeroc remains the same—abused, violated, depressed, and drowning in self-loathing. The only difference now is that he stopped chasing Kloff, and that’s what changed Kloff. But let’s be clear: Kloff was, and always will be, an abuser. That doesn’t just vanish.
I wish Aeroc found peace within himself—not happiness with Kloff.
Not my little fantasy being broken on the chapter. Thanks Dohun. You are a jerk.
I'll reread it again later. Too tired to process any emotions rn.