Cruchy_rollers answered question about make a picrew
Cruchy_rollers answered question about question
I’m sorry guys, a pathological liar and attention seeking whore has invaded mgg and has caused to much drama and trouble, you guys don’t deserve it
Cruchy_rollers answered question about make a picrew
I made Jayce and Viktor, but it took a lot of editing to make it look semi like them After: Before….
Cruchy_rollers answered question about question
I love anything pink, blond, or colorful
Cruchy_rollers asked question about question

What are your guys’s favorite hair color?

Cruchy_rollers shared experience about question
What’s your guys’s favorite hair color?
Cruchy_rollers shared experience about question
Ugh I’m so bored why is there nothing else like arcane T-T
Cruchy_rollers asked question about question

Can someone give me good reds for stories with relationships like Hannibal’s and Will’s?

Cruchy_rollers answered question about question
Cause he’s a pathetic looser who has nothing else to do but make other people unhappy lmao. He’s probably at home sitting in bed lying around while making all this bullshit up lol.
Cruchy_rollers answered question about question
If you don’t give a fuck about your life, why not just go and end it bitch. Just die. Fuck you.

im gonna take your social work and shove it down your throat you wannabe blue lock character

Cruchy_rollers answered question about read manga
it was so good but the ending fucking sucked. Idk maybe it suited it but I just found it to be ass.
Cruchy_rollers followed a goer

Mgg user since 2019

I can't be bothered to put an aesthetic bio

I'm not interested in dogfights the moment you start spewing insults or illogical bs I'm ghosting you

Mr. Crawling is my wife I love him

29 01,2025
Cruchy_rollers followed a goer

Uh yo what's up lost my Other bio and I'm to lazy to re-write it all over again so I'm just going to do a half ass one

Little Sibling of @theSuperbunny (aka a VERY annoying rat)
Kid of @no (bro still hasn't come back with the milk)

If you're on my page to follow me then uh pretty please tell me why when you follow me bc I want to know 

May or may not be on here a lot

And yes I know I use a lot of Emojis but trust me if mgg didn't keep deleting my bio bc There was too many emojis I would have used a lot more

29 01,2025
Cruchy_rollers like the answer
The crow A guys wife gets murdered, he also I think (havent watched this one), gets revenge John wick his dog gets murdered if I remember correctly, gets revenge Django unchained a former slave gets revenge for his lover is what I remember I cant promise you they'll be any good so dont blame me if they suck
Cruchy_rollers like the answer
I got u!!!!! These are all revenge movies (revenge for multiple reasons) I love, in horror and action genres. I can rec more if these aren’t ur thing, just lmk 1. Revenge (2017) directed by Coralie Fargeat (same director as The Substance) It’s extremely gory btw, so make sure u check content warnings etc. It’s technically French New Extremi......
Cruchy_rollers like the answer
Not exactly school bullying, but if you wanna see two lesbians fuck up the men that wronged them you should totally watch The Handmaiden
Cruchy_rollers like topic of Plaything

Finally new chapter! <3
See you in 2027, guys!

Cruchy_rollers answered question about question
Watch arcane, I no longer have to deal with the struggle of not having anything good to read with all these JayVik fics