I love how after in one bed scene, Asari was like "Awww, Shoui's so sweet" *cries* then was like, "OMFG I FORGOT I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO CRY FUUUUUUUUU!" lol

Not with the english translations, no. There's only the raws here: http://www.ffmanhua.com/manhua/353/ but everything else, including all the extras are here.

And so once upon a time, the black cat was a nasty villain. All of a sudden, said villain gets to have the... oh i don't know... THE HOTTEST BL STORY EVER CREATED: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/kuroneko_kareshi_no_asobikata/

the way you put that, XD im dying

lol (-.-) true true who
What happened after Magane was finally revived:
You're welcome.
hm, I sort of hoped to see more of megane's story... like an actual epilogue or something...
There is an epilogue that shows you a bit more about Megane when he is revive but for some reason it's not translated... XO
Whoah! Link please..?
here is the raw of megane's story when he is revive, enjoy :D
After Magane is revived: http://www.77mh.com/201108/201006.html?page=10 As far as i know, this little bit hasn't been translated yet.