Got emotional seeing himworking hard. How cute

Jaekyung was helping Dan by paying his grandmother's hospital bills. He likes helping people, but that was an extreme example of helping on a personal level. He paid the current hospital bills as well as the bills for months in advance. He spent hours of his busy life talking with her and getting to know her. She would have told him stories of Dan and how proud she is of her grandson. Why would Jaekyung get himself that deeply involved if it wasn’t to help Dan? Dan IS the reason why Jaekyung showed such a high interest in Granny.

i really feel such a strong maternal urge for jaekyung this chapter. ah. it hurts me. i just want to cradle him and run my fingers thru his hair and soothe him. i think getting mothered could fix him

and honestly, no one is laughing at the comment i once again used the same joke at two times in a row. mommy mode engaged? at jaekyung? mind ur own business if u cant shut the fuck up brainless hoe cz apparently having an opinion at someone else's washed out opinion is something triggering for u. scroll and be on ur way like?? lmao ure doing too much

first of all ure coming on here telling me to calm down when i so validly laughed at someone's bigoted comment about a fictional character not deserving as of now being 'mothered' or 'soothed' or 'cradled' (which literally almost everyone can agree on unless u have some kind of kink for grapists that ure doing too much defending jaekyung) then i explained my side with u once again being a brainless bitch saying i'm 'doing too much?' with me ONCE AGAIN making my point and ur only response with no substance whatsoever is "ahh ur mad ur mad"?? then u get triggered when i flip it on u cause apparently thats a new trend for dumb bimbos now? embarrassing

girl… please gain some self awareness. i’m not replying to you in full paragraphs or with long responses besides this one because i don’t care that much. i’m not taking this seriously. i don’t see how ive gotten ‘triggered’ a single time, am i brainless for replying with the same responses constantly or am i triggered? which is it. genuinely, read this conversation back and you will see i do not care half as much as you think i do. i’m not saying this because im ‘triggered’, im saying this because this is getting humiliating for you and i actually feel bad that someone can lack basic reading comprehension to this much of an extent. i’m sorry that me saying your comment wasn’t funny upset you so much that you felt the need to drag this on for 10+ comments, over half of them being long winded paragraphs, but at some point you need to gain some awareness

poor childhood? i think ure at least 10 chapters too early for that lmao. want to mother him? that's literally my point as to why i laughed at ur comment in the first place thus then resulting in the two of u not being able to accept that. bigoted? bcs ure so clearly holding on to this sort of twisted opinion that u 'could fix him' thats weird ngl cz while u may be right and the sad backstory comes up, a majority can still agree that he does NOT deserve any sympathy or mothering. u both dragged this on cz u couldn't accept that i found this comment ridiculous

That's not what bigoted means genuinely i think you confused it with some other word. why are you taking my comment on mangago so incredibly seriously. i want to mother jaekyung but i wouldn't die in war to do so. i wouldn't tell someone who hates him that i could fix him. i think hed benefit from mothering but obviously it wouldn't fix him. Girl you're confusing me

"obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group."
notice how it says "prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group". Was i targeting any specific minority in my comment? No girl! bigoted means you are bigoted *AGAINST* a group of people. You're genuinely using the word wrong. I have a right to defend myself if you make fun of me but the issue is ur genuinely making 0 sense. can a man want to mother someone in peace

anyone else get an urge to mother and baby jaekyung? let me know

Do u believe that all people are born evil? Do u believe that jaekyung as a baby was the jaekyung we know today? No. He was made and shaped by his surroundings. You think a little 5 year old jaekyung who just got beat by his father is gonna go out on the town and harm twinks..? No.
Also i think mothering would fix him. i think hed love to be cradled and embraced like a loving mother would her son. id be like Shhhh its ok kyungie... mommys here... and hed be like Thanks. and overtime we'd develop a very strong mommy and son relationship (NOT SEXUAL OR ROMANTIC). and hed come to me when hes sad and id go mommy mode

What part of my comment implies it's a sexual or romantic thing? I have never once viewed motherhood as anything other than what it is, a beautiful familial bond. If you are taking this as a kink then that is something you misunderstood.
I have a passion for working with kids, i babysit parttime, i want to become a pediatrician, if you think i am fetishising motherhood just because i'm a maternal person then you need to chill Out.

the idea that someone is a predator or weird for seeing implications in something is the ideology rape apologists use btw. you implied he was weird for it when there is nothing wrong with wanting to mother someone to better them, what else could someone think youd find it weird for when people sexualise the word mommy already

it doesn't need to be a sexual thing for this to come off as very strange. they so badly want to be a mother to and baby a rapist, sexual assaulter, and physical abuser. lets say you're one of the people who don't think he's a rapist he's still a forceful man with anger issues. he's sexually inclined towards men but if he wasn't, he would undoubtedly treat women like this too. there are many mothers out there who baby their sons who are in the wrong and treat women and even others wrongly. it's gross.

