Ngl glad hohyun’s logic makes no damn sense and came out of nowhere bc I wasn’t picking up on ANYTHING. Clearly there’s nothing to pick up on, I still like this story tho!
The yandere pedophile rapist won….this is the darkest timeline
I feel like my tolerance for shitty stories must be pretty high bc it didn’t seem THAT bad to me. I mean it wasn’t fantastic and I wouldn’t reread it but I don’t hate it nor regret reading it to begin with
Kouki, the owner of a quaint little cafe, is living his days in quiet solitude after his breakup wit...
- Author: Hayane Dentou
- Genres: Yaoi
A rare time when a romantic triangle was actually vital to the story and the right characters ended up together. It was extremely poignant and beautiful that Sonoda was rooting for his rival, even if he couldn’t be with the person he liked it healed something in his younger self. As a young queer person he was used to seeing gayness mocked or treated as entertainment. Seeing a successful, loving relationship was something he needed to see. Therefore, Jou and Kouki had to end up together. There are still other reasons too. This was also about Kouki confronting his past and communicating while being open to new experiences, not running away and jumping into the arms of another. So Sonoda and Kouki sleeping together was also a necessity (plus we got juicy scenes for Sonods AND Jou wins for fans of both, kinda). Sonoda needed to explore his feelings for another man and Kouki needed to explore the possibility of moving on without Jou. Jou needed his cool guy facade and arrogance to be challenged. He even admitted that although Kouki wanted to break up he thought he could come right back to where they left off, not even communicating before a year and a half was up. Ultimately everyone finally learned how to communicate and it was lovely.
RECAP: 1.Every character that’s been introduced (except the killer-PROBABLY IDK ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN) is actually not an NPC but a former player who has either voluntarily or involuntarily had their tapes stopped. Everyone except Seongchan, Doha, and Bada have decided at some point that they can no longer cope with the psychological torture of repeatedly dying to attempt escaping through the true ending. They preferred to live as NPCs in blissful ignorance with no memories in or out of the game but they are actually people (incredibly devastating wow). 2. Bada is the newest player, each player inhabits the body of a former NPC. Explains why everyone is more experienced than Bada. 3. Seongchan has had his memories in and out of the game the longest. He had a partnership with Doha that presumably ended poorly since Doha’s tape was removed. (Could have been voluntary but it seems unlikely with Doha’s personality and Seongchan warning the others from him).
The train’s leaving the platform but I don’t even know the destination
- Author: Setsukouji
- Genres: Yaoi / Mature / Drama / supernatural
They’ve come a long way from how they started. They’re cute but I’m not gonna forget lol
Not to be a hater but I can’t stand when they put complicated business related drama in these BLs. We’re here to get horny and emotional, not to make sense of business deals
I’m glad we’re all mostly in agreement that Kanji fucked up, not Subaru. You’re whining about how he never asked you anything about yourself yet you also never asked, you knew because you were getting paid by his parents. On top of that you know WHY he’s traumatized but everything is still his fault? And instead of communicating Kanji didn’t just come out and say it he left weird cryptic hints, tf? Finally, he has the audacity to complain about his own childhood and use the trauma he had about his to dismiss Subaru’s trauma, accuse him of abandoning people like he was abandoned by his brother, and walk out on him too. After spying on him for years like his parents mind you. So Kanji breaks Subaru’s trust by doing the worst things possible to Subaru specifically. Subaru saw Kanji as his safe place but no he lied to him, used his past against him, and abandoned him.
You guys aren’t dumb for not fully understanding everything. We literally have incomplete information from unreliable narrators bc they too aren’t sure of everything that’s happening. How could we possibly know more than them?
Here’s what we do know for sure
-Bada has played this game many, many times and with Yong Taek and Seong chan at different points
-Bada has lost many of his memories, including memories of the real world and prior in game experiences
-Seong chan pretended to not be aware of the game before they removed his tape
-Seong chan worked together with Yong taek over Bada for a period of time before eventually stopping Yong Taek’s tape
-Seong chan sabotaged both Yong taek and Bada’s gameplay for reasons unknown
-The only way to remember past gameplays is to have your character tape playing on a tape recorder, it doesn’t matter if you’re an NPC
-Yong taek and Seong chan had code phrases to recognize each other as cognizant
-There are three main locations to collect endings, the main house, the abandoned house and the mountain shelter. There’s also the tunnel gate(? My memory is fuzzy about this one) location
What we think we know
-Yong taek and Doha are most likely NPCs (they talk about NPC’s being able to leave-why would they care if they’re players)
-Bada is most likely a player and worked on creating the game
-Bada may be the only player
-They most likely have to collect all the endings and easter eggs to reach the true ending that lets them leave the game
And we just found out the white tape is harmful or memory overload is harmful (could be why Bada remembers so little)
I can’t blame the MC, the logical thing to do (in his case) would’ve been to find a gay guy willing to take care of him that wasn’t so ready to beat the shit out of him all the time. So what if he sleeps with the other janitor, I get don’t bite the hand that feeds you but in this case “the hand” is a violent rapist soooo….. MC and ML are both shit
NOOOOOOOO GO AWAY EX THEY DONT NEED YOU (sometimes couples do but not this time)