I let this simmer for a couple months after reading the whole thing, staying with it while it was being updated... I think it's excitement was dusted off? I didn't find it confusing to understand and found the plot interesting while reading it and even a week or two after finishing it but now... Maybe it's because I haven't reread it or something but to me it's losing that kick to it. How does everyone else feel? Is this normal???

C'MON! they got their lovey dovey time together along with making Lin feel like shit(which I don't like) so stop emphasizing the fact that she looks hella cool when she gets into the groove of being a badass! It just makes it look like the emperor likes her only for that reason! And I get it, I like strong women too but not to the point of chattering on and on for DAYS that she's a savior! You're in shock, whatever, he is like given weeks to get over this fact! Get even more serious! They both almost died! I feel like I'm losing my brain cells reading this but I still like it.

I had put this on hold since the cave part and finding the kid thingy... But now I'm a bit scared to even continue reading. At first I had put this on hold since I knew things were gonna get... Rather intense. But now I'm even wondering if I should read, I feel like I'm going to cry if I continue reading this.
Should I keep reading(even though I will definitely emotionally pain myself if I read this)??

SERIOUSLY?! THIS IS JUST TO GOOD! ... Maybe I shouldn't have read all uploaded chapters in a day.... BUT AT THE SAME TIME IM SOOOOOO GLAD I DID!!! this is especially kinda refreshing after reading a not so nice chapter. Currently almost 2 in the morning and I just got done reading chapter 59! Squeeeee! I SOOOOOO want more! Oh! Is there raws? Someone please help my addiction!!
( ∩ ≧ ꁞ ≦ ∩ )

I think prota just wants to be put out of his misery... Maybe he knows how strong he is and maybe he knows that this isn't normal and that he can't control himself so maybe he is just looking to die but each time he tries he gets sudden violent urges to the stimulus of pain causing him to kill which stop him from dying.
Sooooo what? Is Hiro starting to like Taekwon now to look???