Having parents who neglect and abuse you but throws in just the right amount of love so that you can never fully hate them but still have to tiptoe around because you'll never know when they'll just flip again. Plus all the anger that just can't be released or expressed because "you can't be angry at your parents" and that "parents are always righ......
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOTR1tcOAhjgi6YukrPpZxg Mafumafu-san I like his songs and his high notes, he can sing like a girl or like SEXY HOT man XD(watch his most famous song in youtube you won't regret) btw he is a MAN in his 29 years old (cuz they are some people who think he is a woman or a little kid XD) -when he sings like a girl https......
Gacha life. Yep, gacha life. At first I just watched straight or normal gacha life mini movies (with sexual material) but one day I happened to stumbled across one that was titled “Gay gacha life mini movie !Yaoi!”. I was 8 so I didn’t know nothin bout any gay or yaoi shit and because of that I decided not to click on it but then I noticed th......
I hate it when someone asks me "Why are you crying" when I'm desperately trying not to show that someone that I'm crying. I'd actually burst when I hear that question. Some say that it's just a comforting question, but I don't feel any better after hearing that question, rather, I feel worse. I'd be able to kill myself with the amount of embarrassm......
Shen Qinqiu. Many of yall have probably read Heaven official's blessing or Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, but rarely people talk about Scum vilian self saving system. Honestly it's my favourite novel of all time, soooooo perfect and hilarious . And to answer, my fav character is Shen QinQiu, that motherfu**er is on a different level of comed......
With science we could have lamps that last literally forever since 1930s but because of 5 lamp companies we now have to change phones, cars, TV's, shoes, clothes, etc., every few years and why most devices don't have replaceable items like with phones and batteries. That is called planned obsolescence.
Things your Parent's do that aren't "Normal"