Just realized this has 3 volumes and, apparently, up until chapter 15 they still haven’t fucked. I better stop reading for now lol
Oh! And...it has pretty low rating on amazon, wonder why?

ohh sorry bout that XD i reply to wrong comment haha
meant to reply to this one http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/3811733/

Damn it boy, you keep fucking it over and over and over again. This is tiresome.

“Bitch”? Who do you think you are, addressing me like that? First, he surely doesn’t read minds but looking at it from an ADULT’S point of view, yes, Dojin fucked it up first but he took full responsability along the way, while the other party (Hyesung) ran away more than once from whatever situation and was always acting like a victim. And second, it’s just a fictional story, so calm your tits and think twice next time you reply someone in an unnecessarily rude manner.
Little brother turns out to be seme
Wtffff He has his own manga? Dammit I can’t imagine it’s too disturbing. Do you have raws for this one though?
What’s it called
I don’t know if he has a whole manga but he has one chapter in this one, don’t worry he looks more grown up unlike the first chapters
Not another manga
Chapter 6