(⊙…⊙ )why did it seemed like the older guy didn't have any fault at all!? the younger one even took the blame! I mean, oldie didn't even explain a thing and just brushed off younglin' and just by saying I don't want to worry coz i love you solves it??? how about the emotional and mental stress of the younglin'???

I read something online the other day that said we (people in general) should replace "I'm too busy" with "It's not a priority". I think this would work very well here. "I can't take five seconds to text my boyfriend because it [he] is not a priority." I'd love for someone to clue the older one in that that is *exactly* how he's thinking here.
In other words, I totally agree.
Besides, he *specifically* told the younger one, "I don't want to talk right now. It's better that you leave." (pg 15) followed by, "We shouldn't see each other for the time being." (pg 16) Which implies, at least to me, that he /doesn't want the younger one to contact him/!!!! So he doesn't. Then the older has the utter *nerve* to say that he's the one waiting! AFTER describing the younger one as "problematic", "stupid", "tiring", "annoying", "stupid" again, and only "has a lot of guts" on the pro side to balance it out!
In short, the younger one deserves someone who'll think of him positively and doesn't gaslight him. I don't really know why I tagged this.
Oh, wait. Melodramatic tension. I need to put a 'reading mood' tag on this thing!

Haha, thanks for listening to the vent! I just... *had* to say something after reading it. I'm not sure I'd pick "triggering" as an adjective, but then I've never been in an abusive relationship (and this is. The way he cuts down and ignores the younger one is emotional abuse). "Rage-inducing", maybe.
... Probably. Not just maybe, probably.

Wherever I can, I try not to use 'go-to' words unless they really are the best option. I don't always communicate clearly even in person, so over the internet I try to be precise where I can be. "Rage-inducing" lets me know *exactly* what mood I'm going to be in when I'm done reading it. Great for when I'm already annoyed/angry and am looking for someone to take it out on. Not so great if I'm looking for a cry or something.

Honestly thought that this is just another cliched boring manga that afte 4 chapters I'm about go give it up but am glad i didn't. i love the comedy! and the beautiful art. also don't forget the circus chapter. gawd that's the only thing i live for XD forgive my dear soul. mNo matter how cute Kallum and Meshi (did i get it right) is, i can't help but to imagine how beautiful as an uke Kallum is but Aleph will sure look more appetizing as an uke, an arrogant uke being devoured by our beautiful prince. once again, forgive this poor soul *flies away*

didn's see that the ending is just right ahead. I'm not sure whether to be happy because the story I like reached it's end game and i don't have to worry if it will ever end but at the same time sad that it has ended.
anyway, maybe it's a little bit sudden but it's not the kind of ending that you'll be like "what???" sure it could have still continued on coz the ending is a little bit rushed in a way that after finally being able to overcome his problem and fix his trust issue it could have shown atleast 4 more chapters of the changes in their relationships. more exposure to be short. But, since seme had resolved his issues maybe that's why the mangaka ended it now because that is the mangaka's main goal and once it reached it then it's the end.
am i even making sense??? lololol
can somebody explain what happened Ryouji like why did he break up with Motoki before? I'm having a hard time to understand. not sure if i am so freaking dumb or it realty just doesn't make sense
I have no fucking idea...
He met with the stalker, stalker told him he likes him, then he broke up, memory loss, hospital.
The only way this could make a little sense (like, tiny little) is if he was kidnapped or something...
I feel like there are a few chapters missing in that story (at least one volume actually)
You are not dumb. I have no idea of what really happened to sempai and I usually am good to understand plots. ( ̄∇ ̄")
On that note, there's one scene that catched on to me where after Motoki left and Ryouji was laying down, there's a hand that seemed to have like a semen and the next panel's bubble says "disgusting".... and then there's his stalker... Am i overreading?
Yup me too so many mysteries... mmm sempai was with the stalker he abused him or something else happen 3 years is a lot time.