YACCHAN SO FKIN CUTE OML!!!!! altho i stan kashitoono im not gonna deny the kiss backstage made my heart explode TAT tsundere yacchans so fkin adorableeee, n the way tamura closed his eyes when its the kiss scene lolol.
ngl i feel sad for itome but at the same time i think both of them didnt handle this well in the past, itome definetely knows akemi still have feelings for his brother but he still went with him, and minami just left akemi like that and practically running away fm himself, cant blame akemi for how he acts cuz when they broke up hes prolly just 15 or 16 its normal not knowing how to deal those emotions, they need a proper closure.
jimmy is just a dumbass, n yuri can u just deliver yr message properly so jimmy can understand how u feel -_-