Plot: This manga's story is based on a thriller by Keigo Higashino. The main protagonist, the shy Ju...
- Author: higashino keigo,Mase Motoro
- Genres: Action / Adult / Psychological / Seinen
By the author of Hatsukoi Zombie...
- Author: Minenami ryo
- Genres: Drama / Mystery / Psychological / Romance / Tragedy
- Author: sini, ,hyeono
- Genres: Psychological / Seinen / Slice Of Life / Supernatural / Tragedy
A woman plummets from the roof of a building. But who she is and whether she jumped, fell, or was pu...
- Author: nakamura asumiko
- Genres: Drama / Mature / Mystery / Psychological / Romance / Tragedy
Yozo Oba is a troubled soul incapable of revealing his true self to others. A weak constitution and ...
- Author: Dazai osamu,Furuya usamaru
- Genres: Historical / Psychological / Slice of life / Tragedy
A collection of horror/fantasy/supernatural-themed oneshots....
- Author: TAKAHASHI Yousuke
- Genres: Mystery / Seinen / Supernatural
from wiki:The series follow a young girl named Rakka, a newly arrived haibane (an angelic-looking be...
- Author: Abe Yoshitoshi
- Genres: Drama / Fantasy / Shoujo / Slice Of Life
Based on the Tokyo Grand Guignol play Litchi Hikari Club.Litchi Hikari Club revolves around a group ...
- Author: furuya usamaru
- Genres: Adult / Drama / Horror / Mature / Psychological / Shounen Ai
Plot: The story follows a girl in the "Threshold" (??, Hazama), a world between Heaven and Earth. "I...
- Author: suzuki sanami
- Genres: Action / Shounen
The manga based off the best-selling The Decagon House Murders novel by Yukito Ayatsuji! The members...
- Author: Ayatsuji yukito,Kiyohara hiro
- Genres: Japanese / Manga / Seinen / Drama / Horror / Mystery / Psychological / Tragedy Japanese Manga Drama Horror Mystery Psychological Tragedy
Zoas are monstrous beasts who disguise themselves and live amongst the humans. They were once feared...
- Author: Meiji merou
- Genres: Japanese / Manga / Seinen / Mature / Violence / Action / Adventure / Drama / Fantasy / Horror / Mystery / Psychological / Supernatural Japanese Manga Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Horror Mystery Psychological Supernatural
[S Division], a separate division created within the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department investigat...
- Author: Kazaana
- Genres: seinen / Action / Fantasy / Horror / Mystery / Psychological
The story takes place in the '60s, in a mysterious city where madness and lust seem to be the citize...
- Author: kaneko atsushi
- Genres: Seinen / Award Winning / Drama / Horror / Mystery / Psychological / Police / Supernatural
Up and coming mixed raced glamour model Alice accepts the job of a lifetime for a fashion shoot on a...
- Author: masaya hokazono
- Genres: Seinen / Action / Drama / Horror / Mystery / Psychological / Tragedy
A girl wakes up in an unknown world all alone. In this world she sees another girl who is her exact ...
- Author: Abe Yoshitoshi
- Genres: Drama / Fantasy / Horror / Psychological / Seinen
What happened to the city I was living in?<br>The atmosphere of an earth that has returned to ...
- Author: Gyusam Kim
- Genres: Action / Horror / Mature / Psychological / Sci-fi / Seinen
Hasumi Seiji, who teaches English at a high school, is affectionately known as "Hasumin" b...
- Author: Kishi Yuusuki,Karasuyama Eiji
- Genres: Horror / Psychological / Seinen
The story starts with unknown death cases in the parallel universe in Scandinavian countries focused...
- Author: ali toglukdemir
- Genres: Horror / Mature / Mystery / Psychological / Seinen / Supernatural / Tragedy