then say that next time. yes jaekyung is an abusive rapist, we know, but he's not real. the author clearly doesn't want the readers to view jaekyung as any of these things, the author wants us to forgive him. there's a big issue in yaoi where rape isn't treated as rape by bl authors, again we know. it's a whole other conversation if this were about a real person but you can't apply real logic onto yaoi. i'm not a rape apologist, i'm not even one of those fiction doesnt equal reality people because it does. but i think theres bigger issues than someone wanting to baby a fictional yaoi rapist. i understand what you mean but to be honest theres bigger issues
the truth of it is jaekyung is not portrayed in the bl as a rapist he's portrayed as a bad person we are meant to pity because rape is not taken seriously in bl. i hope you can understand what im saying and why it's not a good comparison. maybe its because i have known op for 5yrs and know him irl thats why i know exactly what he means but shrug

i shouldn't need to spell out for anyone because their comment was weird, if you read it this conclusion should have came naturally to anyone. and i'm not applying real logic onto the manhwa im applying real logic onto this real person who commented something that is really relative to today. to be completely honest idc if a comic has rape im an adult and i like to read smut but for other's comfort i support making less with it but whatever this is another topic. the point is this person expressed wanting to be something that is a big part of society's problems today and i responded to it

USER MANGOGA BLOCKED ME. So here is a reply to them. Unblock me if you're gonna argue with me and imply I'd let abusers get away with this behaviour IRL. Weirdo
I've read the entire thing and I know he's a horrible person. What I'm saying is i get the urge to mother him when he shows poor emotional regulation. It's a natural response to want to care for someone you care about
if i had a son and he was doing awful things, i would address those things properly. The difference is that jaekyung isn't actually my son + he's a grown man + he's not real. My comment was also meant in a lighthearted manner.
I've been raised and socialised as a woman, i know just like you that a real issue we're facing today is mothers excusing their sons actions. But that is a separate conversation. We are talking about a BL where a lot of people find escape in, i don't wanna have to preface every thing i say by "... but if he was real" because I trust everyone has the critical thinking skills to know that I, who grew up as a woman, who has a single mother who raised me on her own, who has been surrounded by women my entire life while being one (FTM), would not let this behaviour slide IRL.
Please stop jumping to conclusions over lighthearted comments. I get an urge to mother him because he shows poor emotional regulation and because he has anger issues clearly rooted in an abusive childhood. The way he acts mirrors, at least to me, a deeply unhappy childhood with a lot of abuse. Am I crazy for wanting to be a mother to people who never had one? If this was a woman, I'd feel the same.
It's not as deep as you're making it out to be

YWHAHSHAHAHAHAHAHA NOT THE "SHH ITS OK KYUNGIEEE" IM WHEEZINGGG AND THE PLS SEEK THERAPY COMMENT AFTER LMAOAOAOA THIS IS SO GOLD sexual innuendo or not that is pretty weird. not the statement itself but the way you typed this whole thing out STRAIGHT. "mommy's here and he'd be like thanks" YAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHA

i don't trust yejun's friend he seems like he has malicious intent

obviously yejun (omega) is still gonna end up w doyoon (alpha) either way so its either something happens to yi-hyun or yi-hyun does something that breaks yejun's trust in him, so i wouldnt be surprised if he ends up being a bad person. obviously doyoon isnt a good person but the bl is obviously rooting for him and is trying to make us feel bad for him by bringing up the experiments he went through as a child and his absent mother. it doesnt want us to think hes a bad person LOL

happy new years everyone
now. i know what this chapter looks like. "heonjae is violent" but i need you to stay with me. it's clear heonjae didn't realise myeong-il didn't like being choked, he took his body reacting well as a sign of consent. it's not and it was wrong. but i need u guys to know he didn't get off from myeong-il not wanting it.
besides this. idk how the author managed but they lowkey mischaracterized him this chapter. heonjae doesn't like lying. he wouldn't go "heh..." it's just not him. "it's their character" idc. I'm heonjae number one defender and as his number one defender it's important to me he's portrayed correctly
have a great new years everyone (=・ω・=) I'm glad we all logged in to read yaoi

i wanna agree so bad w the first part but i feel like were not remembering the time when heonjae explicitly said he wants to trick myeong-il into being alone in a room with him so he could hurt him in a sexual way (plus in heonjae's lil fantasy myeong-il is clearly not into it at all) like i love him to death but i feel like he'd BEEN wanting to hurt him no matter how myeong-il felt about it

guys please it's so obvious he was groomed and sexually abused by his teacher. it's been implied over and over again. just because he had a crush on his teacher at first does NOT mean he was the one who initiated it. u srsly got me fucked up if you're calling heonjae weird for being a victim
in a relationship with a teacher and student there will always be a power dynamic and an age gap, possibly an illegal one depending on the ages. it's always wrong and it's always grooming. DO NOT PISS ME OFF!!!!
i am fighting demons typing this out in my stiff wrist brace but u guys need to STOP being so judgemental towards heonjae. like genuinely. if you hate him so much STOP READING. "omg this is so problematic" YES GIRL there's rape in the like. third chapter. WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP READING THEN.
moving on. I'm happy to see people accepting that Heonjae is genuinely autismcoded. last time i said this i got called ableist as if I'm not autistic myself...now i hope u people will be a bit more mindful on the ableist rhetoric u spew... psychopath this sociopath that. he has repeatedly shown empathy, sympathy, and care for others. he cares about myeong-il more than he cares about himself for example which makes it impossible for him to be a sociopath or psychopath
also calling him a weirdo for just showing autistic symptoms is weird. like not getting social cues... very strange. if i see any of u shittalking heonjae for bs reasons I'm gonna be there. I'm gonna be watching. u will see me reply.

Heonjae fan here too, but so far in the raws, the crimes of the teacher is him taking Heonjae's first place cash prizes in the races for himself and only giving Heonjae 1% of it, and him being a selfish prick who trained Heonjae so wrongly that his knee suffered and tore a ligament.
Last we see of the teacher, he became like a homeless guy that comes knocking at the construction company office where Jingi and Heonjae works.
Not sure how Heonjae ends up having s*x with the teacher yet. Hmmm, I'm low key guessing for money maybe?

Just because you were a victim it doesn’t give you the right to becoming an agresor. Which is what Heonjae is. I understand that he had a lot of struggles growing up, which led him to become the person he is now…. But… also… let’s be honest, he does not care about MC the way y’all think he does. He’s doing all of this for his OWN BENEFIT. He’s infatuated with the MC, he also HURTS the MC. He is no better than Jingi. ALSO. I am not ignoring the fact that he might be autistic. Again… it doesn’t give him the right to do the things he does. HES A CRIMINAL. I hate them all, lmao. However, I want to see where the story goes. Because it’s a decent story. Carry on. I enjoy reading y’all’s points of views. I think we can have peaceful discussions and makes this story more appealing, cause I want to see what people got to say! Haha

just bc he is a victim and neurodivergent does NOT give him the right to act the way he does nor excuse his actions. its simply an explanation. excusing this behaviour just bc of his childhood or mentality. it gives the rest of us a bad rep. we’re allowed to hate heonjae for how he treats meongill, we can hate him for his criminal record. but i do agree that hating on him for his neurodivergent traits without knowing why or how it affects him is pretty dumb. excusing his actions and shit on these reasons just places horrible stereotypes on us. hold people accountable for their actions. you cant just let people get away with shit for being nd. “oh dw about my friend here i know he abused you for years both mentally and verbally but its okay bc he has bpd, youll just have to deal with it lol he cant help it<3” thats literally the energy youre giving.

THANK YOU!! That's like saying a man can rape a woman because he was raped in the past. It doesn't justify!!! Then using autism to say he doesn't understand no? I don't think half of these people know what Autism ACTUALLY is, because hes not so high on the spectrum that he can't understand right from wrong

i don’t think op ever said anything about excusing his actions ? he said to stop hating on heonjae for bs reasons, such as the autistic traits he displays and for potentially being groomed … not for reasonable stuff like being a rapist. bringing irl comparisons into this argument kind of also immediately makes it invalid as it’s not comparable at all as heonjae is not real and it comes across as a bit insensitive to me. op is saying to not call heonjae weird for the autistic traits he displays (which a lot of being accidentally do) and for being potentially groomed (a lot of people have been calling heonjae gross and victim blaming him for it) as of course heonjae will not see these comments bc he’s not real but victims of teacher-student grooming and people who have autism will see those comments. majority of people i’ve seen do not shame heonjae for his actual crimes but for literally everything else

i think a lot of you have this issue of seeing a fictional character on the same level as real people and don’t like to allow anyone to explore characters like this when the only time you *should* be exploring the reasons and motives of a rapist is in a fictional setting. and before YOU come at me, i’m also autistic with c-ptsd. op is also autistic like he said

when have i literally ever said that his diagnoses excuse him being a rapist. all i said was stop hating on him *for* these autistic traits and stop calling him a psychopath etc because it's ableist. i never once said "you cant hate him because he's a rapist" BCS he literally is one. ik that. I'm mad at people mischaracterizing him and being ableist in the process. because yes he's a rapist. this entire manhwa has a lot of rape in it. they're criminals. no shit they're gonna be bad people

thank u for being the only person in my replies being lowkey reasonable.
yes it doesn't give him the right to become an aggressor, i hope you know i don't think that, him being a rapist is wrong even if he was raped. i definitely think he cares about MC in his own way, he cares enough to not want MC to think of him badly, to not want to hurt him (consciously) even if consistently violates boundaries and consent
i think him and jingi are on opposite ends of the same spectrum, both bad people but they definitely treat MC badly in different ways

no i do get it??? im quite literally just saying it doesnt excuse his behaviour that hes nd. yes the people who hate him for his lack of social skills and whatever else is weird and wrong but also im simply pointing out that on top of all that, people still can hate him for the fact he has committed crimes regardless if hes a victim or autism coded. “if you hate him so much, stop reading” we’re allowed to read media with characters we hate. and those who excuse his actions because of those reasons are also wrong.

im ngl i did get carried away with my rant before and was not entirely accusing you of excusing his actions. however BECAUSE of my autism i genuinely struggle with reading and take things the wrong way. again, poor reading comprehension is an autistic trait!!!!!!!! the beginning of your comment came across as you defending him lowkey. i cant just magically know youre tone or intention through text. but regardless, thanks for clarifying and apologies for the misunderstanding and miscommunication

girl be quiet im sorry. is no one allowed to criticise you for completely misunderstanding something just because youre autistic? youre grown. im not op but i keep forgetting to mute this thread and this pmo so bad please just admit that your anger abt people using heonjae's nd traits to excuse his actions was misguided instead of implying someone else is ableist and only *then* admitting you were wrong. u have avpd right... then next time please can u just do what avpd makes u do... u know... avoid. goddamn

duddeee you clearly dont know what avpd is. we dont avoid everything hello???? primarily its severely avoiding social situations where we can be exposed to embarrassment, humiliation, or rejection. not discussions on a manga site also paired with bpd im gonna give back the energy given to me. i can admit i misunderstood the beginning of ops post but holy shit. theres no need to criticize someone for misunderstanding. a simple “hey this is what they/i meant” wouldve been lovely

and yet here u are embarrassing urself. duddeee i literally did that. you’re the one who turned this personal by immediately dropping that you have bpd, avpd, and cptsd for NO REASON! bringing up that you have autism i get cuz that was relevant to the topic, but seriously i replied to you saying that op was not saying what you thought they were saying, op replied to another person in this thread saying the exact same thing, yet you didn’t say shit. you only replied when it was something relating to yourself, so don’t sit here acting like you didn’t just try turn this into something it wasn’t from the get go

i mentioned i had those as i had used bpd as an example and didnt want people to tell me not to then attack me for using bpd stereotypes. avpd gets stereotyped badly as well. and cptsd was mentioned as its a criteria for most (if not all) personality disorders. can we not literally just agree that this was a misunderstanding and tone and meaning wasnt clear? still dont see how its so hard to just mention what was meant before picking apart what i said. genuinely i commented, op replied to my comments and others’ and i simply replied to op when they asked if i was diagnosed before being criticized for apparently having poor reading comprehension. to which i informed thats an autism trait and i didnt claim anyone was ableist in the process?? i apologize if it came off that way. after my first set of comments the rest were information. maybe i shouldve used tonetags. i get what was said, again, i was just pointing out that the neurodiverce isnt an excuse and those who hate the nd traits are gross. then i get my disorder trying to be used to criticize me further??? i understand i can come off as stubborn and blunt or cold or whatever but genuinely i was just giving info and am wholeheartedly trying my best to say i understand, its literally just that i misunderstood the first part of ops post. once again, i apologize for the misunderstanding, i apologize for the lack of tonetags, and i apologize for getting frustrated when no one understood my tone.

again i misunderstood the first bit of the post. im very passionate abt making sure harmful stereotypes arent going around as they directly impact me. but after being told i lack reading comprehension (despite saying i was autistic) was what hit me and i took it as a negative angry tone. therefore returning the energy.

ok i understand why you brought up those disorders now and also acknowledge that u misunderstood. i will say that it really did come across as u trying to call op ableist after he said u lacked reading comprehension as you directly mentioned him saying he wasn’t ableist for saying heonjae displayed asd traits as if him saying that to you contradicted it. your tone did come across as hostile initially and as if you were trying to deflect the misunderstanding back onto op — i do understand now that’s not what u were trying to do but i think i should still mention that’s how it came across so you can understand why i / op responded that way. the fact you had misunderstood the beginning of the original comment was only stated after the other comments were made which is why it came off badly. i’m also not making this clarification to try act like you did smth wrong because you’ve said it was a misunderstanding and i believe that, just want to clarify why the conversation seemed to become hostile. but ya i do understand, maybe i could’ve been less rude myself
jaekyung looks very cute in this chapter
Yes,and Dan is so beautiful
He really is isnt he my friend. we're oomfs til the end
Ofc we're oomfs till the end. Bruce will not get angry right?
don’t worry domosama i support. oomf